
Lots of PAX got together this morning at SNS. By COT, the count was 22. Even more went elsewhere. Air Brooks was holding Court down at Point Break, Geek Squad pretended to have a birthday, Headroom continued checking boxes on the CARPEx Challenge and, hell, even Flenderson accidentally clicked into the Q sheet to sign up. But only eight were man enough to take to the diamond though. Having expertly introduced myself to the two PAX I had not previously met (and then promptly forgetting their names until basically COT), it was time for the Pledge as those with muscles only below their waist took off for an advertised 45 minute jog. [Read More]

Embrace the Sweat

This morning was a perfect morning to get some good B.O. (The workout site not the stench…duh), and 8 pax got a healthy dose (of possibly both). The start time arrived sooner than expected, or so it seemed, not sure why. Maybe it was the Q-drinaline I don’t know. At any rate, after the mission statement was given, and the Pledge was recited, we were off and running to the big fountain at the top of Academy St. [Read More]

Last one at 40!

YHC had originally signed Two Factor up to Q this morning, but he was still recovering from his back hurting so it was only appropriate for YHC to lead. Today was my last F3 workout in my 40s since my birthday is right around the corner. Without a great plan in mind for today, it worked out pretty well. Everyone seemed to get their money’s worth! Gather at the flag, disclaimer for the FNG, quick pledge, and off we go! [Read More]

High Tempo Euphoria

18 came to workout, a day after a much needed slap on the old wrist from the Nant’an, so with that a heightened sense to get the Pax working out, but also spread ’em out a touch, YHC designed a high tempo beatdown with that in mind. High tempo warm-ups and lightening quick Good Mornings. Y’all need to chill about these Good Mornings. Hell, we can’t even count and do seal claps properly anymore. [Read More]

Gorillas in the Gloom

Sitting on the can this morning about the time the Back in Black boys were stepping out of their cars into the gloom, I am not ashamed to admit that a certain thought crossed my mind: ”Why in the hell did I pick today to Q?” After two months out of the gloom, it’s a bit easy to get soft. Not just muscle soft or calluses soft but mentally soft. Examples? [Read More]

Re-opening Wolverine

The air was cool and the gloomiest of AO’s was lit by a clear morning sky with a bright waning gibbous moon. It was a joy to be able to officially re-open Wolverine. The five other HIM that showed up made it a morning to remember with mumble chatter that YHC has seriously missed over the past 6 weeks. While we were away, TOC graciously finished their construction project. So, not only did we re-open the AO, we moved the flag back to its rightful place in the main parking lot. [Read More]

We did our part.

YHC & Chanticleer for a safe distance EC run The government (and FUMC) approved 9 PAX showed up for a community safe distance workout. **Warm-UP **We circled up for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earle, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, and Plank Jacks. Mosey through the parking lot with some Karaoke and backward running thrown in for fun. **The Thang **Perform called exercises, either OYO of IC. If you have to stop ort take a break you are “penalized” by running 3 parking spaces ahead, as often as you need to. [Read More]

Pickle Madness

YHC had a plan - hit as many of the parking lot pickles as we could. After a brief walkthrough (and some pre-workout Pokemon GO), we were ready. FNG Check (nice save on the new PAX remembering his name from the day before) / Disclaimer / Pledge / Farewell to the Bruisers / FOLLOW ME Lap around the home pickle, out the south exit, turn back up Maury Odell, back trail to the Community Center. [Read More]

Eagle Flyover at Our Flag

No FNGs present, a warm-welcome to all, Respects to our Great Flag, and off we went with Bacon and Blimps in the air. A quiet group… Warm up runs are just that - for warm ups. But why not add stuff in? High Knees with Burpees were called in segments on the way to stretching. Minor grumbling already. This was a good sign. WARM UP: SSHs, High Plank J-Los, and GMs were called but… [Read More]

The "Combine" 2/3 Beast

The time has come for tryouts for the site co-Q at Full Metal Jacket. Simply Sub is off over the pond touring foreign countries for the next several weeks and his new job will take him away from the Carpex maiden-land. That leaves a spot open on the FMJ site co-Q. One of the most coveted spots in the Carpex nation. This is Carpex’s Tuesday premier high tempo workout location. [Read More]