Brother Bri and the letter B

When scrolling through the Exicon in search for new ideas that have not (to YHC’s knowledge) been executed in/around Carpex and you don’t even get past the letter B… you know it’s going to be a good day. _NMS: YHC was ready for EC this morning, but the old bowels had another idea in mind. EC was skipped for a trip to Harris Teeter and back._ 22 Bros meet up at the Field of Dreams. [Read More]

Biner Says Wooooo!

Always good to be at Flying Circus. West Cary’s Finest Thursday Morning AO Near Two Schools and a Fire Station (or something like that.) All the regulars were there, I guess. I don’t really know. I’ve only been here like 4 times. We greeted Globe Trotter visiting from Austin, made fun of Nature Boy’s Hi-Liter-inspired ear muffs, a version of the disclaimer was given and we circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]

50 Challenge Accepted and Conquered

Date: 4/9/2019 AO: FOD PAX: Beaker, Bogo, Ezekiel, Franklin, Hi-Liter, One Direction, One Four, Pigeon, Sky Blue, Sub, WWW I was a little skeptic about the weather but it was not going deter me from showing up. F3 motto - no matter what the weather condition, get out there (rain, sleet, snow, shine, cold, hot) … it is a great day to workout at O dark thirty also known as the GLOOM. [Read More]

An AB-solutely pollen free beatdown.

There was no visible pollen at Wolverine on a warm and sweaty Monday morning. There were however 20 PAX passing on the left and hitting the six for an ab-solutely splendid morning! Warm-up: Pledge and wait for a just-a-few-seconds late Parker….10 burpees OYO and wait for just-a-few-seconds later Sky Blue…..plank hold, half way down. Hold up some arms, hold up some legs….okay let’s go! Brisk mosey to DDMS, circle up: SSH Calf-stretch merkins, switch Prisoner Squats The Thang: [Read More]

Topless Broga

One never knows what to expect on April 1st. YHC decided to play it straight, and keep the PAX wondering. At 05:29, twenty PAX had gathered around the flag in anticipation - April Fool’s jokes or not? After the Pledge of Allegiance, we’re off. Warm Up Two laps around the pickle with some backwards running, Karaoke both ways, and high knees. Circle up for SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]


To borrow a phrase from our Nantan, Ma Bell, today I reached level 52 of life. A strong group of 18 PAX (13 bootcampers, 4 ruckers and 1 bruiser) joined in on the celebration this morning at our Gran Torino AO. Awesome weather for a beatdown with temps in the mid/upper 40s. Let’s see how the old guy did… Warm-Up Jog through parking lot over to the bus loop and circle up for: [Read More]


37 shakers and vesperers came in to the gloom on special day across F3 Nation, a day where we set aside some time during COT to talk about mental health. But first we have to squeeze 45 minutes of pain into 35 minutes. To help us out, and to illustrate a point, we’re taking one of the Rolling Stone coupons with us, a solid, sturdy log, large and heavy enough that it requires two PAX to carry it. [Read More]

Meet the Pivots

Twas another splendid Tuesday morning in at Field of Dreams. YHC was ready to go after a brisk run to the AO with BOGO, Squatter, and Michelob. We gathered, I recited some form of a disclaimer. Debate ensued on whether we should state the fact that it is a disclaimer, or if we should simply disclaim. Quick mosey around the parking lot and we all join the pivot family circle of trust for warmups. [Read More]

Low Mileage but High Burn

No CARPEx PAX were surprised this morning when YHC made the announcement that today was going to be a low-mileage day. At least not those with access to (and the time to check) Slack. But nevertheless, after both a disclaimer and a reminder that F3 is about building better men and better leaders, there was an opportunity for the gazelles in the audience to make their way to A-team. Finding that none took the opportunity, “play” was hit on the ol’ bluetooth enabled noise box and we proceeded to enjoy some camaraderie while getting a bit of a sweat on. [Read More]

Imperfect 10

YHC, some time back (before GT opened), posted at the site pre-opening, after running a 10k there from home, with plans to run home from there. Somewhere in the middle (okay, real close to the beginning), the tank was already empty. Q was calling some pretty high tempo stuff, and asked for pax to call an exercise upon arriving to the carpool dropoff spot. YHC was called upon, and called a 10-count to catch breath. [Read More]