Pick up the S(t)ix

Pre-count off to form Red, Green and Yellow groups. 18 present and no FNGs Thang 1 Brisk mozy to start of the greenway heading back to SWW with Warm up GM x 8 and merkins x 20 along the way. Glow sticks strategically placed on the greenway. When you arrive at your color – 10 merkins (total of 10 stops per color) If you see a blue, bear crawl to the next stick. [Read More]

OGs of DZ

Uuuughh Maybe 5 hours of sleep just isn’t enough to fully recover from a holiday party as lit as a Carpex party. It was in the 40’s, cloudy with a chance of rain (and/or merlot), and multiple PAX were feeling ROOOOUUGH. Burt, evidently, wasn’t one of them. He instead was up to his usual antics of yelling loudly. Flacco was not appreciative. Nor was I. YHC saw it was 0545 and took off around the pickle. [Read More]

It snowed, we ignored it... this is what we did

6 regulars, 1 occasional visitor and 1 newbie to Koka Booth showed up this morning at Koka Booth. The 5 inches of snow yesterday didn’t bother us - this is how we roll. Welcome to Nature Boy and his first time at this hi tempo AO. A couple of minutes of small talk and we were off. 3 laps around the parking lot pickle and then circle up at the start for GM x 18 (it took Nature Boy that long to catch up and offer is required standard line), SSH x 18, HB x 18, SFAC while YHC explained what was next. [Read More]

Viva la revolucion!

14 was the magic number in Carpex on Friday, and that’s how many PAX turned out at Danger Zone to end the work week. We started with a couple of laps around the pickle (what’s with all the running?) - then circled up for a quick warm-up including SSH, merkins, mountain climbers, imperial walkers and, since you can’t have a great day without them, good mornings. Another 3/4 lap around the pickle to the basketball court, and circle up. [Read More]


~57 degrees and humid in early December. 11 PAX showed up to enjoy an unseasonably warm morning in the Carpex gloom. My first Kryptonite Q since respect week of November 2017. It’s been too long. Let’s see if it’s been worth the wait… Warm-Up Circle up in parking lot 20 SSH, IC 15 Imperial Walkers, IC 20 Merkins 20 Mountain Climbers, IC Thang 1 Small group Indian Run to the parking lot entrance at top of the hill on Ederlee Plank until all in 20 Death Squats (Thanks, Largemouth) Continue across Ederlee to bottom of hill at Avenue of Estates Thang 2 [Read More]

Pajama Party @ FWD

Little late here in writing this BB….sorry folks! Tuesday, 11/20. 17 HIMS met up at FWD for a morning full of fun, some, 1, still wearing Pajamas. But I am no fashion police. Quick intro to the PAX and we are off. WARMUP Quick jog from the parking lot, to the first playground. Dang its dark. First fail of the morning and we are only a minute in. I did a recon the day before and thought, why don’t we use this first playground? [Read More]

Wheelbarrow Squats. It's a Thing.

Since I needed to work off some of the extra Thanksgiving helpings and the frustrations of spending almost 5 days with my in-laws, we started the day with a little EC Run. I was joined by Michelob, Denali & Chanticleer. 0530 Here we go. We take the long way around the lake to the bottom of the hill at the large parking lot. Warm Up Good Morning x 5. That’s enough. [Read More]

Thankful (especially for FNGs on Thanksgiving)

YHC is thankful for many things; my loving family, a full table this Thanksgiving, and a purpose-driven career. But, above all things, I’m thankful for the blessings of FNGs on Thanksgiving Day. More to come, but first: The annual Thanksgiving Convergence means the men of Carpex descend upon the finest AO in all the land, Bradford’s Ordinary, and this year the weather right-perfect for a proper beatdown. EC run waves launched at 0600 and 0630 (psst, Frisco showed up at 0538 texting YHC, “um when are we starting? [Read More]

Fired up for some Turkey!

Wednesday morning’s are always a high energy affair with Insomnia runners coming in and the Vesper and SNS crowd ready to kill it. Add to that the pre-holiday excitement, temps near freezing and anticipation of Kitty’s upcoming Thanksgiving extravaganza, New Year’s Eve in Times Square had nothing on the 34 gathered at the Senior Center this morning! At the crack of 5:45, the Vesper’s headed out to explore new trails and the SNS crowd got after it. [Read More]

Very Slippery

20 great men got up and came out to SWW. We did a slow jog around parking lot to a warm up, standard 23 Merkins for Gibson, 10 Windmills and 10 PlankJacks. We ran over to Hill on Kildare, we did 5 Carolina Dry Docks on every other light pole. Then we did some hill sprints and some LBC’s, back to picnic shelter for some Frey Daddy Speed Racers. We did 15 dips followed by 1 lap, then 2 and finished with 3 laps. [Read More]