Quando Quando Quando

Hermes 3rd f3aversary. Danger Zone. A perfect 43 degrees. Full moon. What’s not to love? 13 of the strongest ever to grace the Carpex gloom showed up to keep Danger Zone great. Former site Qs such as Burt, Largemouth, and Callahan were not among them. Warmup 1½ times around the original pickle and circle up for an arm circle variety pack - regular, overhead, out front. Mumblechatter may have been at an all-time high at this point. [Read More]

Hablo un poco de español

Buenos Dias, Hermanos. When it was announced that Liverpool and Water Wings would share their Chimbote, Peru (or is it Chipotle…) story with the Pax at a bread braking and the Q sheet was WIDE FREAKING OPEN for that day, YHC had to jump on it. Knowing we’d have a squad on hand, I was extra excited (hard to believe I know) for this one. With a resounding Yooooooooooooo at 0544, we got ready to roll out. [Read More]

The weirdest workout I have been to so far

"The weirdest workout I have been to so far" - Biner Today 15 HIM's took their DRP and posted at Gran Torino.  YHC showed up hearing grumbles about "will he even show" despite being 5 minutes early.  This is Carpex after all, we pre-funk every workout unless you are doing EC. Starting off the workout with 3 minutes to reinstate the mission, do the pledge of allegiance, and making sure disclaimers were said, it was obvious they PAX were doubting the beatdown would live up to the High Tempo workout they showed up for. [Read More]


The weather this morning reflected my mood to a T. It was rainy, dreary. A slight wind took whatever moisture was on our clothing and used it to sink its chill deep into our bones. A real jerk move, wind. The evening prior I had hoped that maybe the weather forecast was wrong. After all, the weather experts/enthusiasts only gave it a 60% chance of raining from 0630 to 0730. Alas, I resigned myself to the fact that we were going to get wet and cold. [Read More]


Eleven HIMs gathered in the fairly well lit, narrow parking lot of Annie Jones Park expecting a limited-run boot camp workout. This is, in fact, what was to be delivered to said PAX. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. In a well-disguised foreshadowing of things to come, a high knee/karaoke mosey to the lot next to the tennis courts for… Warm Up SSHs, Good Mornings, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks & Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]

Virgin No More

Woke up early for my VQ at 4. Anxious to get started I guess. Decided it was too early to get up, and slept until my alarm went off. What’s that I hear? Rain? Great, need to modify already. I planned on doing step ups on the bleachers but did not want to risk the safety of the PAX so had to come up with an alternate. More on that later. [Read More]

What Do You Get When You Cross A Frog With A Duck?

Kermit and YHC had been talking for a while about co-Q’ing Phoenix, and when the day finally arrived it was rainy and warm, perfect weather for a frog and a duck. The old duck took the first half, the young frog took the second. Warm-Up Start off with the Pledge at the Flag, then mosey down to the lower lot, with some butt kickers along the way, then circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, good mornings, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. [Read More]

FNGs Abound

The PAX recruiting game showed up strong on this A.M. as we had 3 FNGs make their way into the gloom. The Disclaimer was necessary. As I type this I am just now realizing I forgot to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a priority and so I recognize now the men and women who go and have gone into harms way to protect the liberties that we as a United States of America hold as unalienable. [Read More]

Well, That Sucked

Nicely put, Pickles. More on that in a minute. As for any Q YHC rolls in about 15 minutes before the start to walk the grounds. (This was not as necessary today as I had been there the afternoon before with my 2.0 and 2.1 to scout and confirm a few things. North Cary Park is truly the nicest park in Cary.) Shortly behind me the Site Q runs in carrying the shovel flag. [Read More]

Cold Open

On “The Slack” when I see Hotspot’s week of upcoming Q’s. Hmmm. No Q at DZ. That ain’t ‘bout to happen. Snatched that bad boy up and came up with the plan. Warm Up: Harder than normal this am since everyone was in their own world conversating. Could not get this bunch of 12 in gear at all. Saben even gave me the eye. Never have I felt so inadequate as a Q. [Read More]