Teaching Ponies Some New Tricks

Preamble Good thing Kittibonz posted the Q sheet on Slack Sunday or I might have forgotten I had the Kryptonite Q. Once reminded, I was all in pre-blasting my intention of throwing some blue collar beatdown on these one-trick ponies that gallop around the AO. Not to worry; I know these thoroughbreds gotta eat. That said, methinks they were all a’skeered they weren’t going to get their miles in - which is why the parking lot was unusually full of cars and devoid of PAX when the West Cary clown car arrived. [Read More]


We were all headed out for milk and bread to get us through the Blizzard of 2020, but 14 detoured to Back in Black, hopefully the Ms and 2.0s understand. No FNGs present, the pledge was said, with meaning, and we mosey’d to a parking lot for warmups… Warmups: SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks and Good Morning Partner Catch Me if You Can…5 burpees by partner 1 as partner 2 headed out towards Tryon Road…I hope the PAX each had the pleasure of at least three sets of burpees. [Read More]

A is for Anniversary

So the goal this week was to do 6 Qs in 6 days to mark my one year anniversary with F3, which will officially be this Saturday 2/22 (and no, I am not running the Mayhem, not running a Maynard, and not rucking one either). And while my work plans are taking me down to Wilmington later this week, I still had the honor of leading a fine group of men this morning for a ruck-inspired boot camp. [Read More]

Living 3rd

There was a PAX named Box who was also present. This was my third Q and no where near the anxiety. So much more fun. So… With No FNGs present, our great flag flapped to our Pledge and off we went in a slow jog. Mumble chatter was immediate, as expected and got me to thinking about Burp & Merks. Unexpectedly for all we stopped for a few on our way to warmup. [Read More]


Overnight storms left the Ritter Park area wet and slippery, let’s see if we can make it through the beatdown with no injuries. Warm-Up Mosey across Kildaire Farm Road to the Retail Section and circle up for Good Mornings, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, copperhead squats, copperhead merkins and three slippery mountain climbers. The Thang Mosey down to the greenway, through the tunnel and up to the top of the ramp. The lucky number of nails in a horseshoe is seven, so we’ll make seven horseshoes. [Read More]

Who cares about the workout - Celine tix avail!

Spectacular weather, good crowd, Hermes gives F3 mission, we are off. Mosey to somewhere for basic warm up with SSH, GM, MC, Merkins and Plankjacks Head to parking lot behind doctors to test drive the Point Break rockpile Series of long-distance rock suicides involving 10 each of Curls Triceps Squats Flutter kicks while we wait for the 6 Move to covered parking area for Traveling Rock Jack Webb style exercises [Read More]

Smoking rocks

Is there a better Tuesday morning activity? I think not. Wake up, stretch, say good morning to your homies, and get that party started. Yeah baby. Let’s get snakebit. If you haven’t been to FWD lately, my oh my how things of changed. They’re even slanging dranks out there. Burt with that Bud Light Seltzer even. YHC had no idea. It’s the perfect place to play through to, if you catch my drift. [Read More]

A great start

I’ll be the first to admit that I did loose some sleep night before, I did end up rewriting my workout ideas multiple times, I did have some anxiety. And once we got rolling that morning I did suffer a bit from my winke. Mumble chatter was prominent, for certain. But I was warned. Despite all that after all was said and done it sure did feel good. What a great start. [Read More]

50% Respects; 100% HIM

0445 YHC, GTL, and Chipper for a 3.2 EC run 0515 No FNGs, No Disclaimer, No pledge. Mosey across the street to the parking lot. Circle up **Warm Up **Good Mornings, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earle Two groups of 5 for an Indian Run up Regency to yet another parking lot. Stop at the entrance for some Go Gos into the complex. Mosey to the far end of the parking lot [Read More]

Capture the Duck (not of the Disco variety)

This was my third Q in the seven months posting with F3…my goal is to accelerate that number this year (see what I did there?). I have experienced a clear, positive change in my life since I began coming out and I am grateful. Grateful to Denali and Captain Jack for encouraging me to jump in and welcoming me and to the rest of the PAX, even those I don’t know well, for setting an example. [Read More]