12 Days - Tour Style

Small crowd post Christmas gathered in the launch area, one FNG, disclaimer given and we are off for a mozy through Bond Park, stopping occasionally to celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas as a group. Warmup 15 SSH (whoops) 12 Hillbillies 12 Good Mornings 12 Merkins 12 Mountain Climbers Thang 1st Day – Mozy 2nd Day – Burpees 3rd Day – WW2 4th Day – Diamond Merkins 5th Day – LR Lunges [Read More]

24 - 16 (now)

32 including 1 FNG (Liverpool’s brother) PREBLAST: Kentucky vs UNC this evening at 5:15 pm on CBS, Kentucky and UNC have met 39 times since 1924. UNC leads the series 24 wins to Kentucky’s 15 The series between two of the most victorious college basketball programs of all-time, Kentucky (1st) and North Carolina (3rd), as of the writing of this preblast. WARMUP: SSH x 24 Kentuckys (similar to Imperial Walkers) x 15 [Read More]

A Murph Each Week Keeps You At Your Peak


  • 21 HIM joined YHC for a Murph at Wolverine.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run like 10 yards, circle up for: GM, Windmills, SSH.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph.
  • Run back to the flag.
  • Stretch.


  • Welcome FNG, Krusty!

1stF #7 of 7 BD & F3’versary Q-week: What a Rucking great time with a lot of moisture.

Believe it or not, rucking was not one of those workouts I had in mind when I was developing the personal challenge and I’m so glad I used it as the pinnacle of the beatdowns. Don’t get me wrong, the other beatdowns is as it sounds, beatdowns! They were all a lot of fun to Q. What spurred the need to add rucking to the list of Q’s and to make it the pinnacle of my BD F3’versary Q week stemmed from the Rucking/F3/FIA Triple Down Convergence. [Read More]

Kittens in their mittens

Great title, stole it from Duck’s Slack post. 31 on the Steve, raining and a bunch of junk on the ground after some early December snow. Purrfect. Warm-up: After a quick huddle up to set expectations, we’re off. Mosey into the park, ensure footing is secure, run up the street. Circle up for stuff. The Thang: Get a partner for partner 11’s on the hill. Basically just 11’s but handing with another dude. [Read More]

Shortest backblast Top 10

The numbers were low, yet very vocal during this relatively mild morning. We did log around 4.2 miles total! (#neckstrain) Also, I have no idea how to change a date on wordpress, so for the record, this back blast is from December 1st. Thang: Hill 7’s by kiosk (Burpees and CDD) Flood wall by pond partner 1 rock the body, partner two run the levee loop (3 rounds) Finish with a run around the pond for the whole pax, stopping periodically to do Imperial walkers and catch the six. [Read More]

A Deflating BLIMPS...lands in a pile of rocks

AO: Phoenix Yesterday morning YHC, back from three weeks of travel and sacking, Q’d Slippery When Wet and tried a new way to inflate a BLIMPS. Save for a few miscounts, it mostly worked. This morning, as promised, we deflated the thing, ran around a bit, and played with rocks. Saber showed up late, but got a pass (saving the PAX from certain penalty Burpees) owing to his impressive six-pack this week (RESPECT! [Read More]

Up the Ladder, Down the Ladder

The temp was 29 The pax was 10 The Site Qs was 0 YHC knew the Site Qs were away so he had a little fun with them in their absense. Just a little… #PUT6P Then we got down to business! 0545 (loved sleeping in) disclaimer and off to the bank for warm up. You know what it was. Thang 1: Bank Laps 20 Single Leg Step Ups / 20 more other leg [Read More]

You Better Hurry Up

You Better Hurry Up….. Many years ago, my grandpa used to say, “You better hurry up”. I never fully understood that phrase until I got older. Now that I’m a respect, I fully understand what Paw Paw was saying. When I look at my kids, my wife, my career, I realize that time is very precious, now more than ever. And if I needed any additional reminders, when speaking with @Frisco on the way back from JoCo, I told him about my bucket list. [Read More]

Zero Burpees

Pre-Blast 10 HIM joined YHC for 2.5ish miles at FWD to do some work. YHC refused to call anything even closely resembling a burpee. YHC succeeded. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run up Cary Parkway to 64, cross the street, and run down to the medical plaza for some work. Before circling up, perform 40 Quick Feet, Paint the Lines, and 100 Curb Dips. Circle up for: GM, Windmills, Cotton Pickers … and SirFazios until YM gets tired. [Read More]