Four Corners

Opening – We did a quick pledge of Allegiance then a run to the bottom parking lot behind Koko Booth Warm-up – After a run to the parking lot we Circled up for 5 good mornings, 20 Side Straddle Hops , 10 or less really bad Imperial Walkers, 20 merkins and finished up with 20 Mountain Climbers. The Thang – We moseyed to the parking lot at the Koko booth entrance for 4 corners. [Read More]

Breaks at the ½ mile. We need to hit 4!

Opening a quick Pledge of Allegiance and then off for a ½ mile run **Warm-up **Circled up at Dude Solutions and did 20 Side Straddle hops, 20 Hill Billies 5 Good mornings. The Thang We ran another ½ mile then did 25 American Hammers, proceeded to run another ½ mile and did some Low slow Flutters. Another ½ mile and ended up at SWW. We circled ups and did a few exercises and then headed the long way back to koko booth to hit 4 miles. [Read More]

Mystery of the F3 Prius (QIC: Oofta)

QIC: Oofta On his way to BiB this morning, Pierogi began following a silver Prius with an F3 sticker on its back bumper. Piergo assumed he’d follow this Pax right into our parking lot. Not so! The Prius took the turn immediately before ours and headed into a separate Koka Booth parking lot. 3 for EC (Hermes, Oofta, Francois). Great crew of 15 for the ME. Mosey to the rock pile. [Read More]

Bean Bag Toss & a Little Bit of Everything

Some workouts seem to focus on one particular thing: today is leg day or arms or abs, etc. I like to do a little bit of everything with a Q, and that’s how this morning went at Point Break. Warm-up: started with the mission of F3 and the pledge, then moseyed across the street to a long parking lot. Stopped for several rounds of some quick feet and curb merkins. Moseyed again down to the back parking lot and painted the lines until the end of the lot where we stopped for SSH, GM’s, and Hill Billy’s. [Read More]

Dodgerless Point Break Vanilla Beatdown

16 Pax showed up on a unseasonably warm October morning including about 5 of the standard EC runners. Started with the pledge and circled up. Was prepared to start off with 15 burpees if there were any Dodger fans in the house but no one took the bait. Did the usual Warmarama instead with SSH, Good Mornings, Tappy Toes, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Runners Stretch and Squat Holds. Mosey to the Main Pavilion doing butt kickers, high knees and Karaoke on the way [Read More]

2 BLIMPS are Better than 1

The day was Oct. 8, 2020, a day when the weather probably should have been a lot colder than it was. I have to keep reminding myself though that we live in NC, and thats just normal. But it was great workout weather, so nobody was complaining. It was also the day that 9 pax gathered at Koka Booth for the earliest boot camp in Carpex! YHC was the first one there, which I’m not really use to, and as the time drew closer my brain was starting to wonder if they moved the spot to another parking area or something. [Read More]

Orpheus in the Underworld

Build-a-Bear relinquished his Q yesterday. I assume he built a submarine, so that he could run up and down the continental shelf. YHC was glad to step in. 2 for EC (Oofta and Staubach) and 2 for 10-Mile ECME (Lookout and Chops). Mosey the long way to Lowes Foods parking lot. Warm-Up. Lots of stretching, inspired by (our boy) Bluewater last week. Thing 1: Santa’s Ladder From the Exicon: “Pick a spot in the distance. [Read More]

Swinging Pipes

Beautiful crisp morning. YHC always trying to mix it up a bit and try new things and working to incorporate more stretching and mobility to keep me of the IR . Most of the Warmama was using PVC Pipes to get upper body loose for the Merkins and Pull Ups that awaited the PAX. Some liked it, some looked confused. Warmarama (5) Side Straddle Hop 12 Hillbillies (Hip Opener) 12 [Read More]

Gut Check

“Can’t ask of others what you aren’t willing to do yourself.” Someone, somewhere Warmup: Good Mornings Windmills Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Mountain Climbers The Thang: 4 - Corners and a Center Escalator Work out. Corner #1 - M’uricans Corner #2 - Frog Ups Corner #3 - Squat Corner #4 - Star Jump Center - With Cinder block do an 8-Count Rock ya body or a Burpee Starting with 1 rep and adding 1 rep per rotation up to 10 reps. [Read More]

1,085 reps if you were keeping track (a couple of you were not)

Big props to Build-A-Bear, Banjo, Headroom, Lookout & Chops for their 0345 launch of a 10 mile EC run. A few normal HIM did a regular 3 mile EC run at 0500 0530 - 4 runners - 24 bootcampers - 1 rucker & a dog **Warm-Up **Mosey for some Good Morning, Windmill, Mnt. Climber, Steve Earle **Thang 1 **Doracides- Partner Up for 100 CDD; 200 Squats; 300 LBCs; 400 SSH [Read More]