Chopped Sooey

QIC: Chops! 14 Pax are right on time. Pledge, mosey, warm up at Dude Solutions. Thing 1: Indian Run for a mile around the lake. Thing 2: Three-man DORAs in the Chiesi parking lot. Partner one handles the DORA (100 merkin, 200 lowslowflutters, 300 squats), partner two runs across the parking lot to relieve partner three. Partner three is monkey humping. Thing 3: Pearls on a string back to the flag. [Read More]


QIC: Riptide. Big crowd for a muggy Riptide Q. Just as we’re about to launch, a car screams into the parking lot. It’s the triumphant return of Joe Smith. Mosey to Koka Booth parking lot for the warm up. Mosey to the rock pile, partner up, and grab a rock. Mosey to American Tower. Thing 1: Partner rock work. Partner 1 stays with the rock for 8-step rock-your-body. Partner 2 runs up the American Tower hill, does 2 burpees, runs down the hill, crawl-bears back up the hill, 2 starjumps, runs back. [Read More]

Prodigal Sun Rise

Following through on my standing offer to write your backblast if you Q at Back-in-Black: Prodigal is your QIC, and he brings his own party (Trident and Drago). Chops solo ECs. Puzzles, fresh off his highly successful VQ at FWD, arrives on bike. Thing 1: 10 burpees, 10 lunges, 10 WW2s, run the pickle, 9 burpees, 9 lunges, 9 WW2s, etc. Prodigal laps everyone. Thing 2: Pearls on a string Indian run halfway around the lake. [Read More]

Pearls on a Rope

Last-minute Q opening. Site Q has it covered. 5 PAX are ready to go at 5:15. Forgot my watch. Bluewater promises to keep me updated on time. ThankBlueForHisLeadership. Pledge. Mosey to the Koka Booth Main Gate. Warm Up. Reveal that I’ve hidden a 50-foot battle rope. PAX grab ahold 10 feet apart (mandatory social distancing) and we lug the rope from spot to spot around the parking lot. At each spot, we do three, one-minute exercises I pulled from Insanity Pure Cardio. [Read More]

Happy Trails

About a year ago, Hermes led the PAX on a now-legendary Q down a narrow dirtbike trail that runs parallel to Highway 1. Hermes took the group all the way south to the Dairy Queen on Ten Ten. I got to thinking: what happens if you headed north on that trail instead? I saw the Q slot was open for Kryptonite, so I grabbed it. I ran the route twice over the weekend. [Read More]

National Donut Day!

Over the last few months, when workouts were scarce to find, typically there was always one at SWW. After posting here a handful of times, YHC felt comfortable enough with the AO to get on the Q sheet even though it’s outside of his normal stomping grounds. I pulled in with a couple minutes to spare as the EC crowd was getting toweled off and ready for the beatdown. Bagels got in his car and left so I figured he just didn’t have time to stick around for the ME. [Read More]

Memorial Day Beatdown: In honor of 1st Lt Roslyn L. Schulte

Memorial Day is a holiday to honor this who served in the Armed Services and have paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting our nation and the nation’s interest worldwide. I also want to honor our first responders who also made the ultimate sacrifice. On this day we honor 1st Lt Roslyn L. Schulte. Lt Schulte was serving as an Intelligence Liaison whose mission is to teach our Afghan military allies to gather and interpret intelligence data/information. [Read More]

Shooting Bricks at SWW

It was a rainy Friday the 13th but 17 PAX showed up for the only March Madness in town. Started off with the pledge and circle up for Warm ups Good Mornings (13) SSH (13) HillBillies (13) Diamond Merkins (13) One Legged Homer to Marge (13 each leg) Runners stretch (13 count each leg) Hermes not able count past 10 in Roman numerals Thang 1 Partner Murphish Dora 50 Pull Ups 100 Merkins 150 Bobby Hurleys Takes turns running around pickle Thang 2 [Read More]

You're no Prodigal

Sunday afternoon, YHC was finally done with most of the chores for the day (after a great morning TRM tuneup run with Wonderbread), and checked in on Slack to see what was up. First priority was to check on the Q status for Gran Torino Friday…OH NO we need a Q! But then, a more urgent call for help was noticed. Prodigal needed someone to take his Kryptonite Q. It’s been a while since I Q’d (and especially Kryptonite), so I tossed my hat in the ring. [Read More]

Friend Groups of 3

Glorious weather, 15 strong, renege on request for headlamps and we are off Warm up mozy around the parking lot followed by SSH, GM, Hillbillies and Mountain Climbers Full House arrives a Full 2 minutes late. Penalty burpee for each minute. Now we are 16 Run to stoplight at the corner of the lake and note your finishing spot. Groups of 3 based on pace become your Friend Group for the remainder of the workout. [Read More]