Hermes is a beast

And today he was a beast at complaining. It was like I was at BO with Callahan all over again. But I’m getting ahead of myself. YHC slept like crap last night. Tossed and turned dreaming about Uwharrie. You see, B-a-B and crew have a 20 mile trail run planned for Sunday morning that the heart is saying “yes yes yes” to while the mind is saying “you’re an idiot”. 3:24 AM rolled around and I woke with a start thinking it was time to get to SWW for the EC wit nothing but 3,124’ of elevation on my mind. [Read More]

Callahan = nudnik

3 for EC: Chipper, Flip Flop, Francois. 1 ran to BO from his house ~3.4 miles: Pierogi Humidity at time of Bootcamp: 91% Dew Point at time of Bootcamp: 74 Tank Tops at time of Bootcamp: 41.6% (weak) At 5:45 sharp YHC orated a perfect F3 and COVID disclaimer…..only to be badgered by Callahan that it was taking too long. Callahan (and it was obvious he woke up on the wrong side of the bed) said “I am ready to workout”! [Read More]

Add title

I couldn’t think of a title so I just kept what was already there. A few of us got after it a bit early for a little EC, and I saw a few guys getting a bit more after the workout. Here’s what happened in between. 0545, No FNGs so off we go for a quick parking lot tour before circling up for some Good Mornings, Windmills and Steve Earles. [Read More]

Switch Back Training

Thanks to Wrench for the attempt at a video of who was in attendance. Amazingly, I was able to pretty quickly remember 13 of 14 PAX. The one that took me the longest to remember was…YHC. The Carpex Challenge quest continues this morning at Bradford’s Ordinary. I had posted here an entire 2 times previously, but I knew there was a giant parking deck, and what else do you really need than a water fountain, which we have that too! [Read More]


Date: 7/21/20 PAX: Chipper, EarharT, Frisco, Kwik Stop, Pickles, Press On, Tang, WWW As I was trying to decide what workout routine to create, I went to my favorite place to research … the good old exicon. I wanted exercises to push the limits for a solid WOD. As 0545 hit, I was anxious to get rolling. F3 mission, core principles, and credo recited and our Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory it was time to get down to business. [Read More]

Under the Bridge

Good turnout for the EC run on a Soupy Friday Morning with 8 Pax and 17 for the ME . Started with the Pledge and the Warmarama Good mornings (Chipper thought I was rushing it a bit. Not like I done hear this enough at home) Side Straddle Hop Hillbillies with Hip opener Fazio Arm Circles Squat hold and push out Knees Runners Stretch Hips – Scissors/Front/Back/Full/Circles 5 burpees on my down Mosey to Bridge on Kildaire [Read More]

BO Birthday Q - Downtown Tour

Warm up at the bank: 10 side straddle hops 10 daisy pickers 10 good mornings 6 merkins 10 count right/left Calf stretch 10 mountain climbers 6 merkins Thang 1: Mosey down Academy stopping at each intersection. 10 sumo squats 10 lung squats 10 jump squats 6 monkey humpers (towards the Maserati parked on the street) 10 wide arm merkins 10 derkins 10 irkins 6 diamond merkins Thang 2: Mosey to Garage [Read More]

The Notorious K.I.M

YHC rolled up to Carpex’s AO known as Point Break, with 2 minutes to spare, to see 20 men raring to go. There were about 4-5 dudes in full sweat from the pre-run. Also, thrilled to see CarpEXers Khakis and Peeping Tom. Then I couldn’t believe my eyes………standing there like fishes-out-of-water…….3 Raleigh punks……and 1 SouthWake punk S’Midget For Life. I friggin’ hate those guys!!!—sorta. After botching yet another disclaimer, we were off for a short jog to the backside of Cinebistro for some warm-ups of: Invisible Jump Rope, Sir Fazios –> GM –> Phleps, Merkins –> MC, AirForceOnes, and Saturday Nite Stretch. [Read More]


Nine PAX made it out to Kryptonite for a Monday morning Q to start the week off right. I decided to join Kryptonite Sunday evening and saw the Q spot was open. A quick message to Bagels confirmed and I decided to put a workout together. I have a love/hate relationship with F3 high-intensity workouts and thought doing the Q may help make amends. At 530 AM, we kicked it off on-time with the Pledge, and off we went. [Read More]

No... I said fist sized

Apologies dear Reader – it’s a short one today. It’s late and YHC is making a trek to the Land of Oz tomorrow, where everything is wonderful, taxes are high, grades are always B+ and Duke really is the devil. Churham here we go! But let’s stick with Flirtin’ for a minute. The pre-run here is no joke. About ten showed up and at 0500 we were off. And I mean like a flash. [Read More]