Ode to Memorial Day 2018

53 strong came out to the Memorial Day Convergence in 2018 at the Field of Dreams site. Many of of those 53 will tell you the first thing that comes to mind when they recall that workout are the battle scars they bear on their elbows left behind from one particular exercise. In the past year I’ve only seen that exercise called one other time and it wasn’t warmly received then either. [Read More]

Why Murph

“In an interview, Daniel Murphy said that he was not surprised to learn about his son’s actions. ‘What Maureen and I always worried about was that he would put himself in danger to help someone else, which turned out to be true,’ he said. " If you’re not familiar with the story of Micheal Murphy and his final heroic acts that ultimately cost him his life I invite you click below: https://www. [Read More]

Always Be Blimpin'

EC runners: YHC, Old Maid & Chanticleer Ruckers: Build-a-Bear, Banjo, Skipper, Ezekiel 0530 off we go. Skip Pledge of Allegiance, get stern look from Biner, run around the parking lot back to flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance, receive a friendly grunt from Biner, circle up. **Warm Up **Good Morning, Windmill, SSH Run out to street and partner up for a little Suicide-Style B.L.I.M.P.S. **Thang One **P1 runs 3 light poles ahead and turns around. [Read More]

Celebrating May 24th…on May 23rd

It was another glorious morning at the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday. While scrambling for a theme last night, I decided it would be fun to quiz the PAX on holidays, history and birthdays that occurred on May 24th. The only problem was, by the time we started our quiz this morning, I was quickly informed that today was not May 24th, but rather May 23rd. Details, details. [Read More]

Lt. Danger reporting for duty

A balmy 71 degrees this morning did not scare off several EC runners including YHC, Largemouth, Michelob, Chanticleer, Chipper, Ooofta & Staubach. All familiar faces this morning, so off we go for a little traveling warm up around the lake. Stopping a few times for Good Mornings & Windmills, then again for Imperial Walkers and SSH, then again for Mnt. Climbers and Merkins. Final stop was the start of the bridge where we walked on our hands (feet on top of bridge) across to the other side. [Read More]

17,884 days down; 1 to go.

What a great morning! We had EC runners & ruckers; ME boot campers, ruckers, stretchers and rehabbers; 2 FNGs; visitor from New Bern; and a wide spectrum of guys who have been with Carpex from its earliest days to those who have been posting for just a few days. As it was stated often today, “Who has it better than us?” On the eve of my 49th birthday, it’s safe to say that I am in the best physical, emotional and mental shape I’ve been, in a long time. [Read More]

Gran Torino @ Gran Torino...so meta

With a penchant for movie themed Qs and an AO named after a movie, it was only a matter of time…with a cooler full of PBRs and a dollop or two of gray hair coloring hair clay the scene was set. As I enjoyed a pre workout beverage whilst scowling in my lawn chair the Pax and ECers arrived. They looked excited. After the pledge, we took off, I muttered a disclaimer (no one gave me a disclaimer before shipping off to Korea). [Read More]

Should ya shoulders

QIC - Pet Sounds Date - 5/14/2019 PAX: bogo, pigeon, pivot, franklin, swag, one direction, bad lands, beaker, claven, geek squad, PBX, Ma Bell, Biner, Pet Sounds not much running when the shoulders needed work warm up brought to you from Mtn View Cali field work , skips (3ways) side step (2 ways) B2W should taps lap grab rock worked in 21s, rows, press, ext, with rock crawl and 2 more sets of b2w [Read More]

From Sea to Shining... Forest?

Coming from a quick meeting with my Shield Lock had me rolling in hot at 0528. Hi-Liter gives me the 2:07 warning. A healthy crowd awaited eager to sweat out the weekend of indulgence in the name of honoring the mothers in our lives. Props to all the HIMs out there who lifted up their Ms this weekend. That Most important relationship in our lives is often the one who imparts to our 2. [Read More]

Disco Duck Rinse & Repeat 22 - Double Down (More Burpees)

AO: Rush Hour Date: 5/7/19 PAX: Biner, Disco Duck, Kermit, Theismann, WWW, Skipper (Ruck), O’douls (EC run) As a personal goal, I try to post atleast 4-6 times a week. My 2019 goal is to Q atleast once a week. This week was a busy week for me due to work commitments so I had to double down on Tuesday (FWD & RH). Disco Duck Q’d FWD; hence, the meaning for the BB title. [Read More]