This Q reeks of BO

Let’s get things out of the way from the start. This was as thrown together a Q as I’ve pulled in a while. Was there an idea going into it? Sure. Did it involve more than “we’ll probably have a DORA”? Um… It all started about 14 minutes till 5. With intentions of meeting Coxswain for EC at 5:15, I was taking my sweet time preventing a Pet Sounds. Too sweet a time. [Read More]

Honeycomb Hills

26 HIMs showed up today. This was my 2 year anniversary this week and this is original place i posted. Thank you Water Wings for bringing me out! Intro… Water Wings showed up late. 5 Burpees Pledge Mosey to the parking lot at Regency Woods for a warm up The Thang 7’s on the big hill (.2 downhill and .2 back up) We started with 6 Burpees at the top and 1 Burpee at the bottom Everyone finished this up and we set on a Washington run back to the flag Finished right on time… clocked 4. [Read More]

After the Hurricane

A beautiful night in down town Cary. The feels like temperature was below 90 and the humidity was at 61%. A eager PAX arrived, well they weren’t that eager. Chatter at the beginning was to run to Bond and call it a workout. It was too nice to not enjoy a bootcamp with coupons. 2 minute warning, no FNG, Mission, and Pledge. Warm Up: Mosey around campus. Abe Vigoda’s/Good Evenings [Read More]

Add title

I couldn’t think of a title so I just kept what was already there. A few of us got after it a bit early for a little EC, and I saw a few guys getting a bit more after the workout. Here’s what happened in between. 0545, No FNGs so off we go for a quick parking lot tour before circling up for some Good Mornings, Windmills and Steve Earles. [Read More]

Embrace the Sweat

This morning was a perfect morning to get some good B.O. (The workout site not the stench…duh), and 8 pax got a healthy dose (of possibly both). The start time arrived sooner than expected, or so it seemed, not sure why. Maybe it was the Q-drinaline I don’t know. At any rate, after the mission statement was given, and the Pledge was recited, we were off and running to the big fountain at the top of Academy St. [Read More]

Happy Trails

About a year ago, Hermes led the PAX on a now-legendary Q down a narrow dirtbike trail that runs parallel to Highway 1. Hermes took the group all the way south to the Dairy Queen on Ten Ten. I got to thinking: what happens if you headed north on that trail instead? I saw the Q slot was open for Kryptonite, so I grabbed it. I ran the route twice over the weekend. [Read More]

High Tempo Euphoria

18 came to workout, a day after a much needed slap on the old wrist from the Nant’an, so with that a heightened sense to get the Pax working out, but also spread ’em out a touch, YHC designed a high tempo beatdown with that in mind. High tempo warm-ups and lightening quick Good Mornings. Y’all need to chill about these Good Mornings. Hell, we can’t even count and do seal claps properly anymore. [Read More]

Putting the Danger in Dangerzone

The weather Friday was definitely going to play havoc on YHC’s plans. Lots and lots of rain was called for. Even the stalwarts were Slacking (presumably from the safety of their thrones) their concerns come 5AM. I had had all kinds of musical plans in the works! Well, weather be damned. We were going to at least Bring Sally Up! Checking my Weather app and seeing a short break in the deluge at 520, I put on my shoes and booked for the welcoming embrace of North Cary Park a bit early. [Read More]

Return of the Deck

The evening finally came for the grand reopening of Carpex’s original evening AO, and it felt so good to be back! 10.5 pax came out to get their beatdown on. (because two 2.0s=1.5… which kept us “under the 10” mark) …ok fine it was 11 overall, but who’s counting? Either way, it was a big crowd for Rush Hour. And it was awesome to see! Ok, with that out of way, YHC started off with the mission statement and the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Bartmanniversary V

Strange times. I’d like to think that five years ago when I ventured to A-Team for my first post, I knew I’d be back ITG today to commemorate it. I surely couldn’t have predicted anything else going on in the world this week. Just one day prior, YHC had rucked the OTB TRM thanks to Old Maid Productions. Not feeling tip-top shape today but let’s see what we can do. Good to meet some newer guys like Mama’s Boy and Shipyard. [Read More]