No Good Mornings, but Still a Good Morning!

Pre-Blast 26 crushed #ao-wed-sns and #ao-wed-vesper. SNS covered 3.7 mi. Vespers covered more, I’m sure. 9 studies God’s Word at #3rdf-refinery. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run out of the park, east on High House, and into the east park entrance. Stop at the first east park road intersection. Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, FrogUps. The Thang Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Sevens - run four light poles north, perform 1 Merkin, run back to the intersection, perform 6 Prisoner Squats, run four light poles east, perform 1 FrogUp, run back to the intersection, perform 6 StarJumps. [Read More]

No Good Mornings, but Still a Good Morning!

Pre-Blast 26 crushed #ao-wed-sns and #ao-wed-vesper. SNS covered 3.7 mi. Vespers covered more, I’m sure. 9 studies God’s Word at #3rdf-refinery. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run out of the park, east on High House, and into the east park entrance. Stop at the first east park road intersection. Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, FrogUps. The Thang Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Sevens - run four light poles north, perform 1 Merkin, run back to the intersection, perform 6 Prisoner Squats, run four light poles east, perform 1 FrogUp, run back to the intersection, perform 6 StarJumps. [Read More]


YHC rolled into Thomas Brooks park a little early to knock out some EC pull-ups. It’s not much of a thing here, but eventually several PAX joined in once they realized that pull-ups can be done at the shelter by the soccer fields. Good news, we’ll be back here eventually. With pull-ups done and the time drawing nigh, we joined the PAX circling up in the normal FOD starting spot. One issue - no flag. [Read More]

Tobacco Road Aftermath

15 HIM gathered under starlit skies to welcome the new week. 5 of us were (are) recovering from either running or rucking the Tobacco Road Half Marathon, so YHC had a special recovery edition planned. The theme featured plenty of Broga to loosen us up, and a few traditional bootcamp moves to keep everything moving. Round up the PAX for the pledge (YHC was a little disoriented but eventually got redirected to the flag…) [Read More]

Frigid Circus

It wasn’t raining and there was a sunrise, so mark that as a win in the weather column. However, the PAX kept complaining about “The Cold”. Now, the weed companies, pest companies, and Punxsutawney Phil all assure me that Spring has sprung. My hydrangeas agreed, much to the dismay of their now-wilted buds. Alas, I can’t do anything about that, but I can do something about the shivering PAX. Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-up) [Read More]

Just another day at Gran Torino

A lovely, lovely day at Gran Torino. Perfect weather, and an awesome pax! What do I have planned for today? Nothing special. A very simple, yet effective high tempo workout. Just another day at the finiest Hihgh-Tempo bootcamp AO in Northwest Cary. We started with a quick and abbreviated F3 Briefing. No FNG’s today so let’s go! Pledge of Allegiance Follow me for a brief jog and warmup: SSH x 20 20 Regular Merkins OMD Imp Walker x 20 20 Wide grip Merkins OMD 15’ish Good mornings Honestly, the mumblechatter got out of hand here, no clue what the count was 20 Diamond Merkins OMD Follow me to the pullup bars for The Thnag The Thang! [Read More]

Just a little stroll between light poles

Date: 3/4/19 AO: Wolverine QIC: WWW Mosey 2X around the pickle to get the blood flowing. Circle up for warm-up. GM, hamstring stretches, calf stretches with merkins in between, Sir Fazio. Mosey to the stop light on Davis Drive to being our thang. Thang 1: At every light pole for 10 light poles, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats. Hi-Liter asked me after light pole #4 if I thought about the workout. [Read More]

Running in Circles, Picking up Rocks

19 men showed up for some calisthenics at Field of Dreams. What’s there to say?… We did lots of circles around the parking lot. All told, we covered a little over two miles. We also did some creative rock exercises and debated the proper way to do a Dying Cockroach (the Q’s way was correct). And most importantly, we met an FNG. Welcome Kung Pao! The Thang: Mosey up hill [Read More]

2nd Annual Bacon Run

With the Tobacco Road Half and Full Marathon approaching, the pax joined for what has quickly become an annual tradition… well at least for this second year in-a-row… a long ATT run followed by top-notch fellowship in the parking lot centered around the all-time champion of breakfast meats, BACON. Distances varied between 5-16 (based on YHC’s count), with the majority of pax locking in on that 10-mile distance. Dang near purrfect with the race coming up in 10 days. [Read More]

The weirdest workout I have been to so far

"The weirdest workout I have been to so far" - Biner Today 15 HIM's took their DRP and posted at Gran Torino.  YHC showed up hearing grumbles about "will he even show" despite being 5 minutes early.  This is Carpex after all, we pre-funk every workout unless you are doing EC. Starting off the workout with 3 minutes to reinstate the mission, do the pledge of allegiance, and making sure disclaimers were said, it was obvious they PAX were doubting the beatdown would live up to the High Tempo workout they showed up for. [Read More]