Harrrrrrd Worrrrrk!

Pre-Blast 28 land lubberrrrs took FOD by storm. A fair amount of chatter to begin. The chatter turned sour quickly. 27 fist bumps at the end. 0 puffy shirts. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run up the hill to the top lot into extended Paint the Lines Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, SFAC/OHC, Walk-the-Plank Series (with NO RECOVERY BETWEEN): 20 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 20 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 20 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 15 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 15 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 15 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 10 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 10 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 10 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 5 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 5 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 5 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches. [Read More]


Saturday. July 28, 2018 76 degrees, overcast, thunder, lightening 7 Pax gathered in the parking lot at OIB Pier. 3 from CarPex (Burt, CD, Kitty), 1 from the Dash (W-S) (Palin), 1 FNG from Durham (Palin’s FIL; now Mr. White), 1 From PA (Mr Dice Kitty’s Dad….AKA Red Baron) and 1 from Raleigh (Salt Life). Lightening. We passed on the Beach and headed to the carport area under the cool Drift coffee shop. [Read More]

I Was Going To Do That Anyway...

Pre-Blast 34 HIM rocked SNS and Vespers this fine AM. Honored to lead, fellas. Thank you for journeying with YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Disclaimer Mixed Run to the Community Center Paint the Lines (except Kitty) Circle up for: Good Morning, 10 Burbees OYO (because no one was counting), Windmills, SFAC fwd, OH Clap, SFAC bkw, Moroccan Night Clubs, Merkin Series (on my up and down, 1 leg up, etc. [Read More]

Thank you for your high-tempo leadership or Not

Date: July 23, 2018 Weather: 71 degrees, humid, rain over night, heat lightening, dry (just like the bite). Yesterday morning I noticed that the Q for K-Nite was open. Saw this as an opportunity to lead and more importantly to write the three Back Blasts I owed the men before I Q’ed again. Wrapped them up yesterday and planned yet another vanilla workout. 16 Pax answered the bell for another in a long line of vanilla clusters. [Read More]

Bugs and BETA

The Maynard: Ollie, Hermes, Joe Smith, Banjo, Wonderbread, Sky Blue, Denali, Large Mouth, Chanticleer Insomnia: Shut-In, Bogo, Term Paper, Callahan, Old Maid, Water Wings, Flacco, Hello Kitty Rolling Stone: Repeato, Bartman Vesper: Butterscotch, Old Maid, Hello Kitty, Flip Flop, WKRP, Pet Sounds, Badlands Shakin Not Stirred: Shut-In, Khakis, Kilmer, Chop Block, Flacco, Cheddar Bo, Nature Boy, Snots, Turncoat (Churham), Parker, Term Paper, Open Out, Sabre, House, Chinese Downhill, Coney, Water Wings, Grease Monkey, Burt [Read More]

The Spirit of '76

It has been said that the Spirit of ‘76 is a patriotic sentiment referring to the attitude of self-determination and individual liberty made manifest in the Declaration of Independence. That spirit was well-exemplified at Phoenix today as we started looking forward to the 4th of July week with a them of ‘76. WARM-UP The Pledge and 76 SSH, single count, some good mornings, and then we moseyed over to the Phoenix stadium in the grass. [Read More]

37 is the new 47

It was a hot June night in the year of our Lord 1981. Judy and Ralph (his friends call him Dice) Jodice welcomed their first born son (of 3) into this world. The heavens shook and the Devil pooped his pants, for life as we knew it would never be the same again. 37 years later and YHC drives a small(ish) SUV, has 2 kids, a wife, an IRA and a 529 account for his children. [Read More]

More than just a workout (Carpex Convergence)

Truth be told, YHC is feeling some pressure on this BB. But, in the words of a sage Carpex veteran: “Keep it vanilla and Q to the site.” - Carman Liuzzo, 57, Burt Wednesday, June 20th, will go down as an EPIC day in Carpex history. The menu looked like this: 0430 - 0500 HIMs launching for the 10.7 mile Maynard loop (14 by YHC’s count) 0505 HIMs launching for Insomnia, YHC on the route Q 0545 HIMs gather for SNS + Tortoises + Vesper convergence at Bond Park 0630 COT with 77 strong, followed by 2nd/3rd F fellowship and Chinese Downhill sharing this powerful and emotional story. [Read More]

Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

12 HIMs met in the not-so-gloomy, yet balmy 80 degree / 85%RH morning. Aiming to be a responsible Q, I let the Pax know I was carrying my phone in the event of any emergencies. Never one to be shy, McCants jumped at the opportunity to ensure is presence was welcome and enjoyed by the Q! This heat and humidity can easily cause mild heat exhaustion or worse. Stay Hydrated, folks! [Read More]


It was November 2014 when YHC and Michelob first posted to Ateam. At our one year F3aversary in November 2015, then Site Q’s Denali and Grease Monkey handed off the shovel flag to us to man for the next 2.5 years. We supposed it was time to share the honor with some HIM who hadn’t had the opportunity to do so yet. McCants already had the Q for today, so YHC requested it from him under the guise of “I’m leaving town and wanted to Q before I leave” – He bought it :-) [Read More]