How Quickly Things Change

YHC has been trying to find a good week to get on the Q sheet for Rush Hour. Over the weekend while camping, he was able to EH a buddy so after a dozen or so adult beverages he slapped his name on the sheet for this week. YHC had a fantastic theme and plan and had even done some recon earlier in the day. Things were all aligned until 4 minutes into the drive to the AO when the dark sky started to be illuminated with intermittent lightening bolts. [Read More]

Hot in Herre

6 PAX gather in the oppressive heat of July in North Carolina for an Earhart beatdown. As reference, heat index for that time of day was 105. Whew. Mosey over to the old parking deck and up the stairs to the very top for: Warm Up Control freak Good Afternoons Windmills Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio (done after going to the bottom deck) The Thang Done with warm-ups, we mosey over to the field and behind the parking deck to retrieve the pain sticks. [Read More]

Dadgum Construction

5 pax met up for another round of beatdown in DTC led by yours truly. Weather was hot, but certainly not unbearable at all. Even got to feel some nice breezes to boot. YHC had a plan together with some tempo that would work us and get some good sweat on. Only to find out at the start of the warm up that Town of Cary had some kind of something going on involving, among other things, a giant piece of plastic blocking the path of the first thang that was to take place. [Read More]

Block in Bloom

Fun fact: BiB may be the earliest AO in CARPEx but it barely holds a candle to the AOs outside of Charlotte where 0500 is the norm. Now, before you get all jealous about the three (or one) quarters of an hour they gain on us, there is a simple reason they start so early: Yup… traffic sucks in Charlotte. Like.. a lot. 5AM is about the only time you can get from point A to point B without points C… D… E… F… G… H… (you get the picture) getting in the way. [Read More]

Respect for the LIBRARY

The Cary Community Library opened on Academy Street in 1977. Not quite a F3 respect, but worthy of our appreciation and recognition. I fondly remember many visits with my daughters for reading time and summer reading programs. Warm Up: Mosey to Baptist Church Good Evenings Nice and slow Sir Fazio Windmill Thang 1: L.I.B.R.A.R.Y. L- Lt. Dans: From the corner to the benches. Count of 10 I- Inch Worm. Benches to stone benches [Read More]

Leg - Day

3 for 4 mile EC, BaB, Snots, & YHC. Warm up mosey on track around the field then to basketball court for the various and sundry warm-up exercises. Jog to there Park Village Community pool parking lot for some stretching, then off to the bottom of Park Village Drive PICKLE. 3 rounds:30 @ 4 ct LBC at the bottomRun to the top5 (L/R =1) lunges10 cc squats15 imperial walkersBack to the bottomRepeat x 3Backwards run to the top10 (L/R =1) reverse lunges [Read More]

Friend Groups of 3

Glorious weather, 15 strong, renege on request for headlamps and we are off Warm up mozy around the parking lot followed by SSH, GM, Hillbillies and Mountain Climbers Full House arrives a Full 2 minutes late. Penalty burpee for each minute. Now we are 16 Run to stoplight at the corner of the lake and note your finishing spot. Groups of 3 based on pace become your Friend Group for the remainder of the workout. [Read More]

Blocks and Sleds in the Parking Lot

No FNG; No Disclaimer; Mission said; Pledge stated. Warm Up: Mosey to tent on Symphony Lake. Tent was down, but the frame still there. Good Mornings Windmill: Tappy taps Hillbillies Side straddle hops Thang 1: Traffic Circles: George Hood Double Respect. 8 hours, 15 minutes, 15 seconds. Partner Up: #1 Runs Figure 8; #2 15-Chilly Jacks (plank jack in Chilcutt) & 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps. Flip Flop #1 Runs Figure 8; #2 15- Dancing Chilcutts & 15-Plank Jacks. [Read More]

Rush Hour w/ Blocks

Parking deck was too tempting not to use for tonight’s workout No FNG’s; Disclaimer; Mission; Pledge Mosey through the Town of Cary campus, tour the parking lot; then Warm-Up: Good Evenings Sir Fazio’s Windmills Imperial Walkers Mountain climbers/calf stretch Plank Jacks/Runner’s stretch Get block from FRED Thang 1: Running the ramp w/ block. only 3 rounds, scheduled 5, but cut short b/c of time 30 - Overhead press w/ block: 10 reps. [Read More]


We were all headed out for milk and bread to get us through the Blizzard of 2020, but 14 detoured to Back in Black, hopefully the Ms and 2.0s understand. No FNGs present, the pledge was said, with meaning, and we mosey’d to a parking lot for warmups… Warmups: SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks and Good Morning Partner Catch Me if You Can…5 burpees by partner 1 as partner 2 headed out towards Tryon Road…I hope the PAX each had the pleasure of at least three sets of burpees. [Read More]