1stF #5 of 6 BD & F3’versary Q-week: Larry got that Thang in the middle – 12 Days of Christmas.

BO holds a dear place in my heart because it was the 2ndpost I’ve done when I started in F3. Ma Bell was the Q and I got my introduction to the 12 Days of Christmas. 12 Days of Christmas is to spur happiness and gift giving. OH NO!!!! It provided pain and fatigue. I had to bring it back for the nostalgia it brings. 0545 start – I introduced my Co-Q Franklin who DM me earlier in the week to Co-Q because he had to fulfill the role at BO to complete his leadership challenge. [Read More]

1stF #4 of 6 BD & F3’versary Q-week: Plan B – 11s with multiple burpees taboot

On my drive to Tortoises in the blistering 27⁰ temperature, I took a small detour to scope out the AO. The original area I wanted to do my planned thang would not work due to safety concerns, black ice. Safety is ALWAYS #1 in my mind when leading a group of HIM. I reverted to Plan B. As I got into my parking spot, Theismann and Spartan were getting after ECP. [Read More]

You Better Hurry Up

You Better Hurry Up….. Many years ago, my grandpa used to say, “You better hurry up”. I never fully understood that phrase until I got older. Now that I’m a respect, I fully understand what Paw Paw was saying. When I look at my kids, my wife, my career, I realize that time is very precious, now more than ever. And if I needed any additional reminders, when speaking with @Frisco on the way back from JoCo, I told him about my bucket list. [Read More]

Clubbing with a Lady

As I was perusing Slack yesterday, to my surprise, I stumbled upon a post from Pickles announcing that I was Q-ing Claymore on 11/27. HOLY CRAP! I completely forgot I signed up. The bad thing was I looked at the Claymore Q sign-up sheet before seeing the post and still did not notice that I signed to Q today. Thanks Pickles for the reminder. I’m so glad I saw it because it gave me a little time to think about what I wanted to do. [Read More]

The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

What a Cluster

Here’s an idea; pax show up and we put all of their names in a hat and draw at random to lead parts of the beatdown. Aye? Aye! 22 on hand, 1 is an FNG. Quick disclaimer and send the men to the library. Warm ups: Pickles Cluster 1: Burt is pulled and he calls random Jack Webb’s … signature move Cluster 2: Red Lobster gets pulled out of the hat and takes the pax to the fountain for 3 rounds of bear crawls and lunges while partner pax amrap exercises. [Read More]

Good Form

15 pax joined me this fine morning for a lesson in good form. YHC had advertised a mentoring or on the job training for our VQs to prepare for their big week next week. At 5:45:00 we were off. Run to end of parking lot and circle up. Ask pax what we forgot and they correctly identied missing disclaimer and FNG check. YHC was feeling we were off to a good start! [Read More]

A Vanilla Birthday Bomb

I tried. Really, I did. I posted to Slack that it would be a workout devoid of anything interesting. There would be nothing to encourage anyone to show up. But people did anyway. 13 stalwarts with absolutely nothing else to do this morning yawned there way through an utterly vanilla workout. I was kinda hoping to stand around till 6 AM and then hit the Starbucks but at some point someone said, “Hey, is there anything going on in the park? [Read More]

Flacco's Shock & Awe!

DATE: September 27, 2018 QIC: Sabre AO: Bradford’s Ordinary PAX: (including Bruisers) 29 total gathered in Gloom of DTC (23 boot camp, 6 Bruisers, including a 1-legged Kitty, or is it Das Boot?!) 8 respects , 6 hates, 0 FNGs So I learned what “shock & awe” pre-blast means to Flacco – it means that he is going to hype an epic beatdown, then scoot out-of-state, give the ole neighbor a call to say …. [Read More]