This Sucked But We Saved Some Kittens

14 pax gathered at the den of the lion with no FNGs and we are off (2 runners joined us for COT) Brief mosey followed by basic warm up of SSH, Hillbillies and Sir Fazios (to get shoulders loosened up for merkins). 1, no make it 3 penalty burpees for the late arrival of Tramp Stamp. 1-18 David Goggins style merkins meandering through the myriad of parking areas ending up on Town Side Drive. [Read More]

3-and-a-half out of 5 stars

A glorious morn to disturb the peace, wake the dead, and get stronger in clear, 50-degree weather. 13 HIMs, including 1 FNG, so after a quick disclaimer and pledge, moseyed to the back of the church parking lot for warmup. Warm up Don Quixotes, IC, x10 Sir Fazio forwards, IC, x10 High knees, IC, x10, with arms outheld from SFs Seal clap, IC, x10 Sir Fazio backwards, IC, x10 Butt kicks, IC, x10, with arms outheld from SFs Cadence run-in-place, IC, x20 Plank jacks, IC, x10 Calf stretch, 10s each Thang 1 - Disturb the Park in groups of 3 After a quick tour of Jones park, divide into groups of 3. [Read More]

Double Duty

51 is a lot different than 50 was last year. Just the situation - we are now back to getting after it in groups in the gloom. On April 15, 2020, we’d officially shut down group workouts. But one thing I wanted to keep the same. Do a Murph on my birthday. The day started with a run into Bounty Hunters, which depending on the route I choose is right about 3 miles. [Read More]

Acid for the Children

Roll up with 90 seconds to spare. Plenty of time to put the sneakers on and maybe even lace them up! No shovel flag? No bother. Just pledge to the tallest shovel flag in all of CARPEx over the fire station next door. Mosey over for Warmup in the gravel lot that is the Apex Farmer’s Market. Warm-up Let’s start slow to give me time to come up with something. What’s nice and easy and requires no brain cells? [Read More]

DTP Changing of the Guard

AO: Disturbing the Peace Q: YHC Even with the haze of pollen in the air, it was perfect weather in the gloom so the numbers remained high at the best AO in all of Carpex. YHC studied and recited the F3 Mission for hours prior to the post so it rolled off the tongue effortlessly to kickoff the workout, next we did the pledge of allegiance and off we went. [Read More]

Don't call Bulgarian Splits Squats with Steaks in the house....

You’ll have to keep reading to find out why the title is what it is! Good news for you is that this will be a quick read! A thin crowd was coming together for F3 as the FIA ladies collected – they outnumbered us by 3 or 4X! I guess the spring break excuse only applies to the men of F3…. ’nouf said. 6 men started the session with our mission & the pledge. [Read More]

Disney Dreams in Bond Park

9 PAX plus Press On’s pooch gathered at Phoenix for YHC’s 1 year anniversary. As the family is huge fans of Disney I figured we’d do an appropriately themed tour. Clear and ~40 degrees or so. Torpedo commented this is the first time this year he’s started an F3 workout in the daylight…a beautiful one indeed. Warmup Goofy Good Mornings x5 – on a whim, counted with a GAWRSH which all enjoyed… [Read More]

Quickies by St. Mary's

It’s late and it’s been a long week already but today’s Lion’s Den participants deserve a BB. Even if it’s a quick one. After all, everyone today demonstrated that, when asked, they can be very very quick. Warm-up GM, IW, Sir Fazio, HB, Overhead Claps, SSH Thangs First, mosey to the bottom of the sets of hills to the North (or West) of St Mary’s. Been here before. These hills are short and sweet. [Read More]

Told Y'all There'd Be Hills

Preamble Thought I never actually saw it there, I swear Build-A-Bear had put me on the Q sheet for 3/8. But there I was scheduled for 3/1. One of y’all mophos is playing some shenanigans. But you got to get up mighty early in the morning to fool Ma Bell! Play your little games. As YHC enjoyed a refreshing beverage and a cigar, I formulated a plan. A plan that involved hills. [Read More]

Moving on to Plan E

Have I told you how sick I am of cold, rainy weather? Luckily today we were expecting highs to get into the 60s. With sunshine. WITH SUNSHINE!!! However this morning, it was still 30s and the ground was wet from rain we’ve had in the past 1,231 hours. Six for EC run of about 3 miles. Return to the flag, and I initially thought I was in the wrong place. Maybe I should post at DTP a little more often - apparently it’s now the place to be in Downtown Apex on Tuesdays at 0530. [Read More]