Missed Shots and Merkins

Field of Dreams. The name just conjures up so many positive thoughts. YHC has spent a lot of time in this park, not related to F3. Many baseball and softball games have been played/coached/umpired out here. And it’s a great site to move around and travel. So we’re going to do a low mileage, core-heavy, sorta March Madness themed workout. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, and disclaimer. Do a mosey lap around the parking lots. [Read More]

PHAT Tuesday

22 brave men and 2 brave dogs assembled in beautiful downtown Cary on the most glorious evening of the year. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot in front of Page Walker, past the pocket park, to the parking lot next to the tracks and circle up for various warm-up exercises. I think one of them was burpees. The Thang Mosey safely across the street to the little hill behind the Chamber of Commerce for 7&7. [Read More]

Bear with me...

33 degrees, gloom, and a light mist greeted the men at Gran Torino today, and didn’t that was the weather that got FNG Back Porch out to his first post…at a High Tempo bootcamp. After a short mosey, we got loose with a pretty standard workflow of side-straddle hops, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, hillbillies, and treadwindmills. Down the stretch we formed up into two lines for a bear run: back runner overtakes the leader, and after each cycle of runners drop to 10 bear crawls in cadence, twice around the double field. [Read More]

A Pickle-y Good Time

A baker’s dozen collected at the flag at 0530 for a moist adventure through some of the finest pickles on the POGL side of Carpex. Disclaimer given, first exercise is Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the church entrance and circle up. Standard warm up consisting of SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Burpees just because, Standard Merkins, Runners stretch, calf stretch, and Steve Earles. Pickle Thangs At the parking lot adjacent to the school, we run the various pickles that we are blessed to have. [Read More]

"Shaping up to be an okay Q"

Those are the generous words Snots shared as we wrapped up our last weights rep on this tour of the plenty that Green Mile has to offer. The day started off perfectly gloomy with mist making it hard to see anything. After a nice warm-up with some high knees, jump skip, butt kicker, and karaoke intervals on the way, we made our way down to the greenway. We started off with a signature move–the over-complicated competition that was hard to understand: the “corn-hole burpee relay”. [Read More]

The Pain of Victory

YHC generally likes to plan a pattern or theme to Q’s to aid in poor memory and develop some flow within the workout. Today’s inspiration cam from Monday nights College Football National Championship game. A high scoring game with some ok decently suited acronyms laid the ground work for an Q. But I couldn’t remember the order of scoring and TD vs FG so I arrived at Hot for Teacher a little early with some sidewalk chalk in hand to sketch out my weinke along the path. [Read More]


On Monday this week, Slim Shady made me a deal that if I Qed Lion’s Den, he would go ahead and get on the Q sheet for Wild Wild West. So here we are. I had thought about just running back last week’s Back In Black Q, but that seemed like cheating and then the M decided last night was a good time to take down the Christmas decorations, so I never did get a chance to put the thought I wanted to into the plan, but BLIMPS was close enough to last week so there it was. [Read More]

Is That Your Pickle? (or are you just happy to see me???)

Respect week. The GREATEST WEEK OF THE YEAR in carpex f3. The excitement was palpable at Salem Pond Park on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Several did an EC run, there were 2 for EC Shred and 2 more for EC pull-ups. After Hermes finished reading the obituaries, we got all 24!!! guys to start out with the Pledge. There was a little mini-disclaimer beforehand, but it was likely not heard due to the intense MC centering around bad old people jokes. [Read More]

Double Nickels for the Triple Nickel

I had originally signed up to Q Half Dome a few weeks ago but had to postpone so I was excited for my first Q here. Usually the hunting grounds of the beige bro tribe, they were nowhere to be found this rainy Thursday. But what we did have was a small and mighty group who came to work. And work they would do. Warm-Up We splished and a splashed our way down Castalia to the second calming circle for a couple of warm-up exercises to, of course, include merkins. [Read More]

50 is the new...

In celebration of YHC turning into a “Respect” — I was joined by 14 others, starting with call for FNG’s, and a very short disclaimer on F3. Turn to the flag for The Pledge Mozy to BB Court for warm up: Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio Arm Circles Overhead Clap Good Mornings Thang 1: Mozy to the stairs & count off “ 1’s & 2’s” Round 1 1’s run the pickle, down the path and up the stairs while 2’s did merkins. [Read More]