The Triple Nickel

It’s BRR Season, and that means hills and excessive (debatable) running at most AO’s, especially if you’re not on a BRR team. Today was no exception, and 13 studs posted at the earliest AO in all of Carpex this warm, muggy morning, several of whom just ran the Maynard the day before. I remember when Recovery-sacking was customary after a Maynard. Those good ‘ole days were just last year! I wanted to ensure I was prepared, so in the event a pax or two were just adamantly opposed to doing the BRR Prep workout, I had something special for them, though I advised against it. [Read More]

BRR Training Barkley Style

The hills at Danger Zone are intense! Having done a few BRR training runs there last year, I knew it was time to get back. When I saw the open Q spot, it was a sign that I must share the love. YHC pre-blasted the plans Thursday on the Slacks, so everyone could see the big idea. I know that DZ is not a high tempo workout, but would resemble that on this day. [Read More]

Exicon ABC

43 in attendance. 3 Ruckers, 16 Bootcampers, bunch of runners including those that ran the Maynard. What a way to start off “hump day”…in the doom and gloom of SNS. I am starting a series called Exicon ABC. We will be using exercises from those three (or sometimes 4) letters of the alphabet until we complete the alphabet. Today was ABC. Warm up Abe Vigoda Alternating shoulder taps in a plank position Annie (Arm circles from a plank position) Thang 1 [Read More]

Enough of all this BRR talk

BRR this, BRR that. I too am guilty, but today we took a break from all this mumble to settle in for a hard working day at FWD. 5 HIDAs launched for a team training run and the boot campers were on our way. Oh, 1 FNG who was properly disclaimed too during warm-ups including the 5 core principles w/ a burpee in between each one, to boot. Warm-up: Over to the circle for ball weaves Good morning SSH Sir Fazio + Seal + Overhead + Sir Fazio Quick feet + curb merkins on 10 and 15 counts The Thang: [Read More]

Rock Webbs Rock?

Arrived at 5:00ish to with my new headlamp to scout out some areas we hadn’t visited in awhile. Amazed that there were already at least 6 cars parked on Laura Duncan with HIMs lunge walking the hill, the Army Physical Fitness testing and EC running. Way to start this week off strong! Warm Up - Good Mornings (SW style), SSH, Runners Stretch Calf Stretch, Sir Fazio, Overhead, Seal Thang 1 - 11s on the hill - Mountain Climbers up top, Jump Squats at the bottom. [Read More]

Emphasizing the Mary

DATE: 8/2/2019 19 HIMs gathering for an Adjacent VQ at Slippery When Wet / Ritter Park **Warm Up **• Mosey to a nearby parking lot • 15 SSH • 5 Good Morning • 10 OYO Burpees **Thang **• Pair up • Group 1 – Run around the building, bear crawling second half of upper level • Group 2 – 100 LBCs, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats (team totals) • Mosey back to the park [Read More]

All the hillz

19 HIM gathered at ao-wolverine for a great start to the week with some hill repeats not-so-cleverly disguised as sevens. Mosey to the Park Village Pool lot for Warm-up: - Side-straddle-hop, Calf-stretch, Calf-stretch ‘merkin, Hill Billy, Sir Fazio forward and reverse The Big Thang: Sevens on the full half-mile hill; burpees at the bottom and squats at the top. Grumbling slowed down as everyone realized just how much fun it is to start their week off right. [Read More]

Pre-BRR Hills Today Boys

YHC called a pre-BRR hill day with four laps up the big hill along Cary Parkway (0.8 mi round trip). A few HIM’s arrived early for the EC, then we went right to it. Frying Pan joined us from Rock Hill, SC. Quick warm up over by the CrossFit place, then off to the hill for the workout. Top exercises (one each lap): 30 LBC’s; 30 Freddie Mercs (4 ct); 30 Dying Cockroaches; 30 Hello Dollies. [Read More]

The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta. [Read More]

Rucking into Independence Day

6 BARs gathered at the Citizens’ Center in the glorious early July 4th morning for some ruck shenanigans. YHC showed up last (not unusual but a trend I am trying to buck), and prepared to get going. Thang 1: Pre-Convergence Coupon Ruck We promptly distributed 130 pounds of coupons in the form of two 40 pound sandbags and one 50 pound former-fire-hose-turned-sandbag. For the uninitiated reading this, “coupons” are the term for any additional weight that must be carried by the PAX during a ruck workout. [Read More]