2nd Annual Bacon Run

With the Tobacco Road Half and Full Marathon approaching, the pax joined for what has quickly become an annual tradition… well at least for this second year in-a-row… a long ATT run followed by top-notch fellowship in the parking lot centered around the all-time champion of breakfast meats, BACON. Distances varied between 5-16 (based on YHC’s count), with the majority of pax locking in on that 10-mile distance. Dang near purrfect with the race coming up in 10 days. [Read More]

Clowning Around the Track in the Gloom

Date: 2/28/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Flying-Circus PAX: Badlands, Beaker, Biner, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Kilmer, Lawn Dart, Nature Boy, Silverback, Sky Blue, Trike, WWW, Warm-up: GM (You can’t have a great day without a good morning), hamstring stretches, calf stretches with some CFMs x5 for each leg, Sir Fazios. We mosey top the track for some clowning around. Thang 1: 4 pain stations strategically stationed around the track (backward run btw stations) [Read More]

The weirdest workout I have been to so far

"The weirdest workout I have been to so far" - Biner Today 15 HIM's took their DRP and posted at Gran Torino.  YHC showed up hearing grumbles about "will he even show" despite being 5 minutes early.  This is Carpex after all, we pre-funk every workout unless you are doing EC. Starting off the workout with 3 minutes to reinstate the mission, do the pledge of allegiance, and making sure disclaimers were said, it was obvious they PAX were doubting the beatdown would live up to the High Tempo workout they showed up for. [Read More]

Rocks Partner

Or rather Partner Rocks - but had to come some title and a corresponding pic. Beautiful crisp morning and we are 20 strong. Disclaimer given Warm Up Mozy through some cars to alternative parking lot SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 10 GM x 7 Merkins IC x 10 Thang 1 Partner up with and grab 1 good size rock. We stopped 4 times, with one partner doing rock work and the other an exercise, all in cadence and then swap rock [Read More]

"I was in the pool!"

13 pax braved the weather on a rainy February morning for high tempo boot camp/rucking. Actually, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. The temperature was high 40’s and the water in our socks felt quite refreshing. The workout began with a thoughtful discussion about Tic Tacs and shrinkage. Of course, any discussion about shrinkage elicited the obligatory George Constanza reference. By 6:15, we had approximately 3.25 miles on our GPS watches. [Read More]


The weather this morning reflected my mood to a T. It was rainy, dreary. A slight wind took whatever moisture was on our clothing and used it to sink its chill deep into our bones. A real jerk move, wind. The evening prior I had hoped that maybe the weather forecast was wrong. After all, the weather experts/enthusiasts only gave it a 60% chance of raining from 0630 to 0730. Alas, I resigned myself to the fact that we were going to get wet and cold. [Read More]

Ascending BLIMPS...not a theme

As the pax gathered, I was still driving to the AO, I’m assuming there was pleasant conversation had by all. I popped out of my chariot and announced 1 minute, turned out closer to 15 seconds. We are off on a warm up run to the fire station. Warmups are a disaster, a car came, my cadence was apparently terrible, whatever, we did SSH/Merkins/Hill Billys/Good Mornings…on to the thang: Ascending light pole B. [Read More]

R-O-C-K in the F-o-D

This is my rock, there are many like it, but this one if mine… …my rock is my best friend, it is my life, I must master it like I master my life… …w_ithout me, my rock is useless, without my rock, I am useless._ After a two-week, work-related hiatus, it was great to be back in the gloom this morning. Particularly when it is at the finest AO in West Cary on a Tuesday morning – Field of Dreams. [Read More]

Murph 4 of 19 in 2019


  • 10 HIM for the 4th of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at Wolverine.
  • 8 for Coffee at Crema (post Murph)
  • Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at flag.

  • Run around the traffic circle, circle up for a few GM, WM, Merkins, Stretches.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph (to the track and complete two laps).
  • Run two laps, then back to the flag.



Murph 4 of 19 in 2019


  • 10 HIM for the fourth of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at Wolverine.
  • 10 for Coffee at Crema (post Murph)
  • Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at flag.

  • Run around the traffic circle, circle up for a few GM, WM, Merkins, Stretches.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph (to the track and complete two laps).
  • Run back to the flag.
