Stop #3 on The Pain Stick Express

So when Build-A-Bear messaged me on Monday to “ask” me to incorporate the pain sticks into my Q on Wednesday, of course I said yes. You’ve seen him right? So with my original workout put back on the shelf for another day, I started drawing up some new plans. Big group this morning of Insomniacs, Vesperers and SNSers. The boot campers broke off and headed toward the community center to find the afore mentioned pain sticks waiting for them. [Read More]

Cherry on Top

YHC has driven past North Cary Park many times on the way to various destinations. However, this is the first post. Luckily Google maps gives some very detailed satellite photos of what is rumored to be the premiere site in Cary on Fridays. There is cluster-Q potential with this one, after YHC sees the collection of HIMs who have decided to post. Nineteen, in all. Warm Up Standard fare of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio, BURPEES, Plank Jacks, and Merkins (and my down AND my UP). [Read More]

Everyone Remembers Their First Merlot

It had been a while. I mean, I have made my semi-regular appearances at BO this past year. but it had been a while since I’d Q’d there. It had been a while since I’d Q’d anywhere. So as I started to fill up the empty googly slots, it was fitting that YHC start at the birthplace of Ma Bell. Anyway, enough history. YHC was feeling like putting the hurt on some PAX today. [Read More]

Extreme Couponing

Following a night of unstable air and thunderstorms, 20 PAX descended upon Tortoises in the humid gloom for a 45 minutes of getting to know your coupon better. Allegiance was pledged, and we circled up. Warm Up Standard fare of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio, Plank Jacks, Merkins on my down AND up. 10 burpees OYO to get the PAX attention. Thang 1 Lunge walk to the coupon pile. PAX take either a block or 2 cores each. [Read More]

I'm Sorry You Feel That Way

94 degrees at game time. True HIMs battle through, and so after pledging allegiance 9 math-letes braved the streets of downtown Cary for a number-themed extravaganza. Mosey to the circle for… Warmup SSHs, Sir Fazio, Cotton Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks, Merkins on my down AND up, and a few burpees cause I hear it’s a good stretch. Thang 1 Double Nickel down the street. Alternating 5 Monkey Humpers at one light pole, 5 burpees at the next. [Read More]

Harrrrrrd Worrrrrk!

Pre-Blast 28 land lubberrrrs took FOD by storm. A fair amount of chatter to begin. The chatter turned sour quickly. 27 fist bumps at the end. 0 puffy shirts. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run up the hill to the top lot into extended Paint the Lines Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, SFAC/OHC, Walk-the-Plank Series (with NO RECOVERY BETWEEN): 20 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 20 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 20 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 15 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 15 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 15 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 10 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 10 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 10 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 5 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 5 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 5 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches. [Read More]


Saturday. July 28, 2018 76 degrees, overcast, thunder, lightening 7 Pax gathered in the parking lot at OIB Pier. 3 from CarPex (Burt, CD, Kitty), 1 from the Dash (W-S) (Palin), 1 FNG from Durham (Palin’s FIL; now Mr. White), 1 From PA (Mr Dice Kitty’s Dad….AKA Red Baron) and 1 from Raleigh (Salt Life). Lightening. We passed on the Beach and headed to the carport area under the cool Drift coffee shop. [Read More]

I Was Going To Do That Anyway...

Pre-Blast 34 HIM rocked SNS and Vespers this fine AM. Honored to lead, fellas. Thank you for journeying with YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Disclaimer Mixed Run to the Community Center Paint the Lines (except Kitty) Circle up for: Good Morning, 10 Burbees OYO (because no one was counting), Windmills, SFAC fwd, OH Clap, SFAC bkw, Moroccan Night Clubs, Merkin Series (on my up and down, 1 leg up, etc. [Read More]

Thank you for your high-tempo leadership or Not

Date: July 23, 2018 Weather: 71 degrees, humid, rain over night, heat lightening, dry (just like the bite). Yesterday morning I noticed that the Q for K-Nite was open. Saw this as an opportunity to lead and more importantly to write the three Back Blasts I owed the men before I Q’ed again. Wrapped them up yesterday and planned yet another vanilla workout. 16 Pax answered the bell for another in a long line of vanilla clusters. [Read More]

#mccantsweek Day 4 - A Texas Hot Tub and A Slightly Disabled Q

For those living under a rock, I turned 40 today. But the real focus should not be on turning 40, but on closing out your 30s. Can I get an amen? And man, my 30s were something. Divorce, law school, second marriage, kids, ink, F3, a world of debt, foreign travel, a few nights I don’t remember, 50 or so Phish shows, a black president and a cheeto president. What a long strange (but wonderful) decade its been. [Read More]