Five Guys Did Things

Five men gathered in the dark cold morning of North Cary’s finest AO to do things.  If you really want to know what we did, then you could’ve joined us.  Let’s just say it was spectacular.  Moreso was closing down the Q with hearing from each what each man was thankful for.  Couldn’t have started the day off better.

YHC out.

I don't think Interstellar is a 311 song...

The title will make sense, eventually… There was chatter of a TTTuesday, so YHC broke out his middle school basketball jersey. Hmmmmm, fits well. Me thinks we wore them baggie… or was I beefy… either way. 18 wide-eyed pax showed up for a rain beatdown w/ 3 FNG’s taboot. After a quick disclaimer, we’re off. Warm up: Mosey to the upper lot Good mornings SSH Ma Bell Merkins (Ma Bell not present) Sir Fazio fronty and backy Merkins again, why the heck not Hold it… Mountain Climbers I’m stealing this from Texas Ranger, to the parking spaces for a rolling 4-pack (as called by the PAX) of Curb Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, and Quick Feet (x10 each) Thang 1: [Read More]

School makeup day - CARPEx Dad style

After barely one day of schooling since sometime in the fall, the 2.0s came out in force this morning for a makeup day care of Dr. Pierogi. And, as any good substitute teacher, I had a vague idea of a lesson plan in mind. Yup, that’s right. This was going to be another classic Pierogi Q… except this time I had grand hopes of keeping the troops motivated with the promise of snacks and Gatorade! [Read More]

No snow, no truck

27 men didn’t care what the weather man said. Snow? Blinding, blizzard like Cary-closing snow? No HIM cares about that. No such weather can slow an F3 man down. Now, having your Optimus Prime truck stolen out of your driveway, that can keep you from a workout. I’ve seen plenty of PAX dressed like ninjas lately, which is about what it would take to steal said Optimus Prime truck out of your driveway. [Read More]


Hot and fresh from the BRR interest/info meeting held by Hot Spot the night before I had fond memories of Old Maid’s Vesper Q from way back in the year 2017. So with vests, lamps and batons in hand we did what all great men do. Stand on the backs of those before us to reach new heights, ahem elevations? Warm up: 10x - GM’s IC 20x SSH IC 10x - Windmills IC 10x - IW IC 10x KDK IC The Thang: [Read More]

Warm and Fuzzy

That Warm Fuzzy Feeling 01-15-18 QIC. Banjo Kryptonite 11 pax. Banjo, Pet Sounds, Ma Bell, GTL, Chipper, Grease Monkey, Denali, Largemouth, Squatter, Chaticleer, Wonderbread, Jog to the main Koka Booth entrance for warm up. SSH, Imperial Walker, Hand Release Ranger Crunch Merkins [uh, we start in the down position. amiright], windmills, good morning, oyo stretch [those things you do “on your own”]. Two line Indian Run to ABB. Last man completes 5 merkins. [Read More]


Ab-stract: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Fear and Trepidation- Gotta admit it fellas, SNS is like the Holy Grail (okay, wrong AO, that’s Flying Circus) of Carpex workouts (sorry DZ) to me. So much going on here on Wednesday mornings, that over the last 2.5 years YHC has been constantly growing more and more nervous about the possibility of ever Q’ing this site. [Read More]

Sure felt like Krypton...

Disclaimer: YHC turns 45 tomorrow. This all looked good on paper. Y’all are in for an interesting week. Awoke early, excited about putting into play the little plan I worked up over a celebratory fondue dinner Sunday night (during dinner my 2.0s were even demonstrating some of the workout to my M. She was not impressed.) On the drive to the AO, I thought (maybe I better go see that stealthy little bridge, make sure we can get across it). [Read More]

The 2nd Most Amazing Workout To Have..... never happened

Yep the weather app stated 11 degrees. At 6:40 a.m. YHC waited for next door neighbor @f3pierogi to emerge. Nothing. Damnation, he fartsacked on his own neighbor. That’s when YHC should have gone into his garage, utilizing Pierogi’s obvious garage code “TCUrulz”, to confiscate all his homebrew. But YHC didn’t. Instead moseyed/slid a couple of blocks to DZ. YHC was nervous. Ice appeared to be covering DZ—potentially spoiling YHCs plan for the 2nd Most Amazing Workout To Have Ever Happened (the 1st Most Amazing was here as written by @mccantscarpex). [Read More]

Stairway to 11's ReMastered Edition

I swear I signed up to Q on a warmer day!? Warm up: Fellowship mosey behind the Vesper Crew. I was secretly hoping to follow them to the park entrance/exit to see if I got any “excited” mumble-chatter. The best I got was a few pax followed them when they headed towards the kiosk thinking they were the bootcamp. Finish the mosey at the intersection 20x - SSH IC 10x - GM IC 10x - Windmills IC 10x - IW IC 10x - KDK IC The Thang: [Read More]