Bear with me...

33 degrees, gloom, and a light mist greeted the men at Gran Torino today, and didn’t that was the weather that got FNG Back Porch out to his first post…at a High Tempo bootcamp. After a short mosey, we got loose with a pretty standard workflow of side-straddle hops, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, hillbillies, and treadwindmills. Down the stretch we formed up into two lines for a bear run: back runner overtakes the leader, and after each cycle of runners drop to 10 bear crawls in cadence, twice around the double field. [Read More]

Agility City (and Nose Breathing)

Seriously, Gran Torino has gone to pot. Remember when some of the PAX joked on Slack that DangerZone needed an overhaul. “Make DZ Great Again”, the PAX said. But it was a joke. Gran Turdino is in a downward spiral. For real. It’s out of whack and in need of repair. In short, they needed me to Make GT Great Again, and that’s exactly what I did. Honestly, I didn’t realize how whack Gran Turdino had become. [Read More]

1,085 reps if you were keeping track (a couple of you were not)

Big props to Build-A-Bear, Banjo, Headroom, Lookout & Chops for their 0345 launch of a 10 mile EC run. A few normal HIM did a regular 3 mile EC run at 0500 0530 - 4 runners - 24 bootcampers - 1 rucker & a dog **Warm-Up **Mosey for some Good Morning, Windmill, Mnt. Climber, Steve Earle **Thang 1 **Doracides- Partner Up for 100 CDD; 200 Squats; 300 LBCs; 400 SSH [Read More]

Chillin' and cuttin'

The weather has shifted and the PAX are taking notice. There were some long sleeves, some who were envious of long sleeves and others who don’t know where their long sleeves are. A healthy EC crew returned just a few minutes before ME go time…Largemouth came in sprinting, which either means he was setting a new land speed record or was sending a message to the Q that whatever he had planned wasn’t going to be adequate. [Read More]

Runner's Arms Fixed Here

Sick and tired of being made fun of by Flip Flop, a few runners took a break from The Maynard to work on some other muscles. However, runner or not, today’s workout pushed everyone a little out of their comfort zone **Warm-Up **Circle up for some Good Mornings, Windmills, Steve Earles, Arm Circles **Thang One **With everyone standing in a circle I called out exercises to be completed for 1 minute OYO (w/30-second recovery), except for those standing in front of the fun toys I brought. [Read More]

Hemlock Bluffs Blair Witch

Several for extra credit, and 20 were there for the main event. No respects. We ran down the trail past the SWW turn and then crossed the creek into the woods and onto the Hemlock Bluffs trail. We ran all the trails in Hemlock Bluffs (well, almost all). Then we ran home. We did some push ups and squats and things along the way while waiting for the 6 to catch up. [Read More]

"Breathe" is yoga speak for DBB

4 Beige Bros for an EC run 0530 Welcome our FNG and off we go for a 3.25 mile run 0600 Yoga **COT **Odyssey is on for this year. More details to come Prayers for Parker & his family with the loss of their dog, Chewey’s recovery from back surgery and all the kids/teacher/parents starting school today Easiest BB I ever wrote. Forgot to read my quote this morning, but here’s one from Confucious [Read More]

A Well Balanced Beatdown

The Green Mile is a great location to meet up in the gloom and workout. Though, with it being one of the longest, I felt it could be one of the more challenging bootcamps to lead, especially when the factor of heat is brought into the equation. So YHC considered it a great honor to come out and Q it, and one that I took very seriously. The weather started out very nice, and stayed nice really through the entire time! [Read More]

Blood Doping (legally)

Ahh, Thursday nights since this COVID-19 started. Normally a night reserved for playing poker at my friend’s house, but we’ve been doing it differently. Now we all stay home and play against each other on an online platform, plus with use a separate laptop to Zoom in so we can physically see each other and talk trash. Playing in this fashion is fun, and can have both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that we can all slug down tons of beers all night since we don’t have to drive. [Read More]

Secrets of the Beige Bros

Four dudes were “In”. Three dudes were not. Much like the Masons have their secret handshakes, the OA has it’s Ordeal and fraternities do bizarre things to biscuits, so to does the elite running club of CARPEx have a code. And much like the other ‘secrets’ above, theirs too is out in the open for everyone to see. But so subtle that most miss it. But it’s there, quietly reinforcing the fact that you, oh slow one, are just not fast enough. [Read More]