Happy Birthday Swim Goose

Yep, the long 49 year is over and I’m bludgeoning my way into Respect territory (none collected, but hope to earn some over time!) 16 PAX assembled in the unfathomably humid but not so gloom…since TOC thoughtfully lit the baseball field for YHC’s birthday! (Proper) Warm-Up Lap around the parking lot, 50 SSH, 10 Windmill, 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, 15 Mountain Climbers Thang 1 - Partners - Dora 123 - Merkins/LBC/Squats alternating partners w laps around the parking lot [Read More]

The Whole 30

YHC rolled into Bradford’s Ordinary at 0525, pumped and ready to Make It A Great Thursday by starting his day off with another PAX-filled running of the 2nd Inaugural #MeowMile (a “fully sanctioned” and federally trademarked BO/Carpex EC event). At 0530, YHC became thoroughly confused when nary a PAX was in sight. Not a one. Was this the end of the #MeowMile tradition? The final chapter of a dynasty? YHC gathered his self-confidence and set off by his lonesome for Cary’s Little Cuba. [Read More]

Just Another #BurpeeFriday

Short on time, my apologies, but I want to give credit to those 19 Pax that attended! Warmup: SSH, GM, Sir Fazios, 10 Burpees IC Partner up and together knockout light pole burpees 1 through 5, WWIIs, Plank for instructions. Thang - P1 bear crawl up the business park road hill, P2 10 burpees and tag P1 and both run up the hill. P1 10 burpees, P2 hand release merkins. [Read More]

Merkins, Murph, Burpees.

Is there really more I need to say? I guess maybe that there were some LBCs and Freddie Mercuries sprinkled in, or that Large Mouth runs like an antelope out of control, or that my co-site Q Shank made the most amazing shovel flag ever (complete with hand-created camouflage), or that same said co-site Q provided the 20 PAX brave enough to post at FMJ with Gatorade and camo F3 koozies, or that Khakis did his best Grease Monkey impression by lacing up at 0530 on the nose. [Read More]

'18 BRR Training

24 Pax including FNG Fortran and FNG 2.0s Puck and Ninjago. YHC agreed to take the Q to cover for Chef Tell, I also got a step closer to finishing the Carpex 2017 Q Challenge. It was a beautiful morning for an outdoor workout. The Warmup: Jog over to the other parking lot, circle up, SSHx30, GMx10, Merkinsx20, Plankjacks, 1-arm Merkins x 10 per arm, Hill Billies x 15. The Thang 1: Mosey over to the rock pile, get a partner and a medium rock. [Read More]

Pocket Park Blues

I rolled in early and saw a few guys already stretching next to the church and wondered if I had gotten mixed up on the time. Turns out they were part of the #meowmile crew, and off they went. They returned a few minutes with Hello Kitty and a few others looking for extra credit. 5:45, everybody’s here, no FNGs, welcome to our brother Matlock from F3ENC, let’s roll. Warm Up [Read More]

Q That Will Live in Infamy

YHC tweeted last night that this would be a Q that will live in infamy. It would prove a portent of things to come. For, in a cosmic coincidence of epic proportions, both site Qs actually showed up at Danger Zone. I mean, when was the last time that happened? Has it ever happened? Did they recognize each other? Also, Sputnik posted for the first time since Chanticleer broke his wrist at BO. [Read More]

Post BRR, Post 9/11 Stair Climb...just post

After weeks (months?) of run training for BRR, doubling up most mornings (Insomnia + Vesper = CRAZY), several #themaynards, it was nice this morning for a PAX of 9 or so to head off for a coolish Vesper. Insomnia - PBX, Chanticleer, Largemouth, Hermes, Shut-In, Callahan Vesper 4s - Shut-In(run doubledown), Ollie, Term Paper, Goose, PBX(run doubledown) Vesper 5s - Hasselhoff (run doubledown), Hotspot (run doubledown), Old Maid, Sooner The Thang: [Read More]

Excuses, Excuses

11 PAX (ten for boot camp, one for a solo run) gathered at Thomas Brooks Park, site of Field Of Dreams. YHC pulled up just as the rain was letting up just a little. It was a smaller group today, but that’s okay. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to lead a group barely into double digits. I forgot how nice that is. But, to be frank, I expected a smaller crowd today. [Read More]

Bounty Hunters - 08/31/2017

So, I feel really bad about this one. I got the calendar alert at 8PM the night before and thought, “Yeah, I’ll just wing it. Maybe some partner work or Dora 123. One of the classics. It’ll be aight.” Then Wednesday night happened. My 2.0 was up no less than 3 times in the night, once with poop all over the place. So when my alarm went off at 4:15 AM (so I had enough time to get to Apex), I darn near fartsacked. [Read More]