Autumn Arrives

YHC was excited for my first Q at Flirtin’ With Disaster and arrived early to scope things out. Some plans had to change when I realized how incredibly dark the park is. And after what seemed like two weeks of sauna like weather it finally starsted to feel like October. I may have been the only one out there who prefers the sauna like conditions. Warm-up - Mosey over to the park parking lot and take an extra lap just to get the blood flowing, followed by side straddle hops, imperial walkers, merkins and plank jacks. [Read More]

Accidental 4.4

12 PAX this morning for YHCs first Kryptonite Q. Excited for my drive chance to take the wheel of this one, we nearly ran the tires off. No FNGs, 5:30- Let’s go. Warm-up: Jog to the lakeside tent for 20 SSH, 10 GMs, 20 PJs, 10 IWs, 20 Mtn Climbers, 20 Merkins. The Thang: Split into teams of 4. Indian run to the other side of the lake, shorter - lit way. [Read More]


Friday mornings are made for Danger Zone, the original Cary AO. 73 degrees, humid, slightly overcast. Nice crowd this morning which formed while I placed the cones on the soccer field. 24 dudes, inlcuding one FNG (more on that later), PigPen and his 2.0…7 year old Boom from Raleigh and Big Bird, Viking and Puck also from Raleigh. One current site Q and two old site Q’s on hand. Caught up PigPen and Boom at the Forge this week when I hung with Chinese Downhill, Half, BigBird, Viking and Puck…promoted CarPex (however not like Hello Kitty and Shut In) and they made the trip to DZ. [Read More]

Continued Odyessy Recovery

14 PAX gathered in the swampy pit of Marla Dorrel Park this July October morning. With the temp at 75 and the humidity at 132%, everyone worked up a good sweat walking from their cars to the shovel flag. Most were relatively early this morning, YHC assumed that spirits were high with anticipation. 5:45, time to crush the spirits. Warm-up: Jog around the parking lot, weaving the Target balls and then across the street to the shopping center parking lot. [Read More]


14 Pax shook off The Odyssey hangover and took to a high tempo beatdown by YHC. (Here’s our Strava from Michelob) Some chatter on Twitter last night meant when YHC saw a white honda stroll in to the parking lot right after 0545, he wasn’t waiting… (Un)fortunately we have some HIMs in our region that waited on FF and brought him to our warmup spot. It was definitely the first time I’ve had to call an exercise while we wait on the 6 to get to the warm up circle haha! [Read More]

Don't Sandbag Me Bro

Welcome to Day 2 of the Back-to-Back Beaker Beatdown (B4 [TM]). I want to let you in on a little secret. I typically sign up to Q with an idea already in mind. Like, “Wouldn’t it be fun to carry five gallons of water around and then hop on a sled pulled by my fellow PAX?” But, when I was perusing the F3Carpex website looking at Q sheets last Friday, I noticed a glaring hole at SNS this coming week, so I jumped on it. [Read More]

Got to keep things moving...

My wife was out late last night so I ended up staying up late too which made me a little nervous about the early morning Q. We had a good crowd when I got there and per usual Flouride showed up right on time with Midler right behind him. Then we were off. Warm Up Jog to the lake up to the amphitheater - SSH, GM, and WMH. Got a little mumble chatter so we headed around the lake. [Read More]

Happy Birthday to Me!

What a fantastic, cool, lovey morning. And dark. Good heavens Marla Dorrel Park is dark at 5:45 in the morning. As it is so dark, 5:45 finds Chanticleer rolling in and undressing as we roll out of the park and up into the parking lot in front of Lowes Foods. Also known as “The New Order Cross Fit’s Front Yard”. Punks! I had a birthday Sunday and I am now 51. [Read More]

Just Another #BurpeeFriday

Short on time, my apologies, but I want to give credit to those 19 Pax that attended! Warmup: SSH, GM, Sir Fazios, 10 Burpees IC Partner up and together knockout light pole burpees 1 through 5, WWIIs, Plank for instructions. Thang - P1 bear crawl up the business park road hill, P2 10 burpees and tag P1 and both run up the hill. P1 10 burpees, P2 hand release merkins. [Read More]

Big Lots

Mozy to large lot Warm Up SSH x 15 IW x 13 GM x 10 Plankjacks x 15 The Thang Parking lot divided into 3 main sections and for each section, we went up and back around each island, doing exercise at each corner, starting with 2 and increasing by 2 each turn. Run the length of the sections, travel in another manner for each width. See below for approximate map. [Read More]