FWD Old Fogey Q

11/12/19 Flirting with Disaster It’s Respect week. So it means YHC set aside his walker and came out to teach some whippersnappers what happens in the dark, wet, woods. Warm-ups After a short run around the pickle, we circled up for some side straddle hops, good mornings, merkins and mountain climbers. Then it was time to run into the dark, dark woods. We ran to the junction for some exercise I can no longer remember since I was out of breath at the time. [Read More]

Stand By Your Man

YHC doesn’t post at 0515 workouts every week - the times I have, the numbers have been, shall we say, non-problematic. However, on this particular Halloween morning there are 17 PAX, including 2 FNGs, up and at ’em at Koka Booth. Time to move. Warm Up Mosey to the big parking lot, circle up and warm up. SSHs and some other stuff, finish off with 5 CF merkins. The Thang Partner up for Tammy Wynette intervals: Partner 1 completes 20 Merkins while Partner 2 completes 20 squats, then flip flop. [Read More]

A Long Stiffness

16 PAX braved the second darkest AO in all of Carpex to see if YHC could really cause them all a long stiffness. EC was a plenty, as YHC was tricked into 3+ miles at around an 8 min pace. There were no FNGs, the disclaimer was given, and the pledge was recited. Warm Up Gassed from the long and fast EC, YHC decided to have the PAX circle up immediately for the following exercises: [Read More]

This Q brought to you by Google Maps

What does one do when they aren’t familiar with the area and yet have signed up to Q for? Use Google Maps of course! So many trails and well lit sidewalks in the area… probably already been done… honestly all I could see were the rows and rows of houses neatly tucked around cul de sacs. And not small houses either, the kind of houses that probably wouldn’t take lightly 20 hooligans dressed in mostly black and encroaching on their homestead. [Read More]

YogaMat Loves Cinder Blocks

7 HIDA’s showed up after Pre Blast warning that it was going to be Leg Day. Started off with Pledge of Allegiance and them Mosey to adjacent parking lot where all of the cool toys were hiding. Warmarama • Good mornings 10 • Side Straddle Hop 12 • Hillbillies 12 • Fazio Arm Circles 10 each direction • Air Squats 15 • Freddie Mecuries -12 Thang 1 Weighted Tire Pull Each Pax takes turn at pulling weighted tire around pickle while we do the following exercises with coupons: Each round is repeated until Pax returns from tire pull • Single Leg Deadlift (5 each side) Rinse Repeat until Pax form Tire Pull returns • Curls 12-10-8-6-4-2 • Deep squats 12-10-8…. [Read More]

Pre-Blast was the ultimate fire starter. Yoga Mat is the benchmark.

AO: FWD PAX: Capt Jack, Yoga Mat, Butterfly, Build-A-Bear, Hoppin John, Easy Bake, Netscape, Smokey, Oofta, Adjacent, Lite Brite, Chipper, Term Paper, Greenbow, Stetson, Staubach, WWW My goal as I work at Q’ing at least once a week is not being predictable. I got a DM from @Yoga Mat wanting to know or get a glimpse of what I had developed. Here is the DM play by play: Yoga Mat: Good day Sir! [Read More]

Escargot, my car go

I came across a news story Tuesday that the 2019 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees had been announced. I don’t remember how the news came to catch my attention but catch it it did. Start with the fact that two of my favorite bands were on the list (again) and that I hadn’t even heard of a couple others and I got intrigued. An hour or so later, not only had I created a little Spotify playlist to listen to at home, but an idea for a Q was developing as well. [Read More]

That Rocked

A dark, but beautiful morning commenced at Bond Park as 22 pax gathered for another Phooenix beatdown. After a quick disclaimer and the pledge of Allegiance we were off and running to the community center parking lot for some warm ups. Warm up Good Morning SSH Sir Fasio Arm Circles Forward and Reverse Copperhead Squats High Knees Mountain Climbers Thang 1 Staying in the plank position we did a 10 count around the entire circle (with 22 pax, that’s quite a long time. [Read More]

First Q After VQ Week

Sometime during VQ week, I noticed that the Kryptonite spot was open for the following week. Boom, chicken soup. Got it. 17 others showed up, and most of the pre workout discussions centered on how no one feared my Qs anymore. 17 is more than I am used to. I would set my PAX over/under at 10.5. And i have had a few last minute fill ins Qs the have upped that to double digits. [Read More]

Glory Days at Dante’s Peak

Mission: Revisit Al Bundy’s legendary four touchdown game for the Polk High Panthers with a football practice style workout Warm Up: Mosey around the outside of the park back to the end of the parking lot at a *medium* pace, stretch a little (good mornings / calf stretches) then pay the piper (59 SSHs (with a break for half time), one for every point the Dolphins allowed in Week 1, plank for a 43 count, one for every point allowed in Week 2, and 23 merkins for the spread in Week 3) - Tanking for Tua has a price, people! [Read More]