
Here we are! My first ever Limited Run Q! I’d been to Claymore once before (and Tortoises about 3 times), but limited run always makes me nervous… nevertheless here we are. 6 for EC down to Lake Pine and back via the Greenway. FNG Check / Disclaimer / LET’S GO Warm up: GM / IW / SSH / HB / SFAC / rSFAC / OC / CP / Merkins / MC / PJ / Calf Stretch [Read More]

A Whippersnapper Steals the Show

YHC turned 50 on 6/7/2019, the date of this workout (yes the Backblast is late). Half a century on this fine earth and feeling all the better for it! After a truncated EC run with a few of the regulars, 26 of us circled up for the pledge and a Birthday Q. Warm-up Quick jog around the lot, then circle up for Good Morning, some Side Straddle Hops, a sloppily Q’d set of Hillbilly’s and some Michael Phelps style arm stretches. [Read More]

D-Day Tribute

December 7th, June 6th, & more recently September 11th are important days for our country and days that I hope are never forgotten. Today at Back in Black, we paid tribute to the amazing bravery that took place 75 years ago today: 75 years ago today, really not that long ago in the scheme of things, 150,000 Allied troops began hitting the beaches of Normandy, France. It was the beginning of largest amphibious invasion ever known to mankind. [Read More]

What no Mary

It was the spring morning we missed in sprint at flirting with disaster with 18 paxs. The exercise started off with a lite run to the park for some warm ups. Side saddle hops Merkins Calf Stretches Runner strectches Imperial walkers Then we did a run toward the bridge stopping at the intersection to some quick LBCs At the bridge Ollie really wanted to bear crawl across the bridge so we did our best. [Read More]

Why Murph

“In an interview, Daniel Murphy said that he was not surprised to learn about his son’s actions. ‘What Maureen and I always worried about was that he would put himself in danger to help someone else, which turned out to be true,’ he said. " If you’re not familiar with the story of Micheal Murphy and his final heroic acts that ultimately cost him his life I invite you click below: https://www. [Read More]

Once you get it, you can’t put it down; also, partner up to know your Brother

AO: SWW Date: 5/24/19 PAX: Adjacent, Beltway, Blue Water, Captain Jack, Denali, Honeycomb, FNG Keebler, Kitty Litter, Oofta, Joe Smith, Smokey, Stetson, Wonderbread, WWW The design of the workout came to mind when I met up with Hermès to pick-up approximately 200 decorative bricks. It was a workout loading them into the bed of my truck. Those bricks were of perfect coupon weight to challenge the HIMs. Time to party … brick party that is. [Read More]

Bass Ackwards

Slippery When Wet, May 17, 2019. 18 pax. 1099, Banjo, Captain Jack, Chanticler, Chipper, Denali, Grease Monkey, Greenbo, Hermes, Joe Smith, Kitty Litter, Michelob, Oofta, Quiver, Smokey, Stetson, Titanic, Whirlie, YHC is proof that tenure means nothing when executing a perfect Q. Unlike Frisco, who stole the show on his first ~5~ 10 VQs, YHC has learned next to nothing on how to operate the F3 Q machine. But if catching it on the chin from fellow pax is a sign of respect, boy did I get it today. [Read More]

"Are we doing that Clock Thingy Workout?"

So this is the fourth time I’ve pulled out this workout, but It has yet to get a name that has stuck. Term Paper remembered it and yelled out the above quote as we did our warm up run, but I don’t think Clock Thingy Workout is the one. Today I Googled “Circle of Fitness” and two things happened. First, this random guy’s image came up, and two, I saw something that read “Wheel of Fitness. [Read More]

Ode to the Site Q

After all the ECs came to a conclusion and the dust cloud of PAX settled in, the disclaimer was given, and we we’re off into the few minutes of gloom we had left… FNG Check… welcome Kevin! Let’s do this. Mosey halfway to the power lines and circle up in the gravel for SSH // IW // SFAC // rSFAC // OC // SC // Merkins Continue through the park stopping in the second parking area for copperhead good mornings. [Read More]


10 HIMs gathered at Koka Booth for the following: Disclaimer disclaimed, allegiance pledged, and mosey to the biggest, baddest parking lot in all of Cary at 0515 on a Thursday. Warm Up SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles forward and back, Moroccan Night Clubs, Calf Stretches, Plank Jacks and Merkins. The Thang Time to play Blackjack. Everything always adds up to 21. Complete 20 Merkins, run the length of the parking lot, and do 1 LBC. [Read More]