PHAT Tuesday

22 brave men and 2 brave dogs assembled in beautiful downtown Cary on the most glorious evening of the year. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot in front of Page Walker, past the pocket park, to the parking lot next to the tracks and circle up for various warm-up exercises. I think one of them was burpees. The Thang Mosey safely across the street to the little hill behind the Chamber of Commerce for 7&7. [Read More]

Who am I?

Have been wanting to pull this Q out for a few weeks ever since my son’s confirmation retreat. Warm up: Mosey to the big Koka parking lot for GM, Abe Vigoda, SSH, IW, Merkins and Eye of the Needle stretches. Thang: Asked the PAX to think about the answer to the question: “who am I”. Took turns sharing our answers, with answer-appropriate workouts tossed in. In our group we had a hospital name (7x burpees), husband (24 years merkins), lawyer (99 problems LBCs), financial adviser (3 million dollars wolverines), a child of God (WWIIs), a literary and musical hero (star jumps) and a father. [Read More]

Snow Bowl

It’s Thursday, January 28, 2021, 4:45 am and it’s snowing. So what, let’s get out the door and MIAGD at BIB. On the way, roads are not slick at all which hopefully means more PAX will join the fun this morning. Gather, no FNG’s, so straight to the Pledge of Allegiance. Off for a short mosey. Did I say short , I meant almost a mile run mosey. Warmup -Good mornings [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 2 #3 Rush Hour (Parking Deck of Pain)

Date: 12/15/2020 PAX: Cauliflower, Full House, One Four, Poncherello, Reentry, Riptide, Shoe Horn, WWW Doubling down in the Quest for 8 Q challenge. I wanted to continue the challenge and ensure the PAX got their moneys worth. I decided on the Dez of Pain and no better place to do it than in the parking deck. I’m always glad to see the HIMs out there who want to continue the work on making their body strong. [Read More]


11 PAX is a decent number for a subfreezing morning at the only AO in Carpex that has an 0515 start time. Welcome to YHC’s annual Back in Black Q! 3 PAX for a 7 minute EC run. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, mosey to the big Koka Booth parking lot. Circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, Runners stretch and calf stretch. The Thang Run the outer loop of the parking lot, which is around 0. [Read More]

Four Corners

Opening – We did a quick pledge of Allegiance then a run to the bottom parking lot behind Koko Booth Warm-up – After a run to the parking lot we Circled up for 5 good mornings, 20 Side Straddle Hops , 10 or less really bad Imperial Walkers, 20 merkins and finished up with 20 Mountain Climbers. The Thang – We moseyed to the parking lot at the Koko booth entrance for 4 corners. [Read More]

Viewing Downtown

Another great Tuesday night beatdown in the books! YHC and Cauliflower were there early, so we took a little run down DTC to get loosened up. Along the way we met up with Captain Kirk on his bike and had him join us! After the warm up run we all made it back to the start where we welcomed back Freebird! So with the four of us it was soon time to start. [Read More]

Lap the Fountain

The evening had a certain feel to it. The kind that would put you in the mood for a good workout! Mainly because it was a Tuesday night, and all know by now that thats Rush Hour time! 7 pax in total were there to get some sweat on (Captain Kirk would end up joining us for COT). So after the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and running. Disco Duck and WWW did some Bruiser walking. [Read More]

Factor of 5 Escalator during the Rush Hour

Date: 9/22/20 AO: Rush Hour PAX: Cauliflower, Chewie, Disco Duck, Horatio, Kermit, Speed Racer, WWW I thought I was going to fartsack the whole day but as I got to class, the instructor mentioned that we are getting out at 4;00 pm. That brought a smile to me face because I realized that I can make Rush Hour. What was glorious about working out in Rush Hour is the weather was absolutely amazing. [Read More]

After the Hurricane

A beautiful night in down town Cary. The feels like temperature was below 90 and the humidity was at 61%. A eager PAX arrived, well they weren’t that eager. Chatter at the beginning was to run to Bond and call it a workout. It was too nice to not enjoy a bootcamp with coupons. 2 minute warning, no FNG, Mission, and Pledge. Warm Up: Mosey around campus. Abe Vigoda’s/Good Evenings [Read More]