What Time is It?

Given the significance of the concept of a Sad Clown in the F3 universe, one could think the name Flying Circus to be a bit, well, curious. Given the madness that went down at this AO on Thursday, August 23, 2018, I think the name fits. 18 HIM pledged their allegiance to the flag, and then moseyed to the basketball courts. Warm Up Good Mornings, nice and slow 2 x FNGs show up 10 Burpees OYO Hill Billies Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson arms: Circles front and backwards like Sir Fazio, except one arm at a time. [Read More]

Team FOD

21 Pax dodged the rain and puddles to post at Field of Dreams this morning. YHC used to be a FOD regular. YHC even started the FOD Twitter handle, that’s how tight they were! Then more sites joined Tuesdays… Then a kitchen remodel relocated the family to far east borders of Cary… And just like that YHC’s regularity vanished… Franklin even sent his thugs, Nature Boy and Badlands to YHC’s house to repo his #TeamFOD shirt! [Read More]

Harrrrrrd Worrrrrk!

Pre-Blast 28 land lubberrrrs took FOD by storm. A fair amount of chatter to begin. The chatter turned sour quickly. 27 fist bumps at the end. 0 puffy shirts. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run up the hill to the top lot into extended Paint the Lines Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, SFAC/OHC, Walk-the-Plank Series (with NO RECOVERY BETWEEN): 20 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 20 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 20 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 15 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 15 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 15 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 10 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 10 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 10 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 5 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 5 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 5 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches. [Read More]

This is the part of the workout where the Q posts a BB......5 PENALTY BURPEES

40 years ago today, Mr and Mrs Puryear experienced that miracle of life that is childbirth, and brought into this world a bouncing baby McCants…….Who would have thought that momentous event 14,600 days ago would have a chaos theory affect, a RIP-ple if you will, on 7/19/2018 and completely change the day for 16 HIM’s who chose to post at the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday morning. [Read More]

Burpees and Bear Crawls, Oh My!

23 met in the sticky gloom at TB Park. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, disclaimer, and 22 men begin what was supposed to be an easy pace Indian run to the front lot. We’ve got an FNG arriving at 5:47 so Sosa makes sure he gets to the warmup circle. The obligatory 10 burpees commence. Your standard fare of SSHs, Good mornings, Sir Fazio and Hill Billies. Thang 1 Partner up, 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 Fluttering Supermans [Read More]