Laying some Pipe with a Build-A-Bear VQ

30 Pax convened in the gloom, roughly 15 more than I expected. And they brought props! No, I did not tag everyone, and my apologies. Despite capturing the names immediately after COT, I have lost my notes. No FNG’s this day, let’s get started! Quick count-a-rama and we’re off to the Bocci parking lot at Kildaire and Lochmere for a warm-up! Warm-up: SSH Good Morning Dragon Pose Stretch, 10-count, swap 10-count 4-count calf-stretch Merkin’s - 10 each side Sir Fazio Arm Circles for good measure Thang 1: Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot, split the pax into two roughly equal parts [Read More]

Tank tops and merit badges

I was the Scout Master for Thursday’s Scout Week themed workout. As we do, we started out with the pledge of allegiance. Then we mosey to the bank for some: SSH IC Good Mornings IC Sir Fiazo Arm Circles , forward and reverse IC Merkins, on my down, holding for a 10 count after each set of 5 Warm-up complete, we run over to the pocket park behind Page-Walker where we start working on our first merit badge, Animal Science! [Read More]

Do Your Best!

YHC was serving as Senior Patrol Leader today. As with F3, Scouts is a volunteer organization. Specifically, Boy Scouts is led by youth, giving them their first taste at organization, service, leadership, and sometimes humility. Today was a lesson in all four for YHC. It felt like herding cats to get the group to start moving, not unlike any Scouting activity. Trouble was finding four volunteers to serve as Patrol Leaders. [Read More]

Who Do We Appreciate?

Burt shows up with his big box speaker and plays the soothing sounds of the Rick Dees classic Disco Duck while we wait for all the PAX to arrive. The clocks strikes 05:30, play time is over, time to get to work. Warm-Up Mosey over to the Global Knowledge parking lot and take a lap, then circle up for side straddle hops, mountain climbers, standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang [Read More]

What do they call it when you dedicate part of a Q to a guy who doesn't show up?

In jest only, as McCants was called to remain on the home front, but YHC did set out to dedicate a portion of the beatdown to the one and only, PJ “McCants” Puryear. On what is the calendar date of YHC’s 1-year F3 Carpex Anniversary, I had to grab the Q spot at Carpex’s premier AO in downtown Cary on a Thursday morning. 22 are here, 20 for the beat-down and 2 with sacks of rice on their shoulders. [Read More]

You never forget your first time

…that’s kind of true, but when in doubt just reference the backblast. On May 10th, 2017 a dude named Dice showed up to SNS on the invite of his buddy Jamie. It was weird because all the guys were calling him “Repeato,” never the less, on a brisk (to me at the time) 54 degree morning I logged my first Carpex beatdown at the hands of a one “Earhart.” Hello Kitty was born and I’ve mildly gravitated to F3 activities… [Read More]

Imperial Death March, DZ style

15 stormtroopers marched on Danger Zone this morning, destroying the rebel alliance…otherwise known as our shoulders. In concelebration of May the Fourth, YHC spun up a beatdown complete with Star Wars flavored fun. Under a bright moon and the glow of light sabers, we welcomed an FNG, Pete, and dutifully recited the disclaimer. And then the fun began… Of course, the first warmup move of any respectable May the Fourth workout has to be…Imperial Walkers. [Read More]

Meow Miles at Krypto

YHC logged onto Google street view to check the logistics for the Regency loop before Q’ing Krypto for the first time (don’t worry, I’ve posted here more than twice). A solid group of 11 Pax arrived in the Gloom, some “complaining” that the 42 degrees needed to be a touch warmer. Don’t fret, my pet, we’ll warm up. No disclaimer, and we’re off onto the Regency Loop which included: Warm ups in the first lot (quick feet sorta stuff… high tempo) And then we just ran and stopped along the way for stuff including merkins, squats, planks, dips, etc. [Read More]

Let's Glow Climb Some Hills

22 brightly clad HIM gathered. Very light drizzle. No FNGs but disclaimer still given and we are off. Warm Up Parking lot lap SSH x 15 IW x 10 GM x 10 Burtjacks x 10 The Thangs Mozy down the trail to field loop. Partners run in opp direction, 20, 15, 10, 5 partner clap merkins when you meet up 3 sets of 12 IC each chest, legs, core exercise [Read More]

Shakin' not Stirred 4/25/18 Day 3 -- The '80's

The week of Smokey continues with the music of the ‘80’s. Joining us in the gloom were artists like Kenny Logins, Def Leppard, and Bon Jovi to name a few. 36 PAX were there for Vesper and SnS. 28 actually got to listen to the music. We began with a quick run around the parking lot to warm up in front of the senior center. Warm Up SSH Imperial Walkers [Read More]