Hablo un poco de español

Buenos Dias, Hermanos. When it was announced that Liverpool and Water Wings would share their Chimbote, Peru (or is it Chipotle…) story with the Pax at a bread braking and the Q sheet was WIDE FREAKING OPEN for that day, YHC had to jump on it. Knowing we’d have a squad on hand, I was extra excited (hard to believe I know) for this one. With a resounding Yooooooooooooo at 0544, we got ready to roll out. [Read More]


60 degrees. Dry. No wind. 15 dudes. 5 or 6 for EC run. Burt subbing for Half (get well, bro) on the Q Disclaimer, Mission, Safety were covered Warm Up Prisoner run to the big (dark…property mangers please reset your timers on DST Sunday) parking lot. Circle up for squats, Merkins with calf stretch, SSH, Hillbillies, Burt Jacks (perhaps we will do Burt Jack Webb’s at some point), Good Mornings. Most on Cadence, some on down and one on a down and up call. [Read More]

For Which It Stands

No shovel flag this morning, but there was a flag draped over a tree limb, so we pledged allegiance to it and then we were off. Warm-Up Mosey almost all the way around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios (all in perfect cadence) and then Nature Boy led us in the loudest Good Mornings ever. The Thang Mosey out of the park, take a right and head over to the office park next door. [Read More]

Catch the Maynard if you can

The idea was to run a loop and on said loop catch the Maynard crew as they were hitting the Chatam and Maynard intersection, specifically catch the VQ Maynard running Liverpool. Nine set out, two a little quicker than the rest (respect to Large and Hi-Liter). The route was all the way down High House, right on Chatam, right on Maynard and a left on High House to get home. [Read More]

Mixed Signals

A half dozen for the pre-run and a full dozen for the main event showed up at Koka Booth Monday morning to start their week off right. YHC was accused of “being mean” multiple times during the workout, but then was also told it was my “best Q of the day.” Not sure which, if either, of those is true, or maybe both. I’m confused but maybe this will clear things up… [Read More]

2nd Annual Bacon Run

With the Tobacco Road Half and Full Marathon approaching, the pax joined for what has quickly become an annual tradition… well at least for this second year in-a-row… a long ATT run followed by top-notch fellowship in the parking lot centered around the all-time champion of breakfast meats, BACON. Distances varied between 5-16 (based on YHC’s count), with the majority of pax locking in on that 10-mile distance. Dang near purrfect with the race coming up in 10 days. [Read More]

The weirdest workout I have been to so far

"The weirdest workout I have been to so far" - Biner Today 15 HIM's took their DRP and posted at Gran Torino.  YHC showed up hearing grumbles about "will he even show" despite being 5 minutes early.  This is Carpex after all, we pre-funk every workout unless you are doing EC. Starting off the workout with 3 minutes to reinstate the mission, do the pledge of allegiance, and making sure disclaimers were said, it was obvious they PAX were doubting the beatdown would live up to the High Tempo workout they showed up for. [Read More]

Figured 8

Insomnia #TheStandard, the original, the ever popular Insomnia kicked off the morning. There was even an FNG, EH’d by our bro Flacco. Due to his first post being Insomnia Callahan (the amazing Site Q) hit him with the disclaimer and we were off for a reverse Davis Drive loop…come to Insomnia to learn what that route is. Insomnia Runners: Callahan, Chinese Downhill, FNG, Flacco, Ollie, Shut-In “THE SIX” also ran their own Thang. [Read More]

True HIM Tribute

Just a bit moist & slippery – maybe it’s the perfect conditions for Slippery When Wet…. Wow – pulling in the parking lot, Flacco’s light bar blinded & spotted a few good men already there….. & then they just kept streaming in via car, EC run, or rescue boat it seems…. FNG was briefed on the F3 disclaimer 1:1 – he & his dad in for the weekend up from Florida with other family to support Liverpool. [Read More]

7 of Diamonds

F3 Carpex is in a great spot. I don’t mean location. F3 Carpex is healthy and growing. In some ways it seems like our growth is limitless. I cannot begin to imagine how many AOs there will be five years from now. Many AOs, on a nice morning, will have well over 20 guys post. The energy is high, the mumble chatter is relentless. But I was reminded this morning of how a small group of men can be a refreshing change. [Read More]