#2247 - SWW 12/27/19

4 or 5 for 7800° EC run (including Term Paper completing the full EC run). 10 including YHC for the main event. A formal briefing was conducted at 0545 and we jogged up some stairs to a parking deck (yes, Cauliflower, there is a parking deck magnet that mysteriously draws a Q in). Circle up for a standard Shut-In warm-up with a break for 10 Burpees OYO. The word on the street was that this week’s record of LBCs stood at 480. [Read More]

Why? Because We Can

For all of us who are in familiar surroundings, around our families and friends, Christmas can be a time of good food, good times, and celebration. Some of us, YHC included, have been eating way too much good food, and hitting the egg nog with frequency previously seen only when Clark Griswold got his Jelly of the Month club bonus. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who are unable to spend Christmas with their families, due to being deployed all over the world. [Read More]

Ascending = Accelerating

YHC is not gonna lie when I say that I thoroughly enjoyed fartsacking this morning with the knowledge that I had the Q at this evening’s Rush-Hour. 3 PAX showed up at the greatest evening AO in all of Carpex on a Tuesday! No FNGs, so straight into the pledge we go… Warmup: Mosey around the parking lot where we were able to locate the CPD K9 unit! Circle up in the back corner of the lot for: [Read More]

B.L.I.M.P.S. Showed Up

4 pax gathered in the evening gloom for another Tues night beatdown. So after the disclaimer (which YHC always seems to butcher for some reason) and the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and running to the grass next to the parking deck. Warm up: Good Evening SSH Windmills Steve Earle High Knees Turkish Getups Thang 1 After Indian running back to office buildings where we started, we partnered up for the first thang. [Read More]

The Great Pain Stick Parking Deck Caper

YHC has had a commitment EVERY Tuesday night for the past 8 weeks. This prevented YHC from posting at Rush Hour…until this week. And the Q slot was open. So the stars aligned and I made my first trip in MONTHS to the finest AO in DTC on a Tuesday evening. A couple of us were there early, including Kevin. You see, Orphan sent us a message earlier in the day that his buddy Kevin, an FNG, would be visiting Rush Hour. [Read More]