More than just a workout (Carpex Convergence)

Truth be told, YHC is feeling some pressure on this BB. But, in the words of a sage Carpex veteran: “Keep it vanilla and Q to the site.” - Carman Liuzzo, 57, Burt Wednesday, June 20th, will go down as an EPIC day in Carpex history. The menu looked like this: 0430 - 0500 HIMs launching for the 10.7 mile Maynard loop (14 by YHC’s count) 0505 HIMs launching for Insomnia, YHC on the route Q 0545 HIMs gather for SNS + Tortoises + Vesper convergence at Bond Park 0630 COT with 77 strong, followed by 2nd/3rd F fellowship and Chinese Downhill sharing this powerful and emotional story. [Read More]

Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

12 HIMs met in the not-so-gloomy, yet balmy 80 degree / 85%RH morning. Aiming to be a responsible Q, I let the Pax know I was carrying my phone in the event of any emergencies. Never one to be shy, McCants jumped at the opportunity to ensure is presence was welcome and enjoyed by the Q! This heat and humidity can easily cause mild heat exhaustion or worse. Stay Hydrated, folks! [Read More]

Crazy Train Lifesavers 6/9/18

Lifesaver: A thing that saves one from serious difficulty, a ring-shaped life preserver, a piece of candy. AKA: Disco Duck, Yoga Mat and Dice! The Thang: 12 Pax Met at Bradford’s Ordinary 6/9 at 0745. Scratch that the train is delayed (of course), make it 0845. Some got in some 2nd F at LeFarm and some just hung out at the house a little longer. Mosey over to the Train Station and wait on the 92 Silver Star scheduled to leave Cary at 0808 and arrive in Raleigh at 0834. [Read More]

Trail to Eagle

[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“134”] Eagle Scout[/caption] YHC wanted to exemplify the Scout Motto and arrived a full 15 minutes early for Phoenix. Sadly, that’s about where “Being Prepared” ended for this end-of-the-Scout-week Q. Nevertheless, after a full week away from home, I was excited to share some of Scoutings, and in particular, the Eagle Ranks, more important numerical milestones. Warm-Up - 21s 6:30 and peeps are still rolling in. Well, it’s time to go so mosey while the stragglers get their s*! [Read More]

New Grounds and a Signature Sunrise

Strava: 3 miles Got to nab the Q from Hi-Liter this week. It’s becoming tougher and tougher to get a Q spot if you don’t plan more than 2 weeks in advance. That’s something Carpex can be proud of! Something else to be proud of is to leave the pax breathless at COT and better than where you found them at the start of the day! Let’s see how we did! [Read More]

An unofficial 4.2 miles; an Oofta sighting; and an unplanned shortcut

So my week-long Birthday Q (which by the way I thought was a thing) got off to a bumpy start. Great workout, plenty of miles, saw some new sites, just bad time management. Apparently there is no wiggle room with the 6:15 finish time. But I appreciate the PAX keeping me honest. Oh, and I told you to bring your gloves @Pet Sounds. Warm-Up Knowing time was going to be my biggest challenge, we circled up right there in the parking lot at exactly 5:30 for: Imperial Walker, SSH, Finkle Leg Swings, Hillbilly, Bobby Hurley [Read More]

Still doing it Downtown Cary F3 Style

It was a big day in downtown Cary as 24 PAX gathered to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the premier downtown AO in Carpex. It was also conveniently enough YHC’s 4th anniversary in F3. Unfortunately, my co-FNGs on that faithful day, Ma Bell (traveling), Baby Face (moving), and Lab Rat (never to be seen again) were unavailable to join in the festivities. To honor the day and the OGQ Wonk (who did make a rare appearance in the gloom), we decided to pay homage to the first (yet to be named) BO workout. [Read More]

Slippery When Wet... more like Star Wars Workout

I mean the AO has SW right in its initials. Too easy. Preblast Playlist After emerging from the gloom to the Imperial March, an FNG check resulted in all experienced PAX. Let’s go! Run over toward the greenway. Circle up in the lot for the warmup: 25 SSH 20 IW 15 Tempo Merkins 10 Hillbillies WELCOME TO DAGOBAH. Partner up. Luke will carry Yoda to the baseball field. Flipflop as many times as needed. [Read More]

Shoulder Shredder

When: 05/01/2018 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Term Paper, Smokey, Hermes, Chanticleer, BuildaBear, Byou, Hello Kitty, WKRP, Sosa, Large Mouth, WaterWings, and Yoga Mat and Pet Sounds WOW - I have not Q’d in a long time… Lucky YHC had support for days from the PAX. Hello Kitty booster seat sighting was a plus during warmup. With the Moon setting and Sun rising we were off! Warm up - Short run to the another parking lot, SSH x25, Merkinsx25, Peter Parkersx15, Good Morningx15, mozy down the Greenway stop along the way for Offset Merkinsx15 [Read More]

Phoenix 4/28/18 -- 2010's

24 PAX came out for this workout that arose for the ashes like the AO’s namesake. Cary’s Spring Days limited access to all the places YHC wanted to use. After the Warm-ups, everything else was an improvisation. We jogged off to our usual warm-up spot which was now named the Purple Parking Lot. Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, and Beyonce among others started out with us. Unfortunately, the Respects in the group were not impressed. [Read More]