3 is the magic number

Historians, F3 Founders, Hip Hop Band De La Soul and of course Schoolhouse Rock all agree that 3 is a magic number. Three is a magic number. Yes it is, it’s a magic number. Somewhere in ancient mystic trinity, You get three as a magic number. The past and the present and the future. Faith and Hope and Charity. The heart and the brain and the body, Give you three as a magic number [Read More]

The Force is strong with this one...

Props to @Hello Kitty for the idea. I’m realizing that the older I get, the more I miss being a kid. The fantasy of Episode 4, way back in ‘77, is lost on Millennials. My office mate, all of 25 years old, has.never.seen.a.star.wars.movie. None of them. Of course She also texts with all her fingers versus my hunt and peck, so…. So, long ago, at an AO far, far away, Hello Kitty hatched a plan to have Star Wars themed Qs on Internation Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you…May the fourth be with us all). [Read More]

The Gloom is Gone

I was looking forward to navigating Carpex’s gloomiest AO, but alas, we had 70° at 5:30, a light breeze, and an early sunrise that I suppose we need to get used to! After walking the course down, some quick stretching to the tunes of Hi-Liter’s youth, and a fruitless FNG check, we disclaimed and set out down Park Village Dr. Pause at the clubhouse for: GM // Merkins IC // IW [Read More]

what happened to a low key AO?

What the heck, Darn near 30 pax at FOD! PROBLEMACTIC - Addition by Division? May be time… Nonetheless was an epic morning so let’s get after it! Go Time 0545 Jog down across to other parking lot around the pickle and back past the flag SSH x 25 (IC) Merkins x 15 (IC) Peter Parker x 15 (IC) Plank Jacks x 20 (IC) Parker Peter x10 (IC) The Thang: Partner up Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 LBC Repeato 3x Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, and sideways crawl to past the flag The Thang Duo: Partner back up with same partner for Rocks and Squats Partner 1 rocks to failure, Partner two run 3 yards do squats/return Curls, Press, Skulls, Row Repeato 2x The Thang Tre: Same Partner Pull ups 5x each Repeato 2x Mary J Lo x20 (IC) LBC x20 (IC) Announcements [Read More]

Merkins and Mary, what more do you need?

Empty spaces in the Q sheets hurt my soul…and aggravate my CDO (we’ll see how many of you get that one). Must. Sign. Up. Thanks, Hot Spot. At least it makes Q shopping easier. “Oh look, I’m the Q, I guess I should go there”. Enough rambling, here’s what we did on a gorgeous May Day morning as the first of two full moons set (Werewolf plug). The Warm-up (Beaker’s Beginnings) [Read More]

That's not what the finest soccer pitches in NW Cary on a Thursday morning were designed for.....

Flying Circus 04/18 Another beautiful morning at the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday morning. Driving in without my regular clown-car-compatriots, I wondered who would show for todays installment at FC…..of course 10 of Cary’s finest HIM turned in for a beatdown from YHC. Here’s what we did: Run to main entrance & circle up 20 SSH; 10 windmills; 10 GM’s; 20 IW’s; 20 plankjacks; 20 mountain climbers Abbey road lunge walks - back and forth 13’s - Kerb / bear crawl / Derkin Run to SOCCER PITCHES: [Read More]

What do Charles Bronson and Teddy Roosevelt have in common?

Nothing actually…until today. Theodore Roosevelt once spoke about the “man in the arena.” That man was Charles Bronson. 12 HIM showed up brighter than normal. Most drove @Hot Spot, @Michelob, @Old Maid and @Squatter ran in for a little EC. Warm Up We ended up taking the long way to the basketball court from the flag. Bat Wings (20x forward arm circles, reverse arm circles, seal claps, overhead claps. @Frankiln then forced us to hold our arms out for a long slow count from 0-9) Hillbilly, Mountain Climber, Plank Jack [Read More]

Some shoulder work

3 for the 2.5 mile EC run in and out - Old Maid, Hot Spot and Squatter Some others did some EC run stuff. Biner wore the breathtaker thing without smiling A total of 21 were there at the start and I think it was our FNG - Rahm that was a little late. Thang HiLighter: - Warmup including GM, HB, IW, SSH, and some penalty burpees and probably something else i am forgetting. [Read More]

Change is good

With our boy @callahan on the DL, we needed to ensure #ec-insomnia soldiered on. So, with a few quick keystrokes Tuesday night, YHC devised a new route I don’t think we’ve taken before; all the hills of the south side of Castalia. PAX of 9 for the run, 2 for the stationary effort, and off we go. Bye Large, Shawn D. Clair, and Denali…the rest of us settled in for a nice low-mid 8s pace, regrouping as needed (8:24, 8:16, 8:35, 8:24 mile splits). [Read More]

After the rain, the Turks come out

Long time participant, second time Q, first time back-blaster (yeah, I know). Twas the night before Wolverine and all through the house, not a creature was stirring but the roof might have come off from that ridiculous Summer storm in Spring. YHC had a plan at 4pm that involved the soccer field Mother Nature to YHC: Ha ha ha ha ha…. 9:15 Sunday night (wind whipping, lightning everywhere…) YHC to M: I’m headed to bed, gotta Q in the morning. [Read More]