REFINERY lesson in Action

Men in these parts have gotten quite comfortable in recent weeks. Ma Bell and protege PBX had been sporting their “wife beaters” in true Kevin Bacon style. The pax have been a bit foot loose, over sure of themselves. 50 and 60 degree am temps can do that despite Puxatawny talking winter. There will likely be some baby showers come November and December. But this week changed all that. Subfreezing mornings, downright downpours in the gloom, problematic AOs were seeing a reprieve. [Read More]

Worst weather

33 and a steady and times hard rain. This is the definition of gloom and is not generally tolerated well by the PAX that show up. YHC has done it all, super cold to super hot and 33 and rain with steady wind is the worst. Still duty called and a commitment is a commitment. With a new AO that commands support, there was no way YHC was backing out of this Q. [Read More]