Cary Brewery Tour in Golf Attire

Beautiful morning in downtown Cary this morning - Burt showed up in full golf attire to celebrate the first Thursday of the Masters (John Daly shorts, Footjoys, putter, etc.) He looked good - but later on learned that footjoys are not the best running shoes. Pleasantries exchanged, Coney gave a quiet disclaimer to our FNG, Nantan started barking about the time so we were off. YHC shot down the road like he was out of a cannon, around the corner. [Read More]

Early recovery from a late night basketball game

I pulled into FWD this morning - a little worse for the wear after a late night basketball game. I did a few donuts around the mini-pickle as I pulled in - partially to scare Hermes and Blue and Out and partially to wake myself up. 8 hearty souls made the trek this morning and were anxious to get after it - in the beautiful weather. (As a sidenote, Largemouth gave me a HC yesterday…. [Read More]

Phoenix closed? Nah...

5 surly scavengers posted at Phoenix, despite the site being closed. There were rumblings on the twitter machine Friday night, with a PAX wondering whether there might be others posting in the morn. Another PAX threw a royal hissy-fit like a 3-year-old whose ice cream cone was just crapped on by a seagull at the beach. Just wipe it off bro, it’s still good. Even though Mister Pissy-Pants decided to fartsack, the other three PAX communicating via twitter showed up to do some work. [Read More]

Ring Around the Fountain

A bold PAX of 25 posted this AM. As Coxswain came cruising in at 05:44:59, the PAX proceeded to the newly erected Town of Cary downtown park fountain and circled up around the fountain. The men were blown away at its beauty and the Q drowned out by its constant flow of running water. Warm-Up: 20 Merkins 10 Good Mornings 20 Side straddle hops The roar of the fountain was so intense that the Q had to audible off of his invisible wenke and ordered the PAX to Academy street for an Indian Run/Hunt for the rock pile. [Read More]


Within days after turning 49 last year, I started hearing questions like, “Are you still 49?”, and “Shouldn’t you be 50 by now?” Contrary to McCants’ accusations, I have not been 49 for 3 years. Well, 49 no longer. 24 PAX showed up at SnS today to join in the 50th birthday Q celebration. It went something like this: Warm up Fellowship jog to lower parking lot 50 Merkins (because 50) 50 Hillbilies, IC 10 Good Mornings, IC 20 Mountain Climbers, IC Thang 1 [Read More]

Flirtin' with Cluster-Q

Man, these last few days have been rough in the Cally household. YHC had been sick for a couple weeks but was starting to feel better, only to start feeling like hot garbage again yesterday. The 2.0 has been struggling with an ear infection and then some other nasty virus that has had him up most of the night. And the M…well the M is doing just fine. But the lack of sleep is getting to her too a little. [Read More]

Thinking Back, Looking Forward

Milestone birthday this week leads me to thinking back through the years, and about the important people who have been and will continue to be involved in my life. 22 PAX started the week off right at A-team this morning for a workout based around this theme. Warmup Fellowship jog to front parking lot 49 SSH ID (because not yet) 20 MC IC 20 Diamond Merkins 20 IW IC (with a little Hillbilly thrown in) Small group (3-4) Indian run to the back of the park Plank it out with some Shakira hip dips while everyone arrives The Thang [Read More]

Picture Day

It was Picture Day at Phoenix. Jenn, the FUMC chairwoman for the health ministry at FUMC, agreed to come out and take some pictures for an article she wants to write on F3. It turns out Jenn is also Burt’s spin class instructor. More on that later. With that backdrop, here’s what happeed: Warm-up After a circumnavigation of the parking lot consisting of runs, side shuffles, and backward runs, we circled up for [Read More]

The Old Stomping Ground

YHC gets a bit giddy for a Q at BO. Afterall, it is the very finest AO in CARPex and may well be in the great state of North Carolina. It also has the best site Q’s and site Q emeriti. There really isn’t much negative you can find in this gem and the men that come to this hallowed ground know it. Its been a while since the Ripper has Q’d, as he has allowed the other men to led the PAX here more recently. [Read More]

Insomnia, Vesper 4, and 5

Insomnia: Callahan, Flip Flop, Hermes, LargeMouth, Open Out, Shut In, YHC Vesper 4: Riptide Q +many (to be added) Vesper 5: CK, Hotspot, Michelob, PBX, YHC 7 for Insomnia! Callahan, Hermes, Open Out, Shut In, LargeMouth, Flip Flop, YHC. Large and Flip ran and chatted away while the rest of us brought up the 3 and the 6. Covered 4+ miles in 8:38 overall pace, nice work all. 5 (plus one) for Vesper 5 route today. [Read More]