Core Principal #1....We Need More Core!

YHC’s goal for the SNS beatdown….don’t stop moving, and engage the core! My challenge to the PAX and future Q’s is to engage the core, and step up the numbers….it doesn’t have to wait for Mary! Though a fine 6-pack…this is NOT what we are talking about! Warm up Quick jog to the community center parking lot, backwards run in a circle to capture the 6 SSH Merkins Calf Stretches w/wide-grip merkins enough…. [Read More]

No Merkins Today, Boys!

After yesterday’s chest and shoulder Kitty Kluster at Sippery When Wet, YHC decided it to be leg and abs morning. With the Brave and Mighty Oliie posting for a solo 5-mile EC, the remaining 23 less motivated PAX assembled for the pledge and headed out on a mosey across High House for a warm up. Let it be noted that Pet Sounds posted, fresh from RDU and red-eye from Cali! [Read More]

Wild Card

It was a special morning at Danger Zone for YHC, with my long-time good buddy Hacksaw coming over from Raleigh to co-Q. Warm-Up Start with a lap around the pickle (including the stem at the entrance) then circle up on the basketball court for good mornings, windmills and imperial walkers. With the PAX properly warmed up Hacksaw tells them he knew YHC before I was known as Disco Duck, he knew me when it was Wild Bill Deese. [Read More]

It's Gonna Be May

Mall Walkers: Chinese Downhill, CK - These guys walked and talked. Mall Walkers with Backpacks: Hotcakes, Skipper, Carvana - These guys walked and talked with heavy stuff. Joggers: Hermes, Bogo, Denali, Largemouth, Old Maid, Hasslehoff, Hotspot, One Four, Coney, Chanticleer, Grease Monkey, Michelob, Bart, Half Baked - These guys jogged around and talked and listened to music. Baddass Bootcampers: Banjo, Build-a-Bear, Flacco, Franklin, Hi-Liter, Pivot, Saban, Sabre, Shut-In, Snots, Swag, Term Paper, Torpedo [Read More]

In a Spring Daze

What is the meaning of all of this traffic coming into Bond Park at 0615? I would love to say the 50 cars YHC observed roll in in about about a 10 minute span where pax upon pax coming to receive the highly anticipated beat-down that was near to launch hosted by yours truly. But alas they were not. While the pax turnout of 25 was nothing to sneeze at, this was not going to be a typical quiet morning with the 310 acres of Bond Park to ourselves. [Read More]

Pet Rock

8 HIM gather in the gloom for another Claymore, limited run, beatdown care of Earhart. Welcome to FNG Caddyshack, who received the disclaimer (mostly) and then we performed the Pledge. After a quick lap around the upper parking lot pickle, we circle-up for Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio Imperial Walkers Cotton Pickers The Thang Done with warm-ups, we head over to the park’s lovely rock and flower garden to pick out a traveling rock. [Read More]

B-day Q-Week Begins!

As I reflect on the year that has been and prepare to celebrate the completion of my 58th trip around the sun, I busted out the music from the decade of my birth and started the beat downs. Warm-ups The mission, disclaimer, and pledge were recited. There were no FNGs. We ran from the flag to the top right parking lot listening to Aretha sing “Respect” where we circled up. Warm-ups consisted of Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazzio Arm Circles, Merkins, and Plank Calf Stretch. [Read More]

Making Good Friday Even Better: Stations of the Cross

QIC: Crimson, Wonderbread, Flacco 42 HIM gathered in the gloom to commemorate the the final days of the greatest HIM of all time. Stations of the Cross is a Catholic tradition that marks each of 14 notable events the Christ endured on his final day on this Earth. From his condemnation by Pilate and the Sanhedrin to his final (well…not-so-final) resting place in the tomb. Below is the full text that was read and the accompanying exercises for the workout. [Read More]

Shakin' & Stirrin'

Warm & beautiful morning in Cary’s Bond Park for Shaken not Stirred – great group of hard workin’ men too! It was my pleasure to lead such a group & I thoroughly enjoyed it! No FNGs, only familiar faces. Started with the pledge & moved out to a close-by parking lot. The group was informed that this is F3 – modify as necessary! We rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, good mornings, windmills, cotton pickers, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, etc. [Read More]