Prodigal No-Show

Today was supposed to be the triumphant return to the Q of DZ’s own prodigal site-Q Callahan. So much anticipation building to this historic occasion. Callahan’s last Q at DZ was January 6th, heck, may have even been his last post at this site. The calf is so fat now, YHC was planning to roll him to the site. Alas, it was not meant to be. While the prodigal son was still a long way off, he sent a GroupMe saying he would not be returning. [Read More]

1 Year of F3 Bliss

Rewind to 1 year back. YHC was a newish dad who had recently moved to Apex. Suddenly, my life looked very different than all that I had known. I found myself pouring so much into my family and our new home that I left little for my own personal growth and development. My physical fitness was suffering, my emotional health was suffering; and without a happy me, my family was suffering. [Read More]


14 Men showed up to celebrate my 51 st Bday. At 5:45 we did a slow jog to the bball courts to warm up. We opened with a moment of silence for Cheech and his family. Sorry Ma Bell I didn’t see that we were supposed to do that by the flag at 5:45. I also challenged the men to reach out to someone that we might owe an apology to and also to reach out to someone and say I love you. [Read More]


Monday night, the un-word “covfefe” was introduced to the world. “What does it mean?” asked the world. Spicey says he knows what it means. OK, Sean, whatever you say bruh. Well, 16 top gun flight commanders cracked the code here at Danger Zone. As 13 of us stretched and exchanged pleasantries, 0545 struck. 3 more PAX came tires a’squealin into the parking lot about that time. Sorry boys, we start on time here in CarPex. [Read More]

I heard you like burpees.

20 PAX gathered in the unGloom this fine morning. 19 stayed for the disclaimer. 18 stayed for COT. All got better. YHC had been traveling this past week, missing the PAX after a Monday post at A-Team, then a series of DIY adventures. Time to get back to business. Lucky me, I had time to scout and ponder with PBX before the workout today. Time under a log is always good for introspection. [Read More]

SNS -- The New Outdoor Gym

I arrive at SNS after not posting here for some time being a regular at Tortoises to a crowd of PAX either hanging out or running in from all directions. Seems SNS has turned into an outdoor gym environment where you can do running, beatdowns, several aerobic options. What is next, cycling and yoga classes? Anywho, 30 plus guys gathered, some ran away for Vesper, some stayed with me for the traditional beatdown. [Read More]

Full Court Press

30 Men took the hill this morning at SNT 11 of those men choose to Vesper. Two different groups one ran 4 and the other ran 5 today. The ones who went to shaking not stirred got some full court pressure in honor of march madness. High tempo GO workout. Warm up Run to the parking lot 15 x SSH 15 x Good morning 15 x frankensteins 15 x Merkins [Read More]

Insomnia, Vesper 4, and 5

Insomnia: Callahan, Flip Flop, Hermes, LargeMouth, Open Out, Shut In, YHC Vesper 4: Riptide Q +many (to be added) Vesper 5: CK, Hotspot, Michelob, PBX, YHC 7 for Insomnia! Callahan, Hermes, Open Out, Shut In, LargeMouth, Flip Flop, YHC. Large and Flip ran and chatted away while the rest of us brought up the 3 and the 6. Covered 4+ miles in 8:38 overall pace, nice work all. 5 (plus one) for Vesper 5 route today. [Read More]