Old standby, deck of death welcomed 16 strong

Beautiful morning at Bond Park, at least if you like humidity. But apparently, people do. Good crowd, early crowd, anxious and waiting to roll. Callahan and Old Maid wander in from their separate EC runs. No FNGs and we are off - out of the senior center, right on the road, left on the path - hard left onto trail, left again on the path, right on the road, back in the other entrance to the senior center - a little backward run and side shuffle thrown in and we were back where we started. [Read More]

Guns, Bras, Rocks, Johnny Cash

The threat of rain didn’t keep too many away today. Parking lot filled and at 5:45 sharp (or thereabouts since YHC didnt have a timepiece today) we were off towards the front entrance of the park. Tight pax running 2x2 on the sidewalk headed up the High House hill to the 2nd entrance where we circled up for warm up. GM x20, IW x20, SSH x20, Sir Fazio - 10 each way [Read More]

Beast Conquered

11 PAX showed up Saturday morning for a pre-Easter workout. No FNGs. Mosey down to the field for the warm-up: Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks. The rain started. Next, mosey around a 100 yrd x 50 yrd plot, for the thang, marking the corners and mid-field points with pine cones. Note: don’t use pine cones to mark a course - they’re hard to find. THANG Beast with a Mucho Chesto set and a Bruce Lee set after each round. [Read More]

Celebrating in Style

First thing, TClaps to Shutty for nailing the COMZ Q and restoring my access to F3Nation.com. Can any older gents tell me if forgetting passwords at 38 is normal? I will keep it brief today, a welcome relief, I know. Anyway, before we can even make all the good mornings, the shovel flag (poorly planted as it was) falls over and we’re due some penalty burpees. For the ACTUAL workout, short story is, today is the 38th celebration of my birth. [Read More]

Travel'n Rock

Warm Up: Mosey down to the Sea of Booty and circle up for 10 x Good Mornings 10 x Windmills 10 x Imperial Walkers 20 x SSH 20 x MC’s 20 x M’uricans Lil’ more mosey past HYC to the rock pile and grab a Travel’n Rock. Carry your new bud over to the parking deck. The Thang: 10 x Curls Carry the rock up the steps 10 Squats Carry the rock to the next stairwell 10 x Tricep Extensions Carry the rock down the stairs 10 x Shoulder Presses [Read More]


Slow warm up run to start, circle up for some warm up. Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Plank Jacks and Superman. The Thang: 4 Corners, Merkins, Burpees, American Hammers and Carolina Dry-docks. Then short run to Rock Pile, Partner Dory with rock, 100 Curls, presses and squats. Start run and did some more Burpees and Dying Cockroach Finished with some Mary COT FNG’s Punch Down and Chalkboard. Welcome to F3 Great support for these men from the PAX, very impressive. [Read More]

Memorial Day Warm-up

Once in awhile, it is nice to post at an F3 location that has one substantial exercise, or small sets of exercises that repeat for a good 35 minutes. It becomes a sort of moving meditation with your mind becoming the only deterrent. That is the beauty of the “Murph”. For those of you who do not know, this workout is titled after the Navy Seal Michael Murphy who was killed in action during a firefight in Afghanistan in 2005. [Read More]

It's Great to feel Young Again

It’s Great to feel Young again No FNGs, 12 men Indian run to community center for warm-up of some things that are routine. Separate between slow and fast runners for, Catch Me if You Can with 10 merkin at each change. There were multiple stops: 1. Main Gate: Boat canoe 2. Sertoma shelter: 4cc low squat box jumps: 30 3. Playground: Five rounds: 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats 4: Kiosk: American Hammers 5: 7:00 am, stop by start to pick up any stragglers [Chappy] Dying Cockroach 6: Highhouse Rd: LBCs 7: Main Gate: Flutter kicks 8. [Read More]

No theme, just disillusionment

It would have been easy - though maybe a bit trite - to come up with some March Madness themed workout given the championship game was the night before. But YHC was just ready to get the juices flowing and work out some aggression because: YHC was tired from having stayed up and watched a basketball game Officials and BOG overseers of the university that the winners of said basketball game represented willfully, arrogantly, and unremorsefully initiated and perpetrated the longest and most egregious case of academic fraud in the history of sports in order to keep players eligible, maintain their cash cow of a revenue stream and ultimately win championships so said officials and BOG overseers can bloviate to their country club, academia, faux academia, and law firm colleagues how “their” basketball team is better’n your’n, all while NCAA and ACC officials nodded in agreement as aforementioned officials, BOG overseers, hired mercenaries, PR firms and pompous academics obfuscated, hid behind obtuse laws, delayed, denied, countered, covered up, and persecuted in order to keep the truth from being exposed. [Read More]

It's Raining. No, it's not.

Danger Zone welcomed us with a deluge as March was determined to go out like a lion. If you don’t get that reference, look it up. I’ll wait…Anyway, YHC’s grand, beast-like plans were thwarted. Yeah, we could have run around the pickle and rolled around in it with some Superman - Bananas, but nah. Warm-Up Jog up and around by the basketball court and into the shelter. Perform a little Hot Spot-esque feng shui (again, I’ll wait…) with the tables to make room for the Thang. [Read More]