Hill of Dreams

11 gathered at FOD this morning, 9 were anxiously wondering who was the Q. Franklin and YHC were the only in the know. With discussion of a Beaker, Hi-Liter and YHC tri- Q, it was not to be. Already planned more than we would get to. Let’s go!!! Warm-up. Jog around the parking lot and circle up for: 20 SSH, 10 GMs, 20 PJs, 10 IW, 20 Mountain Climbers, 2pp merkins. [Read More]

Impromptu Wolverine Fun

Humid. Monday. 5:45. Circled the wagons and we are off. Warmups- Short and Sweet Couple o Laps around the parking lot…Butt Kickers, High Knees, Side Shuffles were mixed in. Circled up for Diamond Merkins15x and Hillbillies15X The Thang Formed a line for Indian runs. Left the Park and went across the street to Park Village Drive. 1/2 Mile later we end up at the park on the right. Performed 4 Corners as a group. [Read More]

This PAX is on Fire

Dow Jones wasn’t the only one that had a rough week. YHC was again bit by some sort of bug and two colleagues went down with the flu. So what better way to cap off the week than rising from the ashes at Phoenix? 20 PAX agreed and all 21 of us hit the gloom. Though rain threatened, we stayed mostly dry. A few hearty PAX ran into the AO from various destinations, working to get in some extra miles leading up to various events this Spring. [Read More]

51 is the Magic Number

There’s an ongoing Slack-o-sphere “discussion” over the #1 AO in all of Carpex. I’ll admit, YHC has stirred the pot just a bit over this one. The primary goal for the February 9, 2018 edition of Dante’s Peak was to show the glorious versatility and overall excellence of what I consider to be THE top destination for PAX of Carpex. So let’s get on with it. Solid group of HIMs (HIDAs? [Read More]

M.O.U.I.L.L.E.S.S.E.A.U.X. - The Workout

You had to know this was coming. For a week straight, we’ve been treated to a running gag concerning my last name. The Slack really does have a life of its own. Although, y’all are pretty tame compared to some of the variations I’ve seen and heard (Switch the X with a Z, drop in an N, and my all-time favorite, “Now batting, KEVIN MULLINEZZER!” - WTF?!). There’s nothing like being handed a little card right before walking to receive your diploma, the culmination of a lifetime of waaaaaaay too much schooling, asking you to phonetically spell out your name for the Dean to read (“Moo-Yay-So”), only to have her glance down, shudder, look up, her mouth moving silently, look down more earnestly, begin sweating, then look up, lean into the microphone, and say with all the confidence that only an academic trained for a lifetime to BS when all else fails could muster, “Kevin Mossalayou! [Read More]

Fly, Eagles Fly! (5 Feb 2018)

13 Hung(over)ry PAX showed up at Wolverine for holy-cow-that-was-an-amazing-Superbowl-so-GO-EAGLES beatdown. Temps were modest for January, no rain, and no last-minute additions. Somebody had to help Hi-Liter with his strap-on (Breathtaker, that is). Welcome and disclaimer to Tubeless’ Father-in-Law Dennis, and we’re off to the races. Warm up: A moderate mosey pace down to Davis Drive Middle, with a little side-shuffle left and right along the way. Circle up for 20 SSH IC, 15 mountain climber IC, 15 plank jacks IC, 15 merkins IC. [Read More]

Infinity and Beyond

Happy to be back heading up #TeamFOD this morning. 13 more pax decided to as well. Looked like 5 enjoyed a new signature EC run in as well. We aren’t all blessed to have AOs within running distance to our houses, people. (At least you don’t do like some pax, whom shall remain nameless, and make them run to you and name the EC run that you only half partake in after yourself. [Read More]

Snitches Get Stiches

When: January 30, 2018 AO: FOD QIC: Biner Arrived at FOD Tuesday morning to see the Cary police questioning several PAX. Nantan arrived and handled the situation. Read the rest of the story on the carpex-news channel. Warm Up One lap around the parking lot and across the road to the soccer field parking lot. 10 good mornings followed by 7 or 8 dirty birds*. *shuffle in place, Q calls “turn” - turn right then back and keep shuffling Q calls 2nd “turn” - turn left then back and keep shuffling, Q calls “down” - hit the ground and back up and keep shuffling, Q calls “jump” - jump and keep shuffling. [Read More]

Flying BLIMPS, Double Dora

First off, I just want to thank Half for getting a wicked sty so I could quickly snag a last second Q! You’re the man! (get well soon) Secondly, I want to thank Goose and Sky Blue for welcoming YHC with open arms this morning. Their hospitality is unbeaten. It really, truly is the greatest AO in northwest Cary on Thursdays! My last Q was about 6 weeks ago. I’ve been itching to lead again, but never took the time to actually open the Q sheets to sign up. [Read More]

Bloody Super Blue Mother Ruckers

Last week at Flying Circus, Biner was giddy with excitement over the arrival of a new ruck. Where to break it in? Camelot? Nah, ’tis a silly place. 4 PAX decided to oblige him at SNS. We couldn’t have picked a better morning for it: clear skies, a giant full moon turning to red as the Earth’s shadow passed over…oh, and a balmy 17F of chill in your face. Somehow, hauling 35# through the gloom, mixing in some PT, and I’m pretty sure none of us noticed the chill. [Read More]