Pickles and Wheelbarrows

19 Strong for this last Q of 6. Pledge of Allegiance Pax feeling strong as we mosey to farthest points of Bond Park so that innocent eyes may be spared of what’s to come. Warm up Steve Earle - Squat to a Hillbilly Theismann - Affectionately named by Ma Bell - Arm circle with coordinated foot circle out front Nancy Kerrigan - Leaning forward on one leg, with other leg extended back, circle arms Good Morning 100 Pickle Pointer - The opposite of a Pickle Pounder, from your six, lean back and rest on elbow to form an inverted plank, thrust pickle to the stars in cadence. [Read More]

Peaceful Transitions

A few months ago at regular Wolverine coffeteria Hi-Liter and Biner were talking about who would be the next Site-Qs. That’s when our eyes met and the rest is history Biner did the same thing to BOGO, but it looked like this: It was weird, but it worked. All kidding aside, I think I can speak for BOGO in that we were both excited to take on the role and really look forward to seeing how the site evolves over the upcoming year. [Read More]

Two years of F3 - Kryptonite style

With 9/9 a Sunday (and YHC attending Wood Badge training with Chop Block somewhere in the nether regions of Carthage, NC), my Q-nerversary was scheduled months ago at Kryptonite. But between work, Scout training and various work-related shennanigans, YHC had been averaging ~4.5 hours of sleep since last Wednesday so Q’ing Kryptonite was going to be less than ideal. Then realization dawned. With the BRR only days behind them and the annual 9/11 stair climb the following day, it was likely that many of the CARPEx faithful would be ok with taking it a bit easy. [Read More]

10 Rounds with Rocky Balboa

Pre-Blast 19 HIM entered the ring to go 10 rounds with Rocky Balboa. West CARY was well represented. The FWD shovel flag was not well represented. The BO flag was, though. Amirite Kitty?! The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the shopping center. Circle up behind the stores for: Good Morning, Windmills, Merkins, Sir Fazio AC The Thang Run back to the park, weave the pylons, grab a traveling rock. [Read More]

Dora Murph for Virgin Q

Great morning for my Virgin Q. Adrenaline was flowing The Warmup: Mosey down the road to Lochmere Stores parking lot, Do quick feet, backwards run and butt kickers on the way 20 SSH 20 Imperial Walkers 5 Burpees OYO 10 Runners Stretch, each side 10 Good mornings Thang 1: Mosey down to bridge underpass and back to Playground and continue Pearls On A String 20 Monkey Humpers 10 Burpees OYO Thang 2: [Read More]

The Forgotten Q

In case you haven’t heard BRR is coming up soon. Like next week soon. Like you won’t have to hear about it anymore for a while soon. Many, many moons ago Hermes suggested we all take Q’s this week and do running/hill repeat type work outs which we were all enthusiastic about signing up for. Come today and YHC forgot that he signed up to Q FWD. Fortunately someone was kind enough to ask me what we were doing that day which started the conversation of how I was the Q today and so on and so on. [Read More]

Goonies Never Say Die!!!!

24 PAX gathered at their friennd Mikey’s house on Monday morning for the usual hang out, but that’s when everything changed. We got the news that evil fat cat developers were buying land and planning on tearing down our houses to build a golf course…bummer. This group of misfits started the day with the pledge and a quick jaunt around the pickle. Circled up on the basketball courts. The Walsh family is always so accommodating and polite, so of course we start with Good Mornings. [Read More]

Same Same, But Different

A lovely morning for a workout! We have been truly blessed the last three days with some fabulous weather!!! Roughly 60 degrees this morning, with pretty high humidity. The preblast indicated this would not be a Blue Ridge Relay training workout and while there WOULD be running, it would not be a run-centric workout. Turns out, we still managed a little over three miles…… Bayonne, Biner, PBX, and I met for some EC hill repeats at 5:45 and ran a little over 30 minutes on the High House hill, joined about 3/4 into the run by Snots and Chipper. [Read More]

We didn't spell anything, but we ran and did stuff

Perfect morning for a workout, good crowd, 1 FNG (EC’ed by the elusive Navin who did not show) Warm up Mozy to one of the adjoining lots – wait Navin has arrived SSH x 15 Merkins IC x 10 Plankjacks IC x 10 Low plank hold - 5 count around the circle The Thang Form small squads for Indian Run so that each group has someone with a headlamp Route – greenway to Kildaire Farm, and then follow road back into the park, cut behind 2nd baseball field to office park and then back to shovel flag. [Read More]

Brought to You By the Letter “B”

Pre-Blast 31 HIM worked hard at SNS, the Maynard, and Vespers. Today’s workout brought to you by the letter “B.” The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run to the west parking lot, paint the lines. Circle up for: 100 Burpees The Thang Deconstructed Burpees: beginning with 10 reps at each corner of the west lot and decreasing to 1 with each round, complete: prisoner squats, standard merkins, frog ups, and star jumps. [Read More]