9/7/2017 Callahan, Coney, Goose, Parker, Katniss, Water Wings, (unknown), Smokey, Pet Sounds, Pickles, Disco Duck, Term Paper, Snots, Sosa, Chanticleer, Ma Bell, Dreamliner, Beaner, Earhart, Joe Smith, Angry Elf, Half, Coxswain There weren’t many TTs on TTT but there were 24 PAX that showed up to be lead by Coxswain with a quick start promptly at 5:45 over to the bank for warm-up. Warm-up: This began with 15 Good mornings signaled in true Coxswain fashion with “STROKE! [Read More]

Dreamin' of DangerZone

YHC/QIC rolled up to Danger Zone to see 13 men awaiting in the Gloom. True Gloom too: moderately dense fog settling over the men and the shovel flag, and mild cool brisk air. I really needed to consult with one of the site Qs, but alas, there was no sight Q in site. Burt exclaimed he was an old site Q and offered his guidance. I was unsure if he utilized the adjective “old” meaning ‘former’ or ‘age’, but nonetheless I absolutely declined any guidance from Burt. [Read More]

Kings of the Hill

8/28/17: 64 degrees, limited humidity, 29 men for a little hill work this AM. Flag planted at the gate. One FNG. Forgot my cape and boxing gloves. We are off to the ball field parking lot for a warm up. Warm Up GMs x 10 (you’re welcome Nature Boy) SSHs x 52 Jog over to the top of the grass hill under the power lines 5 Burpees, OYO Mosey to the bottom of the hill Thang 1 [Read More]

The Death Parking Lots

9/5/2017 This was a co-Q with Free bird and Nature Boy today at FOD. Driving into the Q it was apparent we were really close to a full moon, so hopes were high. Upon further review, it was only 99% full on a waxing gibbous. (Full moon on September 6th) I don’t pretend to know anything about the phases of the moon but I knew if that was my intro, some useful facts may be beneficial. [Read More]

What's a celebration merkin?

With Yogi on the sideline (rest well sweet Prince) the run-and-gun (hold on that run) duo of Hello Kitty and Pierogi were the next men up to lead an All-American beat down at Danger Zone. Warmup: Kitty led the PAX for a warmup lap around the pickle at a noticeably low-slow tempo. Circle up in honor of the 10-year anniversary of the Mighty Mountaineers defeating the #5 ranked Michigan Wolverines IN THE FRIGGIN’ BIG HOUSE, 34-32: [Read More]

More Burpees Than Planned

PAX: 19 (FNG Lite-Brite) Excited to hit up some BO this morning. YHC has been on the low low when it comes to Q-ing so I’m happy to get back in the game. With all of the new AOs the opportunity to lead a workout can only increase! So just as my Twitter #PB announced I arrived at 0530 for some #TTT. Stretched for quite a bit before the next cars mosey’d onto the lot. [Read More]

Play Like A Champion Today

When: 8/29/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Bagger, Biner, Crimson, Franklin, GTL, Hello Kitty, Katniss, Nature Boy, PBX, Shut-in, Sooey, Side Saddle(FNG), Sour Mash, Napster, Parker, Snots, Sooner, Water Wings, Goose, Bogo, PetSounds With the previous day’s Burt-al beatdown and EC YHC was in no shape to run… Fragile status lately with a string of injuries. Hell to grow old. YHC was shocked to learn while Q shopping for the week that he had the Q at FOD the next day. [Read More]

A little while back...

8/7/17: YHC led 25 men on a glorious, clear morning at the Apex Community Park. As usual, the gate was close so the PAX began to gather on the sidewalk while Hopspot frantically searched for the morning’s Q. Have no fear Hopspot, YHC was only stretching. 1 Minute warning goes out, no FNGs (insert frowning emoticon face), no disclaimer, wrist clock strikes 0545 hours and the PAX is off. Warm-Up [Read More]

Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Tube Man

It was a surprisingly, yet welcome, coolish morning as 25 super-studs gathered up at Apex Nature Park. YHC was making my way around the PAX for the customary hand-shakes, fish bumps and, in today’s case, one FNG disclaimer. Glancing at the watch, it was 05:44:45. Let’s get after it. No time for 1 minute warning. Let’s get to work! First exercise is… Warm-up Salute merkins x 15 IC facing the shovel flag. [Read More]

Eclipse Phenomena

30 stallions rolled up to Field of Dreams all abuzz about the event of the century yesterday. Of course, I’m referring to the eclipse which evoked all kinds of emotions in humans and weird behavior in animals. What weird things would it cause at FoD? 0545: Pleasantries over. Listen up! Warm-up First exercise is the standard Merkin x 15 IC Jog (mix of regular and backwards) up to upper parking lot by the Thomas Brooks entrance and circle up for [Read More]