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First-ever (to YHC’s knowledge) Instagram story of an entire(ish) beatdown! Watch it here: While YHC figures out how to archive that, here’s what we did for Offish BB purposes: Warm-up: Good morning, merkins, sir fazio and overhead claps, quick feet and curb merkins Pearl 1: Rock curls, tricpes, press and rows x2 with a pickle lap in the middle Pearl 2: 7 burpees at Burpee Corner Pearl 3: Kiwanis Pavilion for LRSU, Dips, LRSU, Table Deadlift Pearl 4: Other Pavilion for LRSU, Erkens, LRSU, Derkins Pearl 5: To the beach for Merkins, WG Merkins, Diamond Merkins and a Texas Ranger prayer Pearl 6: At the kiosk for partner Dora 1-2-3 with the hill at the run Pearl 7: Over to the south of NH rock pile for Curls, Triceps, Press and Rows. [Read More]

Welcome Back

YHC had planned out a nice little kettle bell workout for the Hell’s Bell PAX, but that plan was contingent on having enough kettle bells to go around. Looking around at 0529 it was clear we had just the right number of PAX, but less than the right number of kettle bells, so the original plan was scrapped and a new plan was hatched on the fly. Let’s get after it! [Read More]

The Ultimate Workout

A few weeks ago YHC and WWW traveled north to the The Farm to help celebrate Spit Valve’s Q Week. The first half was a typical, well executed and thorough beatdown, but the second half was something new for us. It was a game of Ultimate Frisbee, with penalties doled out whenever the frisbee reached the end zone or touched the ground. It was thrilling and on our drive back we agreed we definitely had to bring it back to Carpex. [Read More]

What's that smell?

AO: Full Metal Jacket QIC: Pickles Twelve PAX were assembled in the soupy pre-dawn gloom, and ready to go for YHC’s first ever FMJ Q. Gather at the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance and we’re off on a nice easy mosey. A couple of cars came rolling in as we pulled away – someone’s tardy, and we’ll all have to pay. Circle up at the first drive way for… WHOAH! [Read More]

The Spirit of '76

It has been said that the Spirit of ‘76 is a patriotic sentiment referring to the attitude of self-determination and individual liberty made manifest in the Declaration of Independence. That spirit was well-exemplified at Phoenix today as we started looking forward to the 4th of July week with a them of ‘76. WARM-UP The Pledge and 76 SSH, single count, some good mornings, and then we moseyed over to the Phoenix stadium in the grass. [Read More]

Nostalgia - Football Practice Drills

Nostalgia – Football Practice Drills On Saturday during coffeeteria after a brutal Hi-Liter led Phoenix beatdown, Build-A-Bear asks if I am going to FMJ. I stated “yes” enthusiastically. The follow-up question was, would you Q FMJ? I gladly accepted. I thought through what I wanted to do so I could make sure Build-A-Bear would get a good workout and I did not disappoint. What’s funny is no Build-A-Bear to be seen at FMJ. [Read More]

Kettle Bell Audible

Air was thick this morning but it was a great morning to put in some kettle bell work. We met at the new location on the other side of the park closer to the pull-up bars. As everyone was showing up, I started counting and we ended up with a total of 18 HIMs ready for a workout. I started to panic because the original workout I devised was for about our average 6-10 HIMs. [Read More]

Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

12 HIMs met in the not-so-gloomy, yet balmy 80 degree / 85%RH morning. Aiming to be a responsible Q, I let the Pax know I was carrying my phone in the event of any emergencies. Never one to be shy, McCants jumped at the opportunity to ensure is presence was welcome and enjoyed by the Q! This heat and humidity can easily cause mild heat exhaustion or worse. Stay Hydrated, folks! [Read More]

Beware of the Stink B.O.M.B.S.

Joining Carpex, my first post was Dante’s Peak. That following Monday Grinch took me to Wolverine. So it was only fitting that I reached out to him to see if he was ready to come off the Injured Reserve List to be part of my first Q at Wolverine. He was! Welcome Back Grinch. And thanks to Hi-Liter for bringing breakfast this morning to celebrate the lightest day of the year. [Read More]

Crazy(ish) Phoenix

Banjo hit the Pax with news of his trip to the IR and naturally YHC jumped on the chance to Q Carpex’s premiere AO on a Saturday morning. And with the boys headed out for Crazy Train, we had to get a good beatdown in, in their honor as well. Fellowship run at 0605 (sorry Chipper who had been waiting since 0545 chomping at the bit) and the rest of the Pax arrive on-time for a 0630 start. [Read More]