Needle-scratch Moment

I’ve Q’d enough times (though not as much lately) that I’m not usually nervous beforehand. I was nervous today, anticipating the reaction of the PAX at what I had in store. Still, I had it on good authority that it was a worthy idea. Huh. Two minutes to go, FNG present, big PAX turnout, and aforementioned Good Authority nowhere to be seen. Well, let’s make the most of it. Warm-up Jog to Community Center lot. [Read More]

Good Friday - Stations of the Cross

To get our minds right for the power and solemnity of the Good Friday holiday, a team of 29 HIM commemorated Christ’s journey to Calvary in a special Danger Zone - ‘Stations of the Cross’-edition. The 14-part story of Stations of the Cross follows Jesus from His condemnation by Pilate, to His beaten, lifeless body being laid in a tomb hewn from rock. Each station featured a theme, helping us find new meaning in Christ’s journey. [Read More]

3/16/18 - Back to where it all began!

YHC felt obliged to celebrate his 2 year anniversary by Q-ing the AO where it all began for him (at least in the Carpex Region). The Warm-Up: Some vanilla warm up including 24 merkins, 104 SSH, and some other stuff. The Thang 1: - Form 2 lines, bear crawl inchworm down the parking lot - Crawl bear inchworm back up the parking lot The Thang 2: - Partner Up for Dora 1, 2, 3 - 100 Burpees, 200 Squats, 300 Calf raises on the stairs while the other partner runs down the trail and keeps turning righ. [Read More]

Comfortable Rock

Tuesday, a couple days removed from the clocks “springing forward”, not sure mother nature got the memo. YHC showed up early for an Ice Recon. With no significant ice in sight, YHC circled back to the main parking lot to keep warm in the car. As Grease Monkey likes to point out, I am “Cary Soft”. So what if my car has seat warmers and a heated steering wheel….. PAX assemble around the flag, thanks Chanticleer, 545 and we are off. [Read More]

No worries - I got the Q and the flag!

It was Monday night and I get a text from Hermes asking if I will be there tomorrow. I thought “of course.” Text him back and quickly get signed up for the vacant Q and get solo site Q duties. No worries. Fortunately I have been to a few F3 workouts so I poached off ones I enjoyed. Warm up SSH, IW, GM, Plank Jacks, Merkins Thang 1 (Thanks Michelob and Whiplash) [Read More]

'Roid Rage

YHC has been battling some sort of crud for the past 8 weeks, and finally found relief in the form of …STEROIDS! That’s right all you spindly jabronis, can you smell what the doc is cookin’? This mofo is JACKED UP and ready to work out after a 2 1/2 week hiatus. So buckle up, we’re gonna make like a bunch of gym rats and knock out a whole week’s worth of pump in 35 minutes. [Read More]

Some Things Never Change

Prologue: extensive interviews took place with several OGs of Carpex to obtain information for the following epic story of Danger Zone. The history of the Danger Zone, the original Area of Operation in Carpex, runs deeeeeep. As fate, or faith, would have it…..the location for the greatest AO in the U.S.A was obvious. [There were a couple of other trials at other Cary locations: Walnut Street Park and Kids Together Park (site of current FWD), but North Cary Park ultimately was selected]. [Read More]

First Anniversary and Bacon! 2/20

Is they a direct relationship on how long you put off writing a back blast and how good it is? For me, the longer I put it off the shorter it becomes. Probably a matter of opinion if that make it better or not. 1 FNG - Disclaimer by Joe Smith. Nicely done for a lawyer. Run to Chanticleer’s for Warmup - SSH, IW, GM. Merkins+Mountain Climbers+Plank Jacks Run back to the Park parking lot and partner up. [Read More]

A #2 in the Woods is NOT a Double Down!

Nice morning. 63 degrees. Overcast. 15 for insomnia pre-run. Pet Sounds does the Duece in the woods adjacent to parking lot between EC and SNS. All of the ingredients were present. 32 dudes showed up and split into 3 groups. 14 for Boot Camp, 14 for Vespers (further split into two groups) and 4 for Rolling Stones. Gotta love Wednesdays in Bond Park. Pax List includes SNS, Vesper and the Rolling Stone Pax. [Read More]

Another Rainy Day in Kryptonite City

Date : 02/19/18 , QIC Fluoride Roll up to Kryptonite for my Q with 2 mins. to spare, early for me. Surely it won’t rain 3 weeks in a row, Wrongggg!!! Granted it was a light rain and slightly cold, but rain none the less, and I hate to work out in the rain. The usual crew was there but good to see some new faces, Snots, Jigglypuff, Texas Ranger and Yogi, and Burt who is semi-regular, hard to miss him when you get out of the car, pontificating on the news of the weekend. [Read More]