The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

Virgin Fields

FOD was my first Carpex Post and so is VQ now. A few fist bumps with PAX, Words of encouragement and support, butterflies in the stomach settling down. 31 Strong for this VQ No FNG’s present. Disclaimer is given. After the Pledge of Allegiance Warm-Up Mosey up the pickle, across the street to the shelter parking lot around the back island and circle up for 10 X Side Straddle Hops IC 10 X Windmills IC 10 X Fazio C X 2 IC 10 X Overhead Claps IC 10 X Good morning IC [Read More]

The Deplorables

As a reverse psychology trick, YHC posted in the Slack “deploring” PAX who were skeered of work not to come to Flying Circus. 17 of the strongest PAX in NW Cary showed up. 17 of whom I apparently deplore. Of course I meant to “implore” the skeeredy cats not to come. But whatever. 0545 rolled around and what happened next went something like this: Warm-Up Jog around the gate and down the stairs to the high jump pad at the near end of the football field on what is the finest warmup area in all of NW Cary on a Thursday morning, followed by the worst circle up in the history of F3. [Read More]

Prop-less. Vanilla.

Forget bananas, sprinkles, waffle cones, sauces (chocolate, caramel, or Nutella). Not even whipped cream or a cherry. Just a 2.5 gallon bucket of store-brand vanilla. After Parker needled me yesterday at Wolverine for bringing the sled (“I shouldn’t have been surprised that there was a sled hidden in the dark-er part of the AO, you always use props”…or something like that), I decided today would be just me, the PAX, and the AO. [Read More]

Tractor Pull

In the several years that I have been doing this thing we affectionately call a cult F3, one of its best features is how it thrusts you into such close proximity to some pretty remarkable men. Showing up day after day to this cult fellowship is the embodiment of the adage that if you want to be successful, identify successful people and follow their examples. Think about it, no other region that I’ve posted in (just Churham) even comes close to the number of kick-a$$ respects we host on any random weekday. [Read More]

Carpex Crud?

Waking up to a DM that the scheduled Q was out sick today, YHC couldn’t help but wonder if this was some kind of new site Q hazing ritual. But upon hearing that Kryptonite suffered from the same affliction, perhaps it’s possible that the Carpex Crud has returned. Better wait on that picnic for a few weeks. In any event YHC was somewhat concerned that my co-site Q would struggle coming up with a themed workout and associated props in 30 minutes, so I decided to step up and give it a go on short notice. [Read More]

A Day That Will Live In Infamy

Word Count: Two of Burt’s morning “ablutions” When Hello Kitty put out the call for someone to cover DZ I was on-the-fence about taking it. It was Theismann’s birthday Q week and there had been abysmal turnout the previous four days–maybe 2 or 3 people on average and only those because they couldn’t get a spot in a clown car to another AO. But then after agonizing over it for a while I remembered great Q’s have to make hard choices so I decided to sacrifice Theismann’s feelings for the greater good. [Read More]

Slow. DOWN.

Occasionally, I like to sit on my porch and tell the kids (and defecating dogs) to stay off my lawn, to complain about the weather, reminisce about walking to school, upAndy, in the snow, both ways, and to yell at the cars to SLOW DOWN. That was the genesis of this workout. And, like almost any old man story, that is completely false. I actually realized about 1/7th of the way through Ma Bells ridiculous Hindenberg workout at FOD (the OG of Tuesday Carpex AOs) that my form was becoming exceedingly sloppy and rushed. [Read More]

How Not to Win Friends & Influence People

Someone mentioned to me last week that I had the Q this week at FOD. I had not remembered that. It would have been super embarrassing to travel across CarPEX Nation and miss a Q at FOD. I mean, who does that? Anyway, given this is the OG Tuesday AO in CarPEX, I wanted to bring it. Nobody splashed but the level of hatred thrown my way leads YHC to the following conclusion: mission accomplished. [Read More]

Rain Dance for Flo

Hurricane’s a-comin’… calves are burning… maybe we do want a little bit of rain! No FNGs, Follow Me! Head out the road on which we came in, stopping to give time for Scarecrow to catch up for Good Mornings. Continue to the intersection for 10 Penalty Burpees OYO, followed by Imperial Walkers. Turn left toward the schools, stopping at the next intersection (pickle) for Windmills, Calf Stretches, and Standard Merkins. [Read More]