All Out of Love for my Kettle Bell

19 including a slightly late Crimson start with a mozy around the lot. Warm up SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Sir Fazio set x 15 GM x 10 Merkins x 40 Low plank hold Thang Partner up with 1 KB for 200 total each exercise while one pax runs the pickle Curl and Halo Squat and rotate torso Tri extentions Rock your Body x 150 with partner Curls IC x 15 [Read More]

You're So Extra

YHC comes tearing in to the parking lot at Waldo Street in DTC @0540…there is a large crowd gathered nearby. Larger than normal. What ever shall we do? Sabre has an FNG in tow, so YHC gives a quick disclaimer. This is gonna be fun. Warm Up First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance Calf stretch Mosey to the big circle to show off for early commuters Lots of mumblechatter SSHs x 50 Less mumblechatter Cotton pickers, Hill Billies, Plank Jacks, Merkins on my down AND up, maybe something else YHC forgot Extended warm up with Jack Webb - counted up to 10 merkins/40 air presses Did I say 10 burpees? [Read More]

Starting off LABOR DAY weekend

LABOR DAY weekend … the official end of summer. Most kids are back in school and the days are turning cooler, a little. There was plenty of heat at AO Phoenix for starting off the LABOR DAY weekend right. Yogi had locked in the Q at Phoenix for today, but he handed it off to YHC during the week. I wanted to EH a HIM to co-Q, so new guys will keep stepping up and Q’ing. [Read More]

11 x 2 = 22

Second Q ever for YHC was to the point with some room for improvement. Cadence counts are getting better and everyone had fun… I think. It was quiet, not much in the way of mumble chatter for this beatdown. Thanks to the 18 that showed for the track work and 22’s. It was a beatdown and according to GTL possibly a new record for distance with the 3.5 miles we racked up. [Read More]

#ao-travel-ir-bruisers Work Deck

Being on IR sucks @$$ because it limits your fitness and can set you on a backwards slide (atrophy) depending on what ails you. But it should not stop you from meeting your fitness goals. The F3 disclaimer highlights an extremely important word, “modify as needed.” @Frisco DM YHC, @Disco Duck, @Theismann and @Crimson on Slack with a concept in mind to establish an IR AO. We ironed out the details and decided it was best to make this a traveling AO just like the rucking AO that @Bartman established. [Read More]

Cherry on Top

YHC has driven past North Cary Park many times on the way to various destinations. However, this is the first post. Luckily Google maps gives some very detailed satellite photos of what is rumored to be the premiere site in Cary on Fridays. There is cluster-Q potential with this one, after YHC sees the collection of HIMs who have decided to post. Nineteen, in all. Warm Up Standard fare of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio, BURPEES, Plank Jacks, and Merkins (and my down AND my UP). [Read More]

We're not bringin' Sexy Back

Music starts at precisely 540 with Enter Sandman to get the PAX pumped to work hard. 27 strong and we are off about 20 seconds early. Mozy meander through some trails until we get to a good warm up spot. Warm Up Merkins x 20 IC SSH x 15 GM x 10 5 burpees OYO The Thangs 4 groups-ish for a cluster Indian Run to the pickle Partner up for laps around the pickle. [Read More]

He Missed The Warm-Up Spot

EC Run: YHC & Water Wings EC Pull-ups: Goose, Ma Bell, Rooney, WWW, Cataracts, Theisman EC Mumble Chatter: Crimson, Nature Boy I was impressed with the group of HIM out there this morning. We had EC runners, EC pull-upers, Traffic Cone (who I was meeting for the first time,) Blueprint (who hasn’t been out in awhile,) and it’s always great to see Snots getting after it. No FNGs so off we go. [Read More]

Billy Run The Back Way

Gotta be honest, YHC was a little nervous headed into this morning’s workout. I’ve Q’ed a million times, but this was my first hour long solo Q. Could I handle the extra fifteen minutes? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Face the Flag for the Pledge, then take a lap around the parking lot before circling up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, cotton pickers and burpees. The Thang Mosey out to the park entrance and travel along High House Road to the other entrance, stopping at each light pole for ten merkins, then continue down Bond Park Drive to the Lazy Days Playground, stopping at every other light pole for ten squats. [Read More]

#mccantsweek - Day 6 - BLAZE OF GLORY

If you don’t have Bon Jovi playing right this minute. Stop reading. Queue it up. Crank it up. Crack one. I woke up this morning and I raised my weary head. I’m a devil on the run. Thrown out of school for bringing a six pack and two guns. Well they tell me I’m wanted, yeah, I’m a wanted. And when I’m shot down, I’ll be shot down in a MF blaze of glory. [Read More]