The Plank

I’d run out of vacation time to get outta town and excuses not to VQ so here we are… Little did I know Dante’s would be hosting the Chipolte Qvergence in support of our brothers Liverpool and Water Wings trip to Peru. 43 HIMs posted on a fine spring morning in February, 3 FNGs taboot! Disclaimer and Pledge. Following the Dante’s Peak tradition we mosey down the circle for warm ups, we hardly fit… nice! [Read More]

Pure Vanilla

I didn’t start out wanting to create a vanilla-flavored workout, but now that I look back over what we did, it reeks of the genus vanilla orchid. A bunch of EC HIM did running, pull-ups and other stuff. 0544 Give the Disclaimer to FNG. 0545 Here we go Mosey to the end of the parking lot where Dante Peakers like to warm up and get a little hissy if you don’t. [Read More]

Warning and Warming

Our brother Chinese Downhill was scheduled to Q at Dante’s Peak this morning, but something came up and he needed someone to cover for him. We talked this week about picking up the six, here it is in action. Trike agreed to take the Q, and asked YHC to co-Q with him, so let’s go. Warm-Up 23 pax make our way down to the circle at the end of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops. [Read More]

Hell Squats @ Dante's Peak

30 Nov 2018 QIC: Parker PAX: Ashbury, Blueprint, Bogo, Earhart, Frisco, Goose, Hot Spot, Ma Bell, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley, Monkey Nut, Parker, Squatter, Theismann, Trike 15 PAX gathered in the seasonably pleasant gloom at Dante’s for YHCs first Q in a few months. After Water Wings stood me up for the EC run in, I was ready to talk to somebody. And talk, did they ever. 0545 sharp, Disclaimer, then mosey down to the cul-de-sac for Warmup [Read More]

Merkin Monday (on a Friday)

Welcome to the 3rd installment of Flaccoversary Week 2018, and only the 2nd installment Q’d by YHC! After an unexpected business trip to Virginia preempted the 2nd installment (that was graciously Q’d by Sabre), YHC felt the need to get swolt. (And my legs aren’t working very well since the lungefest at SNS, so upper body seemed the way to go.) So my M went to Crate & Barrel to buy me something nice for my Flaccoversary, and she found Merkins on sale. [Read More]

Advertising works!

YHC has been out of Carpex for the past few days exploring F3 out west in St. Louis and was really looking forward to being back home. Since there isn’t much to do outside of work when traveling YHC was advertising the upcoming beat down all week on slack. And let’s just say that the adverting brought out the numbers - 32 PAX joined my in south Carpex on this fine Friday morning. [Read More]

Boots ta Boot

What a day, what a day! YHC grabbed the Q spot at DP and longing awaited the chance to head west for all 3 F’s with the Apex pax. With YHC’s alarm set for 0430, here goes. Arrive early for EC pull-ups with GTL, Theismann, Rooney and Frisco. Aeorsmith was there as well and Steve Tyler rocked us during our sets. Great work men. The rest of the reg-U-lars arrived and I’m looking at 30 pax for this beat down (has to be the most in Carpex today, right? [Read More]

He Missed The Warm-Up Spot

EC Run: YHC & Water Wings EC Pull-ups: Goose, Ma Bell, Rooney, WWW, Cataracts, Theisman EC Mumble Chatter: Crimson, Nature Boy I was impressed with the group of HIM out there this morning. We had EC runners, EC pull-upers, Traffic Cone (who I was meeting for the first time,) Blueprint (who hasn’t been out in awhile,) and it’s always great to see Snots getting after it. No FNGs so off we go. [Read More]

Sugar Cookie... Yum.

We got your back Suey! Get well soon. With little time to plan where’s the best place to go for new and exciting ideas? The F3 Exicon. Oh the fun… Shout out to 6 HIMs who arrived at 0515 for EC pull-ups! Committed to getting back to back! As per Crimson’s watch, it’s 0545- Pledge of Allegiance. Warm up Side Straddle Hop Steve Earl Fluttering Superman Finkle Swing (another sweet Exicon find) Midget Squats (Earhart was giving me a hard time about something and YHC really likes these so we enjoyed them for a few extra reps) Thang 1 [Read More]

Superman Protocol

19 of the finest HIM in all of Apex descended upon the Apex Nature Park probably thinking of a nice easy transition into the weekend by the old man Q. Let me tell you boys, us RESPECTs still got some whup-ass in us. 0545 - let’s go Warm-Up Line up in 4 lines for a cadence run sung to the F3 principles jody written by a Hampton Roads PAX. I understand some of you weren’t able to hear me; sorry about that. [Read More]