Insomnia made me do it!

Once again I find myself not able to sleep. Awake at 1:10am, again at 2:32am and then finally at 4:44am. I give in. I get dressed and head out early to knock out an Insomnia pre SNS Q. During my 1.35m mozy, I take the time to reflect on all the things. I love that we have theses amazing parks/greenways to use. I appreciate the F3 brotherhood that I am a part of and the accountability it brings to my days and remember that no matter how bad I think I have it, someone else has it worse. [Read More]

Hide and Seek

Today’s Q was in doubt when I jammed up my ankle at #2F-Guys-and-Balls yesterday. But all I did was make the PAX run while I stayed central for the workout. The HIMs were understanding and didn’t rag on me too bad about that…they focused on my sexy new silkies instead. Since I wasn’t hiding any part of my legs in those silkies (totally a photo of me as featured photo), I decided we’d play hide and seek for our workout instead. [Read More]

The Danger "No Winkie" Zone

As I found myself at DZ this morning, I was welcomed by cool weather, with a chance of rain along with a bare forearm that is normally covered by the pro level winkie. Alas, today was the day to possible retire it, but no promises. Looking at 9 good looking HIM, with no FNGs, we turned towards the flag for the pledge. Quick lap around pickle for some warmups Mozy up the road to Railinc Corp for Thang 1: 7’s on the Stairs [Read More]

Klingon Opera

I’m sorry…what? 13 PAX descended on downtown Cary, NC, a town formerly known as Bradford’s Ordinary. Personally, “Cary” is much easier to say so I’m thankful I don’t have to say I live in Bradford’s Ordinary, North Carolina. Either way, still better than saying that I live in Apex. WARM UP Quick jog over to the Bank for: SSH Calf stretches Merkins Good mornings Squats THE THANG Mosey over to the Ol’ Parking Deck for Double 11s. [Read More]

Dangerzone 4/23/21

38 degrees and clear. 12 men showed up for a little old school fun. And it was an old school kind of crew, what with the likes of Burt, Coney, Riptide, Shut-In, and McCants, but with a splash of slightly newer blood like Hermes, Flip Flop, Lookout, Blowout, Viewmaster, and Happy Gilmore. All in all, a solid group, of which I was the slowest PAX. YHC planned an impeccable Q last week at Shakin’ Not Stirred. [Read More]

Rinse and repeat...

Some folks may be aware that YHC does not typically post on Tuesdays and Thursdays as those are the M’s mornings to go to the gym. Well, with the 1.0s in town, the unique opportunity has arisen for YHC to not only post, but jump on that Q sheet. So I decided to take my talents to downtown Cary, if for nothing else, free deodorant and beer. I just Qed on Friday so figured why not just run that bad boy back since only Wahoo was at that Q anyway and when I apologized that it was redundant, he didn’t seem to notice and stated, “They all run together at this point. [Read More]

What really is hi-tempo anyway?

quckie backblast – Ma Bell hyped the site as the best, Grease Monkey back for a one-night special, & lots of talk about how FMJ has gotten too tough as of late…. so, pressure on me to make sure the PAX were moving this fine morning…. with 15 seconds to spare, we said the pledge and did a sharp mosey down to the middle school parking lot dodging 3 Apex pick-up trucks on dawn patrol for some reason…. [Read More]

Papa Smurf

Surprisingly brisk mid-April conditions at North Cary Park this morning, so chilly even Ma Bell was wearing sleeves. Warm-Up Mosey around The Pickle back to the flag and circle up for control freak Good Mornings, imperial walkers, burpees, copperhead merkins and squats. The Thang Mosey down to the shelter for 11’s (since Callahan says 7’s aren’t a thing), left-right step-ups in the shelter, hand release merkins at the flag. Partner up, one partner runs The Pickle, one partner does irkins, dips and derkins. [Read More]

SNS 4/14/21

35(ish) PAX converged at Bond Park for a pick-your-own-adventure sorta day. Some ran. Some rucked. Some beast-ed. And some did a little bit of all that. But I can only speak to what the bootcampers did. Some other hero will need to fill you in on what happened with the ruckers and runners. 5:44am, YHC hollered at the PAX to find a partner. A dull buzz filled the air as the PAX wondered whether YHC had actually planned a Q *gasp*. [Read More]

Speedwork. Loop de LOOM (has wheels)

Several trips around the pickle to warmup. Backwards, side skip, karaoke, regular then warmup This idea is from F3 Lehigh Valley’s UPTOWN GIRL to work on speedwork. Break into groups of 2 groups of 3. On Davis Drive, each group jogs two lights poles while 1 member of group AYG to second light pole, returned to pax and continue to second pole. At pole, 10 leg kick Merkins*. Repeato till Waldo Rood Rd. [Read More]