A new Dora, was it 24 or 22?

Great morning a Wolverine – excellent group of high impact men! All familiar faces - no FNG to to brief…. The Warm-up: Start with the pledge, mosey around the pickle to basketball court & circle up Good mornings, windmills (tough to count for some reason!), SSH, calf stretches with merkins, air chair with chinooks The Thang! Mosey south along the running trail to the big parking lot. Fast feet, bear crawl, curb dips, crab back…. [Read More]

Finally Cracked that Whip

January 19, 2019 Pax: Banjo, Biner, Buddy the Elf, Build a Bear, Chanticleer, Chinese Downhill, Denali, Half, Fava, Frey Daddy, GTL, Grease Monkey, Hi-Liter, MacGruber, Michelob, Morse Code, Old Maid, PBX, Red Card, Red Sea, Shut In, Slim Jim, Squatter, Sub, Sunshine, Wonderbread, Several handfuls for 3.1 miles EC, some are listed here: Banjo, Build a Bear, Chanticleer, Denali, Michelob, Old Maid, Red Card, Red Sea, Slim Jim, Squatter, Sub, Sunshine, Wonderbread, [Read More]

F3 Dads - Pierogi & Co edition

Will keep this brief as YHC wants to get back to enjoying his Saturday but had to get this down, ASAP. Thank you all for the awesome morning today. I loved it, my kids loved it and I hope all of you did as well. Boone and Rosie have been wanting to Q for months and am glad we finally did. It’s awesome to think that when we first came out, Rosie didn’t want to even say her name at COT and now she’s out there throwing down a beatdown. [Read More]

Leg Day at Back in Black

Where did this cold weather come from????? I much prefer the 47-55 degree band and look forward to getting back there! Several Pax know I somewhat regularly hit the gym after F3, and today was supposed to be leg day in the gym. My original plan was to hit F3, then go lift. Unfortunately, I’m slammed with all-day meetings and did not finish my presentation yesterday, so I need the time to do that. [Read More]

Gloomiest Cinder Blocks!

(CMU’s - Apparently) 19 Met at the Gloomiest AO in all Cary this morning (1/7/19) for a workout, and they were not disappointed. Snots, Ollie and YHC met at 0445 for some extra credit intervals and worked different paces over at the Davis Drive Middle School track. The intervals are always tough, yet rewarding and today was no different. As the pax were arriving in to parking lot, whoa, wait, who’s that? [Read More]

Hills & Blocks for 3.0

Nine HIMs met up this fine morning to run up and down some hills and play some more with YHC’s new CMU’s (aka “pain pills”), debuted last Friday in a very soggy Slippery When Wet beatdown. With Hermes’ return to duty, mumblechatter has resumed to a healthy banter. And, somehow, we managed to turn about 3.0 miles today, almost all of it up and down one hill or another. Here’s what we did. [Read More]

Blocks + Rain = Pain

After posting several times with our fine F3 brothers in Hickory, NC this fall, YHC came to appreciate the versatile, yet potentially lethal concrete masonry unit (CMU aka “cinder block”) in a workout. Call it an implement, a coupon, whatever you’d like…they’re 38 pounds of jagged edged concrete. After a quick run to Lowes’, where CMU’s can be found for under $2 a piece, YHC decided to create a morning around them. [Read More]

New Year, new SNS

After a rousing start to 2019 at the 1/1 convergence, it was great to see 32 more PAX lined up to continue getting after it in ‘19. No FNGs, you all know how this works, so let’s go.Quick turn at the end of Billy Run Road back to the parking lot, circle up: SSH x20 IW x19 Standard merkin x20 Mountain climber x19 Thang Count off by threes and mosey to. [Read More]

Another trip around the sun...

13 optimistic HIM showed up in the gloomiest of glooms to ring out the old year in style. YHC was looking for a way to celebrate 2018 while looking into 2019 filled with hope. Being the 365th day of the year, a theme emerged. 365, you say? Could it be another Hi-Liter style burpee-fest?, the PAX wondered aloud. Read on to find out… Warmup After a quick tribute to our nation ‘round Old Glory, we moseyed to the basketball courts. [Read More]

You Still Have 20 Minutes Left!

From the day the sign up sheet for Grand Torino was posted I have been eager for the opportunity to Q Carpex’s newest high tempo site. For the last month many decisions of where to posted were based on what I thought would best prepare me to lead the type of PAX that frequent GT. With the exception of a little sleeplessness last night I felt as prepared as I could be when I rolled up at 0515. [Read More]