Parental Advisory

Balmy 34 at Koka Booth at 0515. Cauliflower and Squatter for the impressive 0445 EC. 12 Pax for my second attempt at a gangster rap strength workout. No one was clamoring for this the first time around, but it was so famously interrupted that I wanted another chance to stick the landing. Mosey half-way to the rock pile. Quick warm-up. Mosey all the way to the rock pile. Choose a non-traveling rock. [Read More]

Who am I?

Have been wanting to pull this Q out for a few weeks ever since my son’s confirmation retreat. Warm up: Mosey to the big Koka parking lot for GM, Abe Vigoda, SSH, IW, Merkins and Eye of the Needle stretches. Thang: Asked the PAX to think about the answer to the question: “who am I”. Took turns sharing our answers, with answer-appropriate workouts tossed in. In our group we had a hospital name (7x burpees), husband (24 years merkins), lawyer (99 problems LBCs), financial adviser (3 million dollars wolverines), a child of God (WWIIs), a literary and musical hero (star jumps) and a father. [Read More]

Catching Largemouth

Last night, the Q slot for BiB opened up, so YHC volunteered to take the helm. I remembered a nearby segment from last year’s Hill Climb Challenge, so I built the workout around that. 15 total Pax today, including one FNG. TClaps to Farm Aid and Useful Engine for bringing out a friend. Thing Mosey around the lake. Warm-up: I called some unusual stuff that Build-a-Bear didn’t love. Pearls on a String Mosey through the greenway to Glade Park Road. [Read More]

Last day of 2020...

So today is December 31st, so naturally the last day of the year 2020. What a year it’s been, to say the least. I figured what better way to Q the first workout of the last day of 2020 than to use it as a theme. I decided to do 20 reps of 20 exercises in a 4 corners situation. Here’s what we did: Warmup: YHC and 7 Pax at the flag (almost) at 0515 on an extra gloomy day. [Read More]

New Home

This was the second of two ’late commit’ Qs by YHC on Sunday night, and for an easy reason. Good chance this could have been 3 scoop Qs, but I didn’t want to grab a Wednesday to leave that open for a Maynard or a Cleaver (which I proceeded to FS through anyways). Point Break was open, and the FWD-PB-SWW combo would have felt appropriate given upcoming circumstances. More on that in the NMS. [Read More]

Four Corners

Opening – We did a quick pledge of Allegiance then a run to the bottom parking lot behind Koko Booth Warm-up – After a run to the parking lot we Circled up for 5 good mornings, 20 Side Straddle Hops , 10 or less really bad Imperial Walkers, 20 merkins and finished up with 20 Mountain Climbers. The Thang – We moseyed to the parking lot at the Koko booth entrance for 4 corners. [Read More]

Pearls on an Elastic String

It was a beautiful, crisp morning in the gloom. Eleven men set out to exercise. Much to the disappointment of the younguns, there were no respects wearing Depends. The younguns thought it would be an easy workout and they’d get a real workout later. They would learn differently soon. The rule of the day was if you arrived at the meeting spot before the Six was in, you were to circle back to Pick Up The Six so that all the PAX would arrive together. [Read More]

Mystery of the F3 Prius (QIC: Oofta)

QIC: Oofta On his way to BiB this morning, Pierogi began following a silver Prius with an F3 sticker on its back bumper. Piergo assumed he’d follow this Pax right into our parking lot. Not so! The Prius took the turn immediately before ours and headed into a separate Koka Booth parking lot. 3 for EC (Hermes, Oofta, Francois). Great crew of 15 for the ME. Mosey to the rock pile. [Read More]

Taper-Free Since 73 (Ma Bell Q)

QIC: Ma Bell 1 for EC (Headroom, who we were all glad to see out in South Cary) Plank-allegiance Mosey to Bluewater/BaB’s building Dora: monkey humpers, squats, LBCs while partner runs the hill Mosey to Koka Booth lot Merkin corners (100 total) Mosey to Global Knowledge Hill Hill repeats with burpees/merkins at either side Mosey to flag Mary, COT (Odyssey on Saturday, check with Parker for Carying Place Day on 11/1, prayers for Liam), Ma Bell takes us out. [Read More]

Dodgerless Point Break Vanilla Beatdown

16 Pax showed up on a unseasonably warm October morning including about 5 of the standard EC runners. Started with the pledge and circled up. Was prepared to start off with 15 burpees if there were any Dodger fans in the house but no one took the bait. Did the usual Warmarama instead with SSH, Good Mornings, Tappy Toes, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Runners Stretch and Squat Holds. Mosey to the Main Pavilion doing butt kickers, high knees and Karaoke on the way [Read More]