50 is the new...

In celebration of YHC turning into a “Respect” — I was joined by 14 others, starting with call for FNG’s, and a very short disclaimer on F3. Turn to the flag for The Pledge Mozy to BB Court for warm up: Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio Arm Circles Overhead Clap Good Mornings Thang 1: Mozy to the stairs & count off “ 1’s & 2’s” Round 1 1’s run the pickle, down the path and up the stairs while 2’s did merkins. [Read More]

The People's Champion

Davis Drive park has got to be one of the darkest places in an otherwise bright and somewhat beige world of Cary. Wait, is this where the Beige Bros got their name? Nevermind, I digress. It’s dark at Wolverine. Not too dark to know where to do pull-ups before the witching hour of 0530. It’s a busy Monday, with 17 PAX making the journey this morning. No FNGs, so a very abbreviated disclaimer was given. [Read More]

Build-A-Bear says I do CDDs the BEST!

Lonely EC run and a small group this morning. Wrench was already out in the gloom on a 9 miler and Callahan set out for a little appendix-free mosey. We welcome out of towner Fudd, and off we go. **Warm-UP **Mosey down the street for some Good Mornings, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earles, Thrusters, Plank Jack, and Mnt. Climbers. Mosey to Middle school track **Thang One **Starting at the “Twelve O’Clock” position we Prisoner Run around the track stopping at the 3, 6, 9 & 12 positions and completing the same number of reps of called exercises: Diamond Merkin, L/R Jump Lunges, CDDs, Jump Squats. [Read More]


https://youtu.be/19KstSgU-c0?t=47 High, higher than Bond Park You know I like the dark I need you to elevate me here At the corner of Norwell And North East Cary Parkway It’s our premier AO, the first, The best, the one with all the sand Don’t be starting late I don’t wanna be an object of hate Saban’s watching the time The goal is elevation Uncle, I think I’ve met you before [Read More]

This Q reeks of BO

Let’s get things out of the way from the start. This was as thrown together a Q as I’ve pulled in a while. Was there an idea going into it? Sure. Did it involve more than “we’ll probably have a DORA”? Um… It all started about 14 minutes till 5. With intentions of meeting Coxswain for EC at 5:15, I was taking my sweet time preventing a Pet Sounds. Too sweet a time. [Read More]

Callahan = nudnik

3 for EC: Chipper, Flip Flop, Francois. 1 ran to BO from his house ~3.4 miles: Pierogi Humidity at time of Bootcamp: 91% Dew Point at time of Bootcamp: 74 Tank Tops at time of Bootcamp: 41.6% (weak) At 5:45 sharp YHC orated a perfect F3 and COVID disclaimer…..only to be badgered by Callahan that it was taking too long. Callahan (and it was obvious he woke up on the wrong side of the bed) said “I am ready to workout”! [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise: I give it a 5/10 today

21 PAX met up in the early morning gloom at FWD. It was hot. Upper 70s. Suffocating humidity. An expertly written pre-blast promised all sorts of fun. YHC cooked up the plan about 2 minutes before go time. Needed to make it one to remember for the two FNGs in tow. Warm Up Mosey over past the big balls and circle up in the pickle for: SSH Merkins Plank Jacks [Read More]

No Koozie = Hot Beer

Last night I dreamed of Q’ing FMJ and receiving a custom F3 FMJ koozie……like a badge of honor! So cool! Instead, I got shafted just like Mark Gottfried shafted the Wuffpack. I got shafted by the Nantan Emeritus, now demoted to FMJ Site-Q, Ma Pythonless Bell. Def a low point in my life. But sheeeiiiit, I drink my Brooksweisers fast enough, so don’t need your Koozie Ma Bell! I bet the other real Site-Q, Orphan, woulda remembered tho! [Read More]

One more thing technology ruined

No, it’s not the encyclopedia salesman nor roosters. It’s being able to tell CW from CCW. YHC showed up at #MeasureTwice a couple minutes early and just at 5:30 began the disclaimer (see NMS) and a talk-through of the run route. My goal had been to add a few short-cuts for the Clydesdales so we could run the same route and start/finish together with a few options in between. But Franklin started getting all antsy so instead of taking it nice and slow like I would have done normally with someone so clearly not in control of their faculties, I rushed through things. [Read More]

BO Birthday Q - Downtown Tour

Warm up at the bank: 10 side straddle hops 10 daisy pickers 10 good mornings 6 merkins 10 count right/left Calf stretch 10 mountain climbers 6 merkins Thang 1: Mosey down Academy stopping at each intersection. 10 sumo squats 10 lung squats 10 jump squats 6 monkey humpers (towards the Maserati parked on the street) 10 wide arm merkins 10 derkins 10 irkins 6 diamond merkins Thang 2: Mosey to Garage [Read More]